The actor is a genius

Chapter 103 Antecedents

Chapter 103 Antecedents
The two met at a party. Nan Yixuan was very popular, and there were many people in the circle who were interested in him. When Shen Tunan chatted with her, he always mentioned Nan Yixuan, so Mo Qi was very fond of him. He paid more attention.

It is inevitable that some accidents will happen when beautiful men and women get together. When Mo Qi woke up, she found Nan Yixuan lying beside her. She was not too surprised. This kind of thing is nothing more than alcohol. People should have a tacit understanding with each other about this kind of thing.

At that time, Mo Qi was rather complacent about eating the sweet pastry in the circle, so when Nan Yixuan proposed to try to date, he agreed.

The following period of time was also really sweet, but the development of things finally exceeded Mo Qi's expectations.

"So, what are you dissatisfied with? My family's cabbages are all spoiled by you, so can't you treat him well? Why do you want to break up again?"

Listening to the story Mo Qi told, Shen Tunan struggled to suppress his temper, even though he was his sister, it was too inappropriate for someone to be such a scumbag.

"Everyone is very happy to play together, but he is too serious, he has planned a lot seriously, and he said that he wants to make his relationship public. I am afraid. Although he is popular, after all, his debut time is still short. Relying on the fans, you know better than me what his fans are like. Once he announces his love affair, how those people will react, they will definitely turn off fans on a large scale, not to mention that there is such a big gap between me and him, what will they do? Speaking of him, just imagining it is already scary, and I can't ruin his career because of me.

Besides, I'm not sure whether I can withstand the pressure after the disclosure. Maybe I will vent the pressure on me from the outside world on him. In this way, he will not only have to face the pressure from the outside world, but also spend time and energy to bear my pressure. , I don't want things to develop like that.

He is still so young, and it is the rising period of his career. Even if fans can accept his relationship and say blessings, they are all very sober when they pay. "

Mo Qi sighed, and expressed all her worries and worries. She thought about it for a long time and a lot. In fact, separation is the best choice. She has already accepted this result, but she just heard Nan Yixuan She couldn't help being sad when she said those words herself.

Shen Tunan also fell silent after hearing these words. From Mo Qi's point of view, what she said was not wrong, and it was indeed for the good of Nan Yixuan, but is this kind of good really good?
"You obviously like him that much."

"No, I don't like him that much."

Mo Qi shook her head, the two of them have only been together for a few months, how deep their relationship can be, not to mention that they were originally like a game when they were together, maybe they didn't have any sincerity at the beginning.

"There is a joke saying that the first second they saw him, they had already considered which kindergarten their children would go to. Your situation is similar. If you really don't like him, why would you think so much about the future. Yours Have you spoken to him about these concerns?"

"I told him what to do. He's just a kid. He doesn't think about the consequences of what he does. He just wants to be happy for a while. His temper will sometimes be disadvantaged in the future."

Mo Qi shook his head, Nan Yixuan was young after all, he did everything from the heart, he was very free and easy, but he was always somewhat reckless.

(End of this chapter)

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