The actor is a genius

Chapter 192 You are not suitable

Chapter 192 You are not suitable

After parking the car, the two went upstairs together. After confirming the house number, Shen Tunan knocked on the door, but it still took a long time for someone to open the door.

The door opened, and there was a thin man standing at the door. He was wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and looked a bit haggard.

"Come in, don't be disgusted with the mess at home."

Lu Yan took a look at the two of them. Shen Tunan was wearing a hat and mask and couldn't see their faces clearly. Out of politeness, he let them in.

Lu Yan's home is not too big, and the two of them followed him into the study room. The shooting equipment in the study room looked quite professional, as if it was specially used for auditions. Shen Tunan looked around, the desk was messy, There are a lot of manuscripts full of words, and some albums with storyboards, all of which are obviously written by Lu Yan.

Shen Tunan had learned a little bit about filming MVs, and she could see the mystery at a casual glance. This director Lu Yan is definitely a person with real materials, but the storyboards she saw were just drawn. The very standard.

"Take off the mask and let me see."

Lu Yan sat down in front of the table, and tidied up the messy manuscripts on the table. Lu Yan's skin was a little pale, which was caused by the kind of long-term lack of sunlight. Shen Tunan guessed that he had probably locked himself in the study recently. Write a manuscript and draw a storyboard.

Lu Yan spoke a little aggressively, and it sounds like a person who has no EQ. If he had a high EQ, he wouldn't be like this now. Shen Tunan had already prepared, but he was not angry because of his attitude, and most directors were choosing actors. In fact, this is always the attitude.

This is a buyer's market. Actors are nothing more than Chinese cabbage on the vegetable stall. Only when they are popular can they have the capital to bargain.

Shen Tunan took off her hat and mask. She didn't wear makeup today, just because wearing a hat made her hair a little slumped. After taking off her hat, she flicked it casually.

Lu Yan usually concentrates on writing scripts except for work, and doesn't know much about the current actors. When Shen Tunan took off his mask, his eyes lit up, but he frowned soon.

"You are not suitable."

Shen Tunan took off his mask and was about to audition, but Lu Yan directly came to a conclusion. Shen Tunan was stunned, unable to react for a while, what kind of approach is this director?

"Why, I haven't performed yet, how do you know I'm not suitable?"

Shen Tunan argued hard, even if Lu Yan was Director Nie's apprentice, he wouldn't be so crazy, wouldn't it be appropriate to just take a look?

When Shen Tunan got angry, his tone subconsciously became tougher. Lu Yan was startled by her and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"You are too beautiful to match my role. Although I am telling stories about the workplace, the focus is on ordinary Chinese professional women, the kind of professional women who live under the double pressure of family and work.

You don't look like someone who has suffered hardships, your eyes are shining, and all you see is the beautiful side of this world.

My character is a tired person. She has seniors and children, and is affected by various family influences at work. She is a woman who is carrying a heavy burden in her life. The light in her eyes has been wiped out by life. Cleaned up, all that remains is the faint cold light of the reflected display screen. "

Lu Yan explained to Shen Tunan, and Shen Tunan was a little happier after hearing this.

"That's no problem. I can go back and prepare. Why don't you give me some time to prepare, and we will make another appointment for the interview."

Shen Tunan thought for a while, she would definitely not be able to play the role that Lu Yan said at the moment, but given her time to prepare, she would definitely be able to do it.

"Why did you come to act in my play? I don't even know if I can finish the filming smoothly. You don't need to waste your time with me."

Shen Tunan spoke very seriously, but Lu Yan's mood was a bit complicated. Since he was preparing for this project, he has always been very unconfident. He couldn't get the investment, couldn't find all the actors, and it was unknown whether he could start the project smoothly.

"Originally, I just came here to try my luck, but after hearing your description, I think I must play this role. Because this role is very different from myself, I want to challenge and change myself. The image in the hearts of the audience, let them know that even if I abandon my beauty, I can still succeed.

And you are Director Nie's student. Director Nie would definitely not cheat me if he recommended me to come here, so I believe you will make this movie well. "

What Shen Tunan said was very confident. Nie Rong said that he would definitely not let Lu Yan's project go bad, and he would probably escort his apprentice. Shen Tunan had to work hard to seize this opportunity. .

"Thank you for believing in me so much, come to me again if you feel ready."

Lu Yan was infected by Shen Tunan's determined tone. He felt that he suddenly had some confidence, and a faint smile appeared on his pale face.

"Then it's an agreement. Before I come, the role must be reserved for me."

Shen Tunan reached out and hooked Lu Yan's finger. Lu Yan was taken aback by her action, and then smiled again. This big star is quite interesting.

After sending Shen Tunan away, Lu Yan called Nie Rong. He hadn't contacted Nie Rong for a long time. He had been in this state all these years, and he was really ashamed to face his mentor.

Shen Tunan returned to the car and also made a phone call. She called her father Huang Yaoxian.

"Dad, I want to come to the company for an internship."

As soon as the phone was connected, Shen Tunan said something directly, and Huang Yaoxian on the other end was startled when he heard her words, thinking he had misheard.

"Are you here for an internship? Have you finally lost your way in the entertainment industry?"

"Bah, bah, bah, I'm here to experience the life of a working woman. I'm preparing for a movie. Can you arrange a position for me? I want the kind of job that makes people tired."

Shen Tunan said a word, her father had been counting on her not being able to get along in the entertainment circle all day long, so maybe he was stumbling her behind.

"What do you know? Don't come here to make trouble for me. You may not be able to serve a cup of tea."

Huang Yaoxian disliked Shen Tunan's words. Shen Tunan was also spoiled and raised since she was a child. She has been praised by others since she joined the entertainment industry. Her survival skills are very poor. When she goes to the company, she can only work as a front desk. But the front desk is not the face of the company. There are so many people coming in and out every day, and he can't really let her stand there. Most of the employees will go to watch her when she goes there. Who will work hard.

"I don't know how to learn, just treat me as an intern, please, this role is very important to me, maybe I can get an actress."

Shen Tunan gritted his teeth, imitating Xu Ranzhi's coquettish tone.

(End of this chapter)

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