The actor is a genius

Chapter 160 The character is gone

Chapter 160 The character is gone
"I'm not here to make money, look at this."

Pei Xuan shook his head, and handed over the ipad in his hand. The MV of "Long Journey" was on the ipad.

Nie Rong glanced at Pei Xuan with some doubts, but he clicked on it and finished watching the MV.

4 minutes is not too long, the story of the mv is cut very full, clearly presenting the emotional line between the two.

"What benefit did that kid Xu Ranzhi give you? You want to help him like this?"

After watching the MV, Nie Rong looked up at Pei Xuan. Some time ago when Xu Ranzhi came to audition, the two spent all day studying photography together, as if they were attending photography training. Now they are holding each other's The MV is here, doesn't it make it clear that you want to open the back door?
"What can he give me, don't worry about these messes, just tell me how the acting is, whether it's suitable or not, if it's not suitable, I can show it to you, didn't you like him before, you Look at him not only looks good in ancient costumes, but also plays well, isn't it very suitable?"

Nie Rong took a look at his old buddy, who was very aggressive, and he slandered him for taking advantage of Xu Ranzhi.

"The acting is pretty good. It should be blackened in the later stage. There are not too many changes in the costumes, but the changes in the temperament of the eyes are quite obvious, and it really fits."

Nie Rong went back to look at it a few more times, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt it was appropriate.

"How about it, should we give him a chance? This kid has been working hard all these years. He is very popular and has won a lot of awards. The only thing missing is a heavyweight award. We haven't been in the limelight for a long time."

Pei Xuan smiled, reached out and patted Nie Rong on the shoulder.

Nie Rong glanced at his old friend in surprise. Pei Xuan has always been a low-key person and rarely reveals his ambitions. He seems a little too confident at the moment.

"Are you so sure and trust this kid so much?"

"I believe in you, and myself."

Nie Rong shook his head, the two looked at each other and then laughed together.

Xu Ranzhi has been resting for more than half a month. Except for Shen Tunan's replacement for two days, he only went out to shoot an advertisement once. The life of an otaku is very pleasant, but occasionally he is a bit boring, especially when Shen Tunan goes out to work and he is alone. at home.

"Ding Ling Ling Ling—"

Xu Ranzhi was playing a game when his cell phone rang, and it was Bai Hua's call, so he quickly answered it.

As soon as the phone was connected, the other end didn't speak immediately. This somewhat dull tone made Xu Ranzhi have a bad feeling.

"What's wrong? Did my character fly?"

Bai Hua didn't speak, Xu Ranzhi asked directly. The only thing that can make Bai Hua feel embarrassed recently is Nie Rong's new play. They have been fighting for this play for a long time, and it is the most important thing in the near future.

"It seems that Qin Chu has already received the contract. They will buy a wave of announcements recently, and they will probably step on you. The role you fought for together was won by him, so you have to brag about it. "

Bai Hua sighed, sometimes things can only depend on God's will.

"They can buy whatever drafts they want. Just don't overturn the car. If you step on me today, you may be stepped back by me tomorrow. Don't worry about it. Since this character is gone, let's see if there are others. suits my role."

Xu Ranzhi didn't care too much, he is not a superstar, and it's not yet time for him to choose a script randomly, since he has no fate with this play, he just finds another one who has fate.

"It's best if you can think like this. Then Qin Chu is just average. This time he is lucky."

Bai Hua was still a little reconciled, in terms of acting skills, popularity, and awards, Xu Ranzhi was far behind Qin Chu by a large margin, and it was really inexplicable that he lost this time.

(End of this chapter)

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