The actor is a genius

Chapter 146 Modeling

Chapter 146 Modeling
Shen Tunan not only took pictures of the cover of the icon family, but also the cover of the April issue, and she took a lot of inside pages, but because they were all taken in advance, the styling still continued her previous style. Only the styling of the icon side has She has made a breakthrough, and her image is quite different from her previous issues, so the cover of the icon is more topical.

Shen Tunan brushed through the comments of netizens, and reached out to scratch her hair. She seemed to be lucky after dyeing her hair. Maybe gold is her lucky color.

Shen Tunan thought so, when he heard the sound of closing the door outside, it should be that Xu Ranzhi came back. Lisa said that she asked Xu Ranzhi to change his look, and it should be done now. Shen Tunan asked him to send a message Take a look at the photos, but Xu Ranzhi refused.

"You're back, come and show me."

Shen Tunan shouted to the outside, Xu Ranzhi opened the door and came in with a slightly awkward expression.

Xu Ranzhi dyed his hair blue, and the hairstyle is also the popular hairstyle of idols nowadays. It is slightly curly, with love bangs, and eye makeup, which is brown. It elongates his eyebrows and eyes, adding some evil spirit.


Looking at Xu Ranzhi, Shen Tunan couldn't help laughing. She felt that she and Xu Ranzhi could make a non-mainstream couple together, but Xu Ranzhi was good-looking and could hold any look. Today's set Also great.

"Is it strange?"

Xu Ranzhi touched his hair uncomfortably. In fact, he himself is not used to it. He hasn't dyed his hair for a long time. When he was in a mess, he only dyed brown and yellow, which are more common colors. The hair colors of the men's team are so rich now, his skin is so fair that his stylist almost dyed his hair pink.

Xu Ranzhi struggled for a long time before he got a dark blue color for himself. It looks more like black when there is no light, and it is a more acceptable hair color for him.

Xu Ranzhi has had contact with Nan Yixuan several times. Nan Yixuan's appearance in "Speed ​​​​Idol" is also quite exaggerated, but his style has always been like this, full of young people's flamboyant personality.

"No, it's like seeing the old you again. Come on, Mr. Xu, you have to behave well."

Shen Tunan made a gesture of cheering, Xu Ranzhi stood there with a smirk, and the indifference in his body naturally disappeared.

Because there was going to be an opening show, Xu Ranzhi went to run in with the backup dancers in advance. When Xu Ranzhi arrived at the base, the news spread immediately. The students were all very excited. They were all girls in their 20s. The children had no resistance, and they were very pleasantly surprised to see Nan Yixuan. This time, Xu Ranzhi came again. Although they didn't know what happened, it didn't affect their cheering.

"Is it really Teacher Xu? He's in the practice room next door. Shall we go and have a look?"

The girls who like Xu Ranzhi are planning to have a chance encounter. When they are not recording the program, the life of the trainees is quite free. Apart from not being able to leave or play with their mobile phones, they can move freely in the base, so when they heard about Xu Ranzhi Here they are, they all want to go over and have a look.

"It's not good. I don't know what Teacher Xu is doing here. Will we disturb him if we rush over?"

The more sensible girls were a little hesitant. The recording of the program had just started not long ago, and they were not yet familiar with the four instructors, let alone Xu Ranzhi, who was always known for his indifference.

"What else can you do here? I heard that he is going to replace Shen Tunan as a tutor. I think Mr. Xu is much better than Shen Tunan. Shen Tunan is putting on airs, and his words are particularly annoying."

A girl whispered to her little sister that she was complained about by Shen Tunan when she was first on the stage, so she felt resentful in her heart, and she had never liked Shen Tunan, and she always felt that she was a total actor without a brain The female stars of idol dramas are not worthy of being mentors at all.

(End of this chapter)

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