Chapter 188

"Your father, it's quite interesting."

Xu Ranzhi thought for a long time, but he really couldn't think of any suitable words. He couldn't help but think of the unified line "Her father is super fierce" when the rich second generation clarified.

"Don't pay attention to him, he just speaks fiercely. I will protect you."

Shen Tunan smiled gently at Xu Ranzhi, Xu Ranzhi couldn't help shivering, he felt that he had a long way to go.

Shen Tunan waited for a few days, but he didn't see his brother coming, so he couldn't help but feel relieved. Most likely, her brother didn't want to see her very much, so how could he obediently listen to his father's words.

Accompanying Shen Tunan to visit the performance teacher, after the two parties negotiated the price and time, Xu Ranzhi and Shen Tunan went out for a stroll, and returned home at night, and Xu Ranzhi habitually opened the door. They kiss against the wall, today is Sunday, and Aunt Chen is not here.


The two were in love with each other, when the lights in the living room suddenly turned on, both of them were startled, and turned their heads to look at the living room almost subconsciously.

At this moment, a young man who looked somewhat similar to Shen Tunan was standing there with his arms folded. He had no expression on his face. When he saw the two of them looking at him, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When Shen Tunan saw the person standing in the living room, his expression suddenly changed, and he took off his shoes and threw them over.

"Huang Mubei, you're going to scare me to death!"

Huang Mubei dodged the shoe attack very skillfully, and gave Shen Tunan a cold look.

"Do you think I want to see it, hot eyes."

"How did you get in? You didn't secretly assign the keys to my house, did you?"

Shen Tunan also took off the shoe on the other foot, and walked in quickly, as if he was going to fight Huang Mubei, Xu Ranzhi hurriedly hugged Shen Tunan's waist and held her Pulled back.

"I asked Aunt Chen to open the door for me in the morning. She said you would be back soon. I didn't expect you to come back so late."

Huang Mubei shrugged, he couldn't go out without a key, so he could only order two takeaway meals, because he was too bored, and he had been playing with his mobile phone all day.

"Did Dad ask you to come?"

Shen Tunan glared at Huang Mubei. She had almost forgotten about it since she hadn't seen him these days.

"I don't care. I was assigned to city B for school social practice. Recently, I had a fight with my dad. He stopped my card. My mom didn't dare to give me money. I didn't want to share the dormitory with them, so I came here. You live here for a week. But it seems that you can't live here."

Huang Mubei had already gone around Shen Tunan's house, the guest room was converted into a cloakroom by her, and the rest of the room was her and Aunt Chen's room, to be precise, it was their room and Aunt Chen's room.

"I'll give you money, you go out and live."

Hearing that Huang Mubei didn't come to spy on her, Shen Tunan breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out to take out his wallet.

"It's so late, where do you let him go? It's not safe for him to live outside alone. Go live with me. Anyway, my place is empty."

Xu Ranzhi hugged Shen Tunan, it was past eleven o'clock, and it was not safe for Huang Mubei, a half-old child, to go out.

"Okay, then brother, you can stay with me, I will be afraid alone."

Hearing the words, Huang Mubei immediately behaved cutely, and he grinned at Xu Ranzhi, but Xu Ranzhi couldn't help but have a weird expression, he originally meant to let Huang Mubei live in his house alone.

"Is it not possible? I'm not used to living in other people's homes alone."

Huang Mubei continued, he looked very similar to Shen Tunan, especially his eyes, he showed some aggrieved expression at the moment, Xu Ranzhi couldn't say no to it.

"Go, go, go together."

Shen Tunan rolled his eyes, he did it again, he did it again, his brother did it again.

"Sister, it's not suitable for you to live in a man's house as a girl. You should stay at home. My brother and I can go. If you insist on going, I won't promise not to talk nonsense in front of Dad."

Huang Mubei smiled cunningly, reached out and pulled Xu Ranzhi's sleeve, motioning him to lead the way.

Xu Ranzhi is an only child who has never experienced the feeling of having brothers and sisters, and now Huang Mubei is yelling at him one by one, and he is quite overwhelmed.

"Don't go too far!!!"

Shen Tunan gritted her teeth, she hated others threatening her the most.

"I'll just stay for a few days, and it won't affect you for too long. If you treat me better, I might leave early."

Huang Mubei continued to smile, Shen Tunan rolled his eyes tiredly, waved his hands and walked to his room, she didn't want the man and brother.

Seeing that Shen Tunan had given up struggling, Xu Ranzhi looked at his brother-in-law with some embarrassment, and was pulled by him before he even opened his sleeves.

"Brother, let's go."

Taking Huang Mubei home, Xu Ranzhi took out a clean quilt from the room and helped him spread it carefully, and brought out clean towels and toiletries.

"These are new, you can use them at ease, and there is a key, there is some money in this card, you take flowers, don't treat yourself badly. Clothes and shoes in the cloakroom, etc., you can wear what you like, we are about the same size , you should be able to wear them, most of them are new, and the worn ones have been cleaned and disinfected, you can wear them with confidence, and if you need anything else, feel free to contact me, my contact information is written on this note, Of course you can also find your sister."

Xu Ranzhi prepared all the things for Huang Mubei. Huang Mubei stood and watched the whole time.

"How long have you known my sister?"

Huang Mubei leaned against the wall. He was quite satisfied with Xu Ranzhi's performance. There were many scandals between Shen Tunan and Xu Ranzhi on the Internet. He had already checked Xu Ranzhi. Xu Ranzhi's background was very Clean, no messy scandals, good looks, good ability, barely considered a good partner.

"We met five or six years ago, but we got together only last year."

Asked by his brother-in-law, Xu Ranzhi answered very seriously.

"My sister is difficult to deal with. She has a personality like my father. She is a little bad. Is it hard to be with her?"

Huang Mubei continued to speak, his eyes looked up and down Xu Ranzhi, Xu Ranzhi looked better in real life than in the movie, and he was not as cold as the Internet said, since we met today, his performance has been quite warm Yes, it's not like the kind of person with a bad personality, and judging from his tolerance for himself, his temper should be a very good type, but it complements his sister quite well.

"I used to think that she has a bad personality, she loves to play pranks, and she is not gentle at all, but after getting along for a long time, she no longer feels that way. She is actually a very warm person, and her personality is very cute except for the occasional bluntness."

(End of this chapter)

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