The actor is a genius

Chapter 138 With whom?

Chapter 138 With whom?
The enthusiasm of the fans is immeasurable. Among the fans of both sides who are torn apart every day, a wave of CP fans quickly grew because of a group photo. The biggest reason is that the two people's appearances are very good, so they are very happy. This pair of CPs full of glass slag.

"The photo has been repaired, do you want to see it?"

Xu Ranzhi ignored Shen Tunan's words, but reached out to pick up the computer on the table and went back to the room.

As soon as Shen Tunan heard what he said, she immediately ran to the room, and tonight she will be able to reveal whether she is honored to have a boyfriend who can take pictures.

Xu Ranzhi put the computer on the table at the end of the bed, and Shen Tunan lay on the bed and stared at the computer page with his chin propped on his hands. Xu Ranzhi glanced at her, and then lay down in the same posture as her.

Clicking on a picture that was repaired during the day, Shen Tunan's eyes immediately lit up. The picture is very beautiful, revealing a sense of tranquility. Because the light is dim, her figure in the picture is hazy, but the outline is very clear. She is placed in the picture. Quietly full of mystery.

"Wow, you really learned, I thought you were fooling me?"

Shen Tunan was very pleasantly surprised when looking at the photo, she leaned over to touch the mouse to read the next chapter, Xu Ranzhi raised a hand for her, and hugged her easily.

Shen Tunan carefully flipped through the photos, while Xu Ranzhi's gaze had already shifted from the computer to Shen Tunan. The two were so close that he could clearly smell the aroma of the shower gel on Shen Tunan's body , Xu Ranzhi looked at Shen Tunan seriously, and couldn't help but feel a little dry.


Shen Tunan turned his head to talk to Xu Ranzhi, but he was stunned after saying a word, the two were too close and she almost touched her cheek as soon as she turned her head, Xu Ranzhi's eyes were a little too hot, Shen Tu Nan is not a three-year-old child, so he naturally understands the meaning in that look.

"What are you doing at night?"

Shen Tunan wanted to back away, but Xu Ranzhi turned over and pressed her under him.

"I think,"

"Don't think about it."

After Xu Ranzhi said two words, Shen Tunan covered his mouth.

Xu Ranzhi pushed Shen Tunan's hand away, and looked at her with aggrieved eyes. He tried this trick time and again.

"Go take a shower, I have to work tomorrow, I'm going to bed."

Shen Tunan shrank back and was about to run away, but was pulled back by Xu Ranzhi.

"Then it's okay to kiss twice."

Xu Ranzhi made a concession, and kissed Shen Tunan without waiting for Shen Tunan's answer. This time the kiss was more passionate than ever, but after all, he didn't indulge him too much.

There was the sound of water in the bathroom, and Shen Tunan looked at it in a daze. She couldn't help sniffing it up to her nose. Fortunately, it was full of the rose fragrance of the hand cream.

After Xu Ranzhi took a shower, he moved closer to Shen Tunan, and Shen Tunan kicked him aside, took a pillow and threw it between the two of them.

"Just sleep like this today."

"I'm already 27. It's normal. If I hadn't become an actor, maybe children would be able to play soy sauce by now."

Xu Ranzhi glanced aggrieved at the pillow placed in the middle, when the two of them are always together, they can't help themselves.

"Who are you going to live with?"

When Shen Tunan heard Xu Ranzhi say "children", he immediately glared at him. At this time, he still wants to have children with others, scumbag! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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