The actor is a genius

Chapter 162 Visit

Chapter 162 Visit
As soon as the contract was signed, Qin Chu immediately began to send out drafts, obviously to congratulate Qin Chu for having the opportunity to cooperate with director Nie Rong, but in secret, they stomped on Xu Ranzhi, and most of them satirized Xu Ranzhi His acting skills were not as good as Qin Chu's, so he failed the audition, and his appearance and acting skills all overwhelmed Xu Ranzhi.

Xu Ranzhi's fans have been Buddhists for a long time, but recently Xu Ranzhi is having a lot of fun, the talent show is also on, and the song is also released, which ignites the enthusiasm of the fans again. Hei didn't scold the other party, he just made a comparison chart of the performance of the two parties and posted it, trampling the other party to death without saying a word.

At this time, Xu, the center of the vortex of the war, had already boarded the plane to F City. He was wearing a blindfold to catch up on sleep on the plane. Bai Hua was sitting next to him. I heard that Director Nie Rong asked him to go again. A bold guess came up in her heart, even though she was already too excited just to guess, if it was really what she thought, then they could perform a big comeback for Qin Chu.

Because it was just a guess, Bai Hua didn't mention it to Xu Ranzhi. If she guessed wrong, it would make Xu Ranzhi happy again.

But it's not that Bai Hua didn't do nothing. After learning the news, she asked the publicity team to write the manuscript in advance. If it's what she thought, she could immediately post a counterattack.

Xu Ranzhi slept soundly and didn't wake up until the plane landed. He sent a message to Shen Tunan as soon as he got off the plane to report his safety, but Shen Tunan didn't reply, apparently he was at work.

"Hey, 24 Xiao is a good boyfriend, and you can still report to me at any time."

Bai Hua looked at Xu Ranzhi, and couldn't help laughing. He and Shen Tunan had been together for a long time, but he didn't expect to be so tired.

"Oh, it's okay not to report, but I'm happy to tell her."

Xu Ranzhi smiled and stuffed the phone into his pocket, and the two took a taxi to Director Nie Rong's house. Director Nie Rong's house was a bit far from the airport, and it took almost two hours in a taxi to arrive. Obviously, Director Nie Rong had already called After saying hello, the security guard directly opened the door to let him go. He got out of the car and walked in the last time he came.

Director Nie Rong's house has a large courtyard, outside is a garden, there is a swimming pool and woods, a retro villa is hidden among the shade of flowers and trees, it is very quiet, Xu Ranzhi and Bai Hua walked in after getting off the car.

The nanny took them to the study room, the door opened and Pei Xuan was there, Xu Ranzhi greeted them and handed them the prepared gifts.

When he came to F city, Xu Ranzhi naturally prepared a gift from Pei Xuan. He originally planned to pay a special visit to Pei Xuan after leaving Nie Rong's place. Since he was there, he gave it together.

"Formalism, why don't you give gifts when you come? Are you worried that you won't be allowed in if you don't give gifts? Don't learn these things. Can we old people lack these things from you? But your shaved head is a It's very refreshing."

Seeing that Xu Ranzhi brought gifts, Nie Rong gave him a glare.

"It's not something expensive, it's just some small dishes made at home. The weather is getting hotter. I'm afraid you won't have a good appetite, so I brought some here for you to try."

Xu Ranzhi smiled, the side dishes were made by Aunt Chen, and they were very refreshing to serve with the meal. Xu Ranzhi originally wanted to buy some supplements, but he quickly gave up on this idea and chose simple side dishes. The well-known director Nie Rong probably has everything he needs, and he can't afford the expensive antique calligraphy and paintings, so it's better to send some small gifts to express his affection.

"I'll take the side dishes, sit down, don't be too reserved, I'm not in a good mood these two days."

Hearing that it was just an appetizer, Nie Rong raised his eyebrows involuntarily, and his expression eased a lot. He looked at Xu Ranzhi with a playful face. He asked him to come here two days late, just to see what his expression was like. .

(End of this chapter)

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