Chapter 494 Scary?
Shu Murou couldn't believe that Shen Qingyun, who was so gentle to herself, was so cruel.

She covered her beaten face in a daze, and tasted blood in her mouth.

Shu Murou was stunned, where did she suffer so much, and burst into tears, "Family, Patriarch?"

It hurts so much, the place where she was beaten is burning hot, even in the orphanage Shu Murou has never been bullied.

She has always been the only one who bullies others, but being locked up here, she has to bow her head.

Waiting for her to go out--

Do everything possible to make Shen Qingyun look good!

"I don't know how to repent." Shen Qingyun commented coldly.

It is because of the mistake at the beginning that there is no way to make up for the big mistake that has been made now.

If Shu Yao was not by his side, he would have almost lost the chance to recognize his sister's real child, but he has already lost his best friend Jiang Yunrong.

Qin Siwen's death, not to mention Jiang Yunrong, even Shen Qingyun himself could not forgive himself.

As the person in charge of the research and development of this drug, if the drug was really delivered that day, Qin Siwen would probably survive.

But he didn't, because of his misidentification, but also because of his paranoia.

"What I'm telling is the truth. I was forced. I don't know anything." Sensing the danger, Shu Murou cried and begged.

Feeling that Shen Qingyun's arrival was too sudden and weird, Shu Murou was a little scared.

She didn't know if she could still go out. Is Fu Jingzhen looking for her now?
Shen Qingyun just sneered, looking at her miserable appearance, "It doesn't matter if you don't know, you can go out soon."

"Really, really?" Shu Murou didn't expect this day to come so soon.

But after thinking about it, no, how could Shen Qingyun let himself go so easily.

"Really, of course it's true. Uncle never lied to you about your request, did he?" Shen Qingyun said mockingly.

He snapped his fingers, and then servants poured in from outside.

Two or three servants stepped forward and pressed Shu Murou directly. While Shu Murou was struggling, she saw another maid came in with a tray.

She felt bad, "Patriarch, Patriarch, I know I was wrong! I was wrong, please forgive me!"

"Forgive? Can I get back what you lost if I forgive you?" Shen Qingyun asked back.

Of course Shu Murou knew she couldn't, but she was terrified now, and Shen Qingyun's state looked as if she wanted to eat her.

She didn't know where she offended Shen Qingyun——

Obviously it wasn't too bad after being locked in, but today it seems to be different.

"What? I will return everything I can." Shu Murou begged.

Shen Qingyun raised her lips and said, "Shu Yao's suffering, her lost reputation..."

Shu Yao, it's Shu Yao again!
Shu Murou still gritted her teeth with hatred, why should Shu Yao be born to enjoy all the wonderful things, she deserves to die, she should have had enough.

But she still endured it, and said repeatedly, "I will apologize to my sister, I will."

"It's too late, it's too late."

"No, no! My sister will definitely forgive me!"

Hearing this sentence, Shen Qingyun laughed heartily.

"In order to rule out this possibility, and in order not to dirty Yaoyao's hands, I won't let her see you."

"Where do people like you come from, and go back there."

Bedbug in the gutter, go back to where she belongs.

When Shu Murou heard that she seemed to have been sentenced, she immediately burst into tears.

Shen Qingyun was unmoved, and retreated outside, letting people from outside come in to make a better start.

Shu Murou was held down, and she was still wearing the wedding dress when she was taken away. It was expensive and luxurious, but it was ruined and worthless.

The servant pinched her jaw, pinched her mouth open, and watched the servant pour some medicine.

The servant didn't let go until Shu Murou swallowed it completely.

The moment Shu Murou was able to catch her breath, she immediately got up and wanted to spit out what she had swallowed, but it was too late.

"no no!"

Finding that she couldn't vomit, Shu Murou rushed towards the servant like crazy, but because she was trapped, she could only struggle on the spot.

Her cries filled the empty room and surrounded the cellar.

"Patriarch, please let me go, let me go, for the sake of calling you uncle so many times..."

"We, we got along too."

Shu Murou's throat hurt like burning, she had a bad feeling and crawled towards Shen Qingyun.

"Do I still have to thank you?" Shen Qingyun laughed as if he was watching something funny.

He really couldn't help applauding this scene, the anger that had nowhere to vent finally found joy from Shu Murou.

If it wasn't for Shu Murou, he wouldn't have misunderstood him, and he wouldn't have caused Jiang Yunrong to lose Qin Siwen, so they wouldn't have been so stiff.

The friends who talked about everything before can't even sit together now.

Previously, he dreamed of finding his sister's orphan, and wanted to treat her with all his heart, but he gave her all his sincerity by mistake, and it hurt her a lot.

Until now, Shu Nanxun was unwilling to forgive him and admit him.

All these things are all thanks to Shu Murou!
Shen Qingyun turned and left, Shu Murou even crawled and rolled, trying to grab Shen Qingyun's clothes, but couldn't.


How kind he could be to Shu Murou back then, how cruel he can be now.

Shen Qingyun showed no mercy, behind him was Shu Murou crying in despair, he turned around and left, closing the secret room.


"It's here!"

Seeing the figure not far away, Cofilo breathed a sigh of relief, she thought Shen Qingyun was also disappearing in a fit of pique.

It turned out that she was here to play golf, and she stepped forward with the hem of her skirt.

"Where did you go?" Cofilo came to Shen Qingyun and grabbed the cue from him.

Shen Qingyun watched Kefilo's eyes change slightly, and said warmly, "Isn't this playing golf?"

Seeing Shen Qingyun relaxed, with a smile in his eyes, Kofilo became furious.

She sent Jiang Yunrong away, fearing that Shen Qingyun would be hungry, so she made a new dinner for Shen Qingyun with her own hands, only to find that he had disappeared.

"Is your injury healed? What kind of golf do you play? I thought you were angry after eating like this..."

"Shu Yao is in a hurry, are you really so big that you don't have any idea!"

Shen Qingyun grabbed her hand that was about to slap him, and coaxed, "Okay, okay, I was wrong."

"It's dark and playing golf, can you still see?" Cofilo suddenly realized something was wrong.

Does he have something to hide from himself?

Shen Qingyun looked very relaxed, and explained, "I'm not here to test the feel, I haven't even touched the hot cue."

Cofilo didn't notice anything unusual, and Shen Qingyun's explanation made sense. She felt relieved, maybe she was thinking too much.

"It's fine, don't suddenly disappear and scare people."

She just breathed a sigh of relief, but the person in front of her suddenly stretched out her hand and moved her forward, which startled her.

But Shen Qingyun is Cofilo's husband, she has no objection, but was surprised by Shen Qingyun's sudden action.

Shen Qingyun smiled lowly and approached her, "Am I scary?"

"Stop messing around, I've heated up your favorite dish." Cofilo blushed slightly as he crashed into the man's arms.

Shen Qingyun smiled slightly, and let go obediently, but his hand was still on Cofilo's waist, and he carried her back with her.

(End of this chapter)

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