Chapter 482 Family
The two of them had a tacit understanding in this regard, and they stopped the topic just now by coincidence.

"Why don't you sleep so late?"

It was Cofilo who came. She was wearing a light yellow nightgown, and her blond hair hung down her shoulders, which was indescribably gorgeous and noble.

Seeing that Qin Jiuxiao was there, Cofilo signaled slightly, "Xiao Jiu."

After all, Cofilo was not polite, and directly snatched the goblet from Shen Qingyun's hand, and put it heavily on the table.

The force was so great that the glass made a slamming sound when it hit the table, expressing Cofilo's current displeasure.

Shen Qingyun was startled, and then heard Kefilo speak angrily.

"Are you afraid that the injury is not serious enough?"

She was obviously forced to leave the hospital for Shu Murou's wedding, and now she doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, and she has to go back for a follow-up visit tomorrow.

It's about time, and I'm still drinking here.

Cofilo was so angry that he couldn't help it no matter how good-tempered he was, "Are you afraid that you won't die soon enough?"

Cofilo was born in a noble family, so he doesn't speak harsh words, and he is very straightforward when he scolds others.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry." Shen Qingyun stood up, trying to appease Cofilo.

Cofilo didn't mind that Qin Jiuxiao was there, and shook off Shen Qingyun's hand, "There's no need to follow, you can sleep here at night."

After saying that, Cofilo turned around and left neatly.

When passing by Qin Jiuxiao's side, Cofilo changed into that gentle and warm look again, and smiled softly.

"Xiao Jiu, let Yun Rong come over tomorrow, and let the family have a meal." Cofilo patted Qin Jiuxiao on the shoulder and said warmly.

Qin Jiuxiao was still a bit mean to his mother's friend, so he nodded slightly.

"Yes, Aunt Cofilo."

"Good night, I hope you and Shu Yao have a good dream."

Being gentle to others, but only to Shen Qingyun, Kefilo didn't look good, and left with his nightgown.

After Kefilo left, Shen Qingyun showed a bit of embarrassment, always feeling like this in front of juniors, inexplicably ashamed.


Shen Qingyun had to show weakness and compromise, but that was Kefilo.

"Cough." Shen Qingyun coughed a few times in embarrassment.

Cofilo was really angry just now, it didn't seem like a joke, maybe he really wanted to sleep in the living room.

If Kofilo sees that he is not sleeping in the living room tomorrow, he will probably continue to be angry again.

Seeing this, Qin Jiuxiao also put down the half-filled red wine glass.

In his usually undulating voice, there was a rare hidden smile.

"The owner, sleep well in the living room..."

"I'll go back first, if Yaoyao wakes up in the middle of the night and doesn't see me, I will be anxious."

Maybe I will go back to the room and hug my wife to sleep, but you can only sleep on the sofa in the living room.


On the second day, in the early morning, at the Qin family's private hospital.

"Hey, did uncle and aunt have a fight?"

Aisa chased Shen Qingyun to ask, but Shen Qingyun turned a deaf ear and walked straight in.

Because Kefiluo obviously accompanied him this morning, and asked Shen Qingyun to check it alone, and the two soldiers went in two ways.

She curled her lips, feeling bored, "If you don't say it, then don't say it."

In fact, Aisa wanted to use the aggressive method, but he didn't expect Shen Qingyun to really not take the bait, so he planned to say it.

"Oh, uncle—" Aisa was still curious and chased after him.

But Shen Qingyun stopped suddenly, Aisa didn't stop the car, and bumped straight into it.

However, the reason why Shen Qingyun was so stiff was because the doctor who examined Shen Qingyun today was Shu Nanxun.

Shu Nanxun is the adult's child and Shu Yao's elder brother, no wonder Shen Qingyun suddenly—

"You're late." Shu Nanxun glanced at his watch and signaled him to come over.

During the speech, he was still very indifferent to Shen Qingyun, showing a slight alienation, as if he didn't know the relationship between them at all.

Shen Qingyun seemed a little disappointed, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, it's troublesome."

"You're welcome, you paid for it." Shu Nanxun was still as venomous as ever, without any politeness.

Hearing this, Shen Qingyun was even more disappointed with the naked eye.


"go out."

Shu Nanxun came over and slammed the door of the ward.

Aisa was blocked outside the door. She wanted to say something, but when the inspection started, she had no choice but to stay outside the door and wait.

After a while, Cofilo, who was going for a prenatal checkup, also came over.

"Aunt Jiang!" Aisa shouted happily.

Kefilo was still following Jiang Yunrong, but Jiang Yunrong was still not very interested, she just nodded lightly.

Since Qin Siwen's death, Jiang Yunrong seemed to have lost his vitality, like a puppet.

Not only that, Jiang Yunrong also resigned as the Queen's designer of the Ross family, because she can no longer create designs.

This matter was overheard by Aisa.


At this time, the door of the ward was opened again.

It was Shu Nanxun who opened the door, and he still didn't say anything good, "The test result is okay, and he can't die easily."

"Nan Xun." Jiang Yunrong frowned slightly, reminding him.

Why Shu Nanxun didn't care about Shen Qingyun and Jiang Yunrong, but Kefilo was also there.

Shu Nanxun didn't respond, but said, "Master, I'm leaving first."

Cofilo also seemed a little surprised. Because of Shu Murou, they had many misunderstandings about Shu Yao, and they thought Shu Yao was the one who was difficult to deal with.

But now it seems that Shu Yao is not, but Shu Nan Xun is.

"Let him go." Shen Qingyun also came out from the inside, and said lightly.

Shu Nan Xun's reluctance is also reasonable.

Aisa felt even more unbelievable, and blurted out, "Hey! Big ice cube! You were obviously not like this that day!"

"Shut up." Shu Nanxun suddenly realized what she wanted to say, and said coldly.

But Aisa is not such an obedient person, the more she talks about it, the more rebellious she becomes, not to mention that is a good thing in the first place.

"You obviously care so much about uncle, why are you pretending to ignore him now?"

"I brought my uncle to the hospital that day, and you were the most anxious person."

Aisa still remembered Shu Nanxun's face that day, at least not as calm as it is now, and even more flustered than her.


"Besides, uncle's blood supply was insufficient that day. It was your blood transfusion. You transfused your own blood to uncle!"

"Now you're pretending to be cold, why?"

Since Shu Nanxun was willing to do this for Shen Qingyun, he obviously cared.

Hearing this, except for the insider Jiang Yunrong, everyone was taken aback.

Shu Nanxun's expression changed suddenly, and he shouted angrily, "Enough!"

Aisha was startled and shut up.

But Shu Nanxun just ground his teeth, he took off his glasses and put them on again tiredly, as if he was calming down.

Then, without saying anything, he turned around and left without looking back.

Shen Qingyun was silent, chased forward a few steps and still couldn't catch up, even though Shu Nanxun's figure disappeared in front of his eyes.

"Forget it, let him be quiet." Cofilo also stepped forward and comforted him in a gentle voice.

Shen Qingyun nodded, "Yes, I am sorry for them, and they should treat me no matter what."

Cofilo looked thoughtfully at the direction Shu Nanxun left, but she wasn't that worried.

Because Shu Yao and Shu Nan Xun are so much alike...

All of them are hard-spoken and soft-hearted.

(End of this chapter)

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