After being reborn, she became the palm of a big boss

Chapter 486 Jiang Yunrong's Regret

Chapter 486 Jiang Yunrong's Regret
When he came back to his senses, Shu Nanxun saw that Shu Yao was still staring at him, with a look of cautious confirmation.

Thinking of the absurd bet that Elder Qin mentioned, he frowned, and his tone was a little bit bad.

"Go ahead, what are you still doing?"

Shu Yao secretly smiled, of course she knew that Shu Nanxun was worried about herself, but she was not angry.


"I'm leaving?"

This time Shu Nan Xun didn't even raise his eyes, Shu Yao turned and left the consultation room, planning to go to Jiang Yunrong.

But as soon as she went out, she collided with someone who came, she turned her head and bumped into the person in front of the door fiercely, subconsciously wanted to touch her forehead in pain.

But someone came faster than her, raised his hand and rubbed her bumped forehead.

"Why are you so reckless?" The man's voice was full of helplessness.

Shu Yao raised her eyes and bumped into Qin Jiuxiao's eyes that were as forgiving and deep as the sea. She was lost in thought for a while, and said in a dull voice, "Why are you here?"

"Accompany you."

"I'm not a three-year-old!"

Shu Yao couldn't laugh or cry, but there was no smile in the man's eyes, and he looked at her very seriously.

"It's really not a three-year-old child." Qin Jiuxiao evaluated objectively, but suddenly smiled, "But it's not too bad."

He grabbed Shu Yao's hand and led Shu Yao to the elevator entrance familiarly.

Shu Yao froze for a moment but was dragged away without the slightest precaution. She was surprised that Qin Jiuxiao was so familiar with the road.

Oh, she forgot, this hospital was opened by Qin Siwen, in other words, Qin Jiuxiao's.

"Where are you going? Do you want me to accompany you to see a doctor?" Shu Yao asked ignorantly.

Qin Jiuxiao suddenly appeared like this, and suddenly took her away...

She just couldn't figure it out.

"Accompany you."

"Accompany me?"

It wasn't until Shu Yao was brought to the Department of Obstetrics and Children by Qin Jiuxiao that Shu Yao finally realized what it meant to accompany her to see a doctor.

In the consulting room, Jiang Yunrong got ready early, as if he had expected it long ago, and it was no surprise that they appeared here.

"Here we come." Jiang Yunrong greeted Shu Yao in with a smile, and then glanced at Qin Jiuxiao behind her.

Shu Yao didn't miss this glance, she saw it clearly.

Jiang Yunrong simply registered with Shu Yao, and said something pointedly.

"I have children, and the father doesn't care at all. How can this be?"

When Qin Jiuxiao heard this, his eyes changed, and he said slowly, "Got it."

"Mom..." Shu Yao called weakly.

She is not so delicate!And I didn't plan to come here for a pregnancy test!

Shu Yao's rebuttal is invalid, Jiang Yunrong still maintains a superior attitude and does not allow anyone to question it.

Shu Yao didn't dare to speak anymore, knowing that it was Jiang Yunrong who was beating Qin Jiuxiao, and it was very likely that Qin Jiuxiao's sudden appearance was also called over.

She couldn't laugh or cry, why did Qin Jiuxiao have to accompany her for such a trivial matter, just for a prenatal checkup.

"Okay, let's come to the special session, there are no instruments here." Jiang Yunrong stood up and patted Shu Yao.

After finishing a set of series, Shu Yao felt like a marionette, she would do what Jiang Yunrong said.

After the whole journey, the only thing Shu Yao could understand was what was displayed on the screen of the detector, a thing that could not see the outline...

Is that their child?

"Okay, it's almost there, no problem."

"Don't make fun of yourself anymore, you are not alone."

At the end of the inspection, Jiang Yunrong breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was completely settled down, so he couldn't help but began to give instructions.

Shu Yao nodded like a pounding garlic, and said, "I know."

Qin Jiuxiao could only be by his side during the whole journey, isn't this a waste of time?
Shu Yao couldn't help but glanced at Qin Jiuxiao quietly, but saw that Qin Jiuxiao listened to the instructions more seriously than herself.

She was slightly surprised, but calmly restrained her emotions.

In the end, Jiang Yunrong relaxed slightly, took Shu Yao's hand, and instructed her carefully.

"Xiao Jiu is also the first time he cares so much about a person. If you neglect something, just say it."

Shu Yao was taken aback, then hurriedly said, "He didn't, he treated me very well!"

Afraid that Jiang Yunrong would say something again, Shu Yao spoke hastily, but forgot that Qin Jiuxiao was there.

"Is it really good? Is it reasonable to let you come to the hospital alone?" Jiang Yunrong felt bad.

Subconsciously, Shu Yao wanted to raise Qin Jiuxiao's argument, and lost her usual sense of propriety, "Brother Jiu is the best person in the world to me."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Shu Yao reacted belatedly, and blushed suddenly.

Even Jiang Yunrong was amused by Shu Yao's words, "Is he that good?"

"I..." Shu Yao pursed her lips.

Qin Jiuxiao's thin lips parted slightly, and there were slight ripples in those eyes that usually could not make any waves, deep and gentle.

He answered for Shu Yao, "It's not that good."

Shu Yao felt her face was very hot, she didn't speak any more, and she unconsciously clenched her hands on her knees.

She lowered her eyes slightly, her face was rosy, and she looked more beautiful than the flowers blooming by the window.

Jiang Yunrong glanced at Qin Jiuxiao, her little Jiu really found a treasure.

"Okay, let's go back if there's nothing else, let Shu Yao have a good rest." Jiang Yunrong said warmly.

Shu Yao raised her head again, remembering Cofilo's instructions, "That's right! Mom, my aunt invited you over for dinner, will you come?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yunrong paused slightly.

Thinking of Shen Qingyun, she couldn't help but think of that night——

The day Qin Siwen died.

"Come, of course, you go back first, I'll be there later." Jiang Yunrong calmed down a little, and said lightly.

Shu Yao knew that it was a knot in Jiang Yunrong's heart. As a junior, she didn't want to talk too much about it.

Seeing Shu Yao like this, Jiang Yunrong didn't want to embarrass Shu Yao, so he had to speak again.

"Okay, go back quickly, I will go."

That's all, Shu Yao turned around and left with Qin Jiuxiao.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Jiang Yunrong couldn't recover for a long time, until they disappeared completely, and tasted bitterness in his mouth.

She came back to herself suddenly, raised her hand to touch her face, and touched the warm liquid.

Really miss, she really miss Qin Siwen.


After walking out of the hospital, Shu Yao felt like turning her head twice at every step, and the joy in her eyes also faded.

Qin Jiuxiao couldn't hold back his curiosity. He wanted to know everything about Shu Yao, so he asked.

"What's the matter?" Qin Jiuxiao saw that Shu Yao didn't seem to want to leave just like that, so he said.

Shu Yao pursed her lips and said hesitantly, "Mom, she..."

Shu Yao didn't know what to say, because no one knew better than her the regret of not being able to consummate in time.

Shu Yao still remembers the remorse and unwillingness she felt before she died, and she still feels sad about the illusion she had with Qin Jiuxiao in her previous life.

Let alone Jiang Yunrong?

She has no chance to come back and can only live with regret.

"But people can't be resurrected after death, so what can I do?" Shu Yao twitched her lips, feeling a little disappointed.

I tried my best to save everything, knowing what happened in my previous life, but in the end, I still couldn't stop the regret from happening.

Because Qin Siwen didn't die in the previous life, and Shu Yao never thought that Qin Siwen would die, it was not in her plan.

Qin Siwen died so suddenly, so without warning.

For a moment, Shu Yao wondered, did she come back from rebirth, destroy and change something, which led to Qin Siwen's death?
(End of this chapter)

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