Chapter 480 One Room!

As soon as the words came out, Fu's mother regretted it, which was simply self-inflicted.

In an instant, the servant's eyes on Fu's mother changed, becoming very contemptuous and disdainful.

"This thing should belong to my family?" Shu Yao fiddled with the jewelry box and closed it with a snap.

Mother Fu swallowed her saliva, her eyes became extremely unnatural, but she was still staring at the box of shining jewelry.

Fu's father couldn't stand it any longer, and wanted to drag Fu's mother directly, "Let's go!"

"What, I don't have anything yet..." Mother Fu was unwilling.

After pulling, Fu's mother shook her hand violently. Fu's father was already in poor health, and was thrown away unexpectedly.

He staggered two steps back, slipped on the sole of his foot, fell down the steps, and fell to the ground!
Fu's father fell to the ground with pain on his face, his vision gradually began to blur, and he heard someone calling him.

"Ouch, old man!"

When Fu's mother saw Fu's father like this, she was terrified.

"Brother Jiu?" Shu Yao didn't like it, so she pulled Qin Jiuxiao.

Originally, Qin Jiuxiao didn't want to meddle in other people's business. After all, it was Fu's mother who committed the crime herself, and it was just retribution for the people around her to suffer.

But when Shu Yao spoke, he didn't mind extending his hand. Although he didn't study medicine professionally, he had studied medicine after all.

Fu's mother rushed up, trying to pull up Fu's father who fell unconscious on the ground, but was pulled away by Shu Yao.

"Get up!" Shu Yao pulled Fu's mother away.

Mother Fu became furious, and said, "What are you doing? He's fainted, why don't you hurry up and help him up."

Shu Yao has learned some medical knowledge for filming, and people who don't understand after the wounded can't just move to the wounded.

Shu Yao didn't bother to argue with Fu's mother at all, she signaled her servants to hold Fu's mother, and ordered calmly.

"call the ambulance."

Not long after, under Shu Yao's arrangement, Father Fu was taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

What's ridiculous is that at the last moment of getting into the ambulance, Fu's mother was still reluctant to part with the jewelry. It seemed that Fu's father was not as important as her box of jewelry.

After dealing with these, the night was thick, and the people at the banquet gradually dispersed, leaving only a few scattered people.

The servants began to clean up the mess after the carnival in the manor. Shu Yao walked in from the door, and her graceful figure attracted the attention of countless servants.

"Look, this is our future eldest lady."

"Is this the young lady?"

"It seems to be much stronger than the previous one. The accident just now was very calm and courageous."

"Isn't it! Look, she looks so much like the woman on the painting in the master's study."

All of a sudden there were discussions against Shu Yao, but Shu Yao turned a deaf ear to them, and did not stop those people, everyone was curious.

She returned to the hall. There were many servants going up and down the stairs in the hall, and everyone walked out with something in their hands.

If you want jewelry downstairs, do you want jewelry upstairs?

Shu Yao frowned, looked at the man beside her and asked, "What is this for?"


Qin Jiuxiao took a look, and quickly realized that there was a little amusement in his eyes.

"It was Uncle Shen who emptied it for you, leaving your room."

Shu Yao was startled, and ran up quickly.

Qin Jiuxiao looked helpless, Shu Yao really had a big heart, if she ran like this, if she was not careful...

"Yaoyao, slow down."

Shu Yao paused, turned around and smiled at Qin Jiuxiao, "I don't care."

She ran upstairs again and saw the servants coming and going in and out of the master bedroom on the second floor, so she walked over to take a look.

Sure enough, as Qin Jiuxiao said, those servants were the bedrooms where Shu Murou lived before they were evacuated.

"This..." Shu Yao was slightly surprised.

Because the room was not only emptied, but even other places were demolished, and the paint was repainted with other colors.

The inside of the room was empty and completely new.

At this moment, Shen Qingyun appeared from upstairs, wearing a dark blue silk nightgown.

"Little Jiu, Yaoyao."

While speaking, Shen Qingyun caught a glimpse of the jewelry box in Shu Yao's hand, and he recognized it.

That box of jewelry belongs to the family's business, and it is almost a high-end item that only insiders can buy. He gave it to Shu Murou.

"What is Yaoyao holding in her hand?" Shen Qingyun asked.

She was still holding the box of jewelry in her hand, and Qin Jiuxiao couldn't help being curious, because Shu Yao was not someone who cared so much about these things.

Shu Yao lowered her head, glanced at the jewelry box in her hand, and she handed it out.

Shu Yao didn't explain too much, just said, "I'll give it back to you."

"This..." Shen Qingyun was a little surprised, but still took it.

Shen Qingyun does not lack the money for such a box of jewelry, although it is expensive, he does not lack it.

To Shen Qingyun, the things given out were just like Qin Jiuxiaohua's, some trivial and pleasing toys.

Shen Qingyun didn't know much about Shu Yao. He didn't know what Shu Yao liked or what his personality was like.

But with Qin Jiuxiao here, she shouldn't be short of money.

Why is this again?
"Yaoyao, wait..."

"Uncle, can I ask why?"

Shu Yao was taken aback, she didn't expect Shen Qingyun to ask so bluntly, "Because it's yours."

Shen Qingyun nodded, "It's mine..."

Before Shen Qingyun finished speaking, Shu Yao lowered her eyes slightly, pursed her lips and spoke again.

"Since it's yours, I'll give it to you. Don't let these good things go cheap to the bad people." Shu Yao looked away uncomfortably.

Hearing this, Shen Qingyun was slightly taken aback.

It turned out to be like this, a slight smile appeared on Shen Qingyun's lips unconsciously.

this girl...

Could it be that he was saving money for himself?

Even a penny should not be taken away by outsiders.

Seeing that Shu Yao turned to leave, Shen Qingyun hurriedly said, "Yaoyao, it's getting late, you should stay at home for the night."

"No." Shu Yao glanced at the demolished bedroom and shook her head.

It feels like I just met each other, even though Shu Yao and Shen Qingyun have met before, she still feels a little uncomfortable.

Although Shu Yao is also full of curiosity about this uncle, maybe she can learn about her mother from him, but——

It's too awkward, she's not used to Shen Qingyun's overwhelming kindness to her.

"The manor is so big, there are plenty of rooms, Yaoyao can..."

"No, I'll go back with Brother Jiu!"

The moment Shu Yao was seen through, she was a little embarrassed, turned around and grabbed Qin Jiuxiao, and asked for help in a low voice, "Help me quickly."

"My car broke down, so I'll stay here tonight." Qin Jiuxiao lied without thinking about it.

Shu Yao's eyes widened suddenly, she still looked so cute.



The big liar!
Obviously as long as Qin Jiuxiao gives an order, there will be plenty of cars!
Shen Qingyun glanced at Qin Jiuxiao and smiled slightly, "In this case, I'll ask my servants to prepare a room."

That's all, Shen Qingyun will leave immediately, without giving Shu Yao any chance to refuse.

Afterwards, Shu Yao could only watch Shen Qingyun leave, and watch the servant come to lead her way.

After being introduced to the master bedroom on the other floor, Shu Yao found that Qin Jiuxiao was also by her side.

"Why are you following me?" Shu Yao subconsciously asked.

Qin Jiuxiao smiled slightly, reminiscent of the innocence of when he lost his memory, "Didn't uncle say to prepare a room?"

"Uncle said..."

"A room?!"

Shu Yao reacted belatedly, a tender red spread from her neck.

(End of this chapter)

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