The actor is a genius

Chapter 20 Love Song

Chapter 20 Love Song
The indifferent man was naturally Xu Ranzhi. He walked straight up to Shen Tunan, glanced at her indifferently, reached out to take the suitcase from Xiao Chen, and then pulled it forward without saying a word.

When Shen Tunan saw Xu Ranzhi, he wanted to talk to him, but before she could speak, Xu Ranzhi walked in front of her with a suitcase, leaving only the back of her head with a hat on.

The words of greeting suddenly stuck in his throat, Shen Tunan was a little suffocated, what the hell is this guy doing?If you don't come, you won't come, and if you come, then what's the matter with shaking her face?


Shen Tunan quickly caught up with Xu Ranzhi, reached out and tugged at his arm.

"What are you doing?"

"Pick you up."

Xu Ranzhi replied two words casually, his voice sounded faint, and he couldn't detect any emotion.

"Didn't you say you can't come?"

Shen Tunan looked into Xu Ranzhi's eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. This guy's duplicity is quite interesting, and he rushed to pick her up, pretending to be reluctant, which is awkward The strength is not the same as before, this guy still hasn't grown up in his bones, he is childish and cute.

"It's too late, I'm afraid Xiao Chen won't be able to get a taxi."

Xu Ranzhi's expression remained unchanged, and he turned his head to look at Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen was very relaxed without his luggage. He was playing with his mobile phone at the moment, when he heard Xu Ranzhi mention her, she immediately stood up straight, as if she was suddenly caught by the teacher. Like elementary school students who roll their names.

"Oh, oh, that's it."

Shen Tunan smiled, pretending not to understand the awkward excuse, but the corners of his mouth almost reached his ears.

Xu Ranzhi's face was a little red under the mask, but his exposed eyes didn't reveal the slightest bit of his heart. The three of them walked like this, no one spoke along the way, and the atmosphere was strangely harmonious.

Xu Ranzhi drove over, and after getting in the car, Shen Tunan connected her mobile phone. She clicked on the music player and chose a song, and a clear male voice rang out in the car. is a slow love song, and the only one,
Xu Ranzhi prefers dance music, rap and other genres with a strong rhythm. He rarely sings love songs, but the gentle and soothing songs suit him inexplicably. The soft love words in his cool voice seem to be honey mixed with poison. People are addicted.

Shen Tunan likes this song very much, and it has always been on the playlist, but this song is not very popular among Xu Ranzhi's songs. Most of the fans who like Xu Ranzhi like his madness. His wildness, his passion and uninhibitedness, his softness was completely ignored.

Hearing this song, Xu Ranzhi looked at Shen Tunan with a complicated expression. Even fans rarely listen to this song. Even he himself almost forgot the existence of this song.

"This song is very nice, you are very suitable for singing love songs, but unfortunately you don't sing anymore."

After a song was played, it automatically skipped to the next one, but Shen Tunan seemed to be still reminiscing about the tune just now. She looked sideways at Xu Ranzhi, and Xu Ranzhi also looked at her. Shen Tunan's eyes sparkled Yes, his appearance was reflected in the deep black pupils, Xu Ranzhi felt that something was surging in his heart, but before it could take shape, it was annihilated by Shen Tunan.

"Look at the road, how long has it been since you took your driver's license test?"

Xu Ranzhi didn't understand, why he said ambiguous words as if he meant something one second, and then turned so fast in the next second, causing the ups and downs of people's hearts to fall into the abyss quickly, and She herself seems to have no idea how her words and deeds will affect others.

She likes him to sing love songs, and then what?
(End of this chapter)

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