Chapter 143
Shen Tunan posted on Weibo and put her phone aside to continue studying the students' materials. Next week's filming will basically be done in the practice room. She will teach them all the dances for the assessment, one class at a time Teaching is actually quite tiring. Shen Tunan intends to focus on teaching those with weak foundations, so as not to let them perform too badly.

After a busy day, Shen Tunan went to bed quite early. In the middle of the night, she suddenly felt a severe stomachache. She touched the wall and entered the bathroom, and immediately began to have diarrhea.

Xu Ranzhi fell asleep in a daze, turned over and wanted to hug Shen Tunan but was in vain, he woke up suddenly, heard movement in the bathroom, Xu Ranzhi ran over, stood at the door and knocked He knocked on the door and asked worriedly, "How are you, are you okay?"

Shen Tunan had a severe stomachache and was sweating profusely. Hearing Xu Ranzhi's voice at this moment, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

"Xu Ranzhi, are you here to beat me? After eating the food you cooked, I'm going to die!!!"

"How are you, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"I have to go too. I can't get up now. I have Dr. Li on my phone. That's my personal doctor. Call her and ask her to come to my house and describe my situation to her. .”

Shen Tunan clutched her stomach and yelled weakly to the door. She felt that she was really ashamed today.

"it is good."

Xu Ranzhi agreed and went back to the room. Shen Tunan's cell phone was placed on the table, and the password was his birthday. Xu Ranzhi quickly found Dr. Li's phone and dialed it.

It was already midnight, and the phone rang for a while before answering. After explaining the situation to the other party, Dr. Li said that he would come over soon.

After Xu Ranzhi made the phone call, Shen Tunan walked out holding onto the wall. Her legs were already weak and she had no strength left. Xu Ranzhi hurried forward and hugged her horizontally.

Shen Tunan's face was pale, his face was full of sweat, his lips were bloodless, and he looked quite serious.

"Drink some salt water, don't get dehydrated."

Carrying Shen Tunan back to the bed, Xu Ranzhi made a cup of light salt water and came over. Shen Tunan drank it reluctantly and felt a little more comfortable, but he was still very weak.

Dr. Li came very quickly, and after examining Shen Tunan, he put her on water. Shen Tunan's symptoms were not serious, and she would recover after hanging up the water and resting for two days.

"It's just that my stomach is ruined by eating, and I don't have a fever. I have a good rest recently, don't work too hard, and don't eat too greasy things."

Dr. Li packed up his things and prepared to leave. Now he can sleep for a while when he goes back.

"Thank you, Dr. Li, for disturbing you at such a late hour. If you don't dislike it, you can sleep at my house for one night. It's not convenient to go back so late."

Shen Tunan gained some strength, and her complexion improved a little. She looked at Dr. Li gratefully. Dr. Li was the only one who was willing to see her in the middle of the night.

"No, I'll just go back to sleep. Tell me if you feel uncomfortable. You can rest at home these two days. Don't be too tired. You have been losing weight recently. Your body is already weak. Take a good rest for two days , You can pull out this bottle of water after hanging it up, and I’ll show you tomorrow.”

Dr. Li explained a few words and left. As soon as she left, Shen Tunan immediately glared at Xu Ranzhi.

"I'm going to record a show the day after tomorrow, what do you think?"

Two episodes of "Speed ​​​​Idol" have been recorded. They were recorded together, but they were divided into two episodes due to the length of the broadcast. Shen Tunan will record the third episode the day after tomorrow. At the end of the second episode, she There is a stage show with Nan Yixuan, which is the next teaching content. The students need to quickly digest the stage. The instructors will score each student according to their performance. In addition, the top ten students with the highest scores will have additional formal stage performance opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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