The actor is a genius

Chapter 38 Thank you

Chapter 38 Thank you

Shen Tunan imagined for a while, and was taken aback by himself, and quickly put these messy imaginations behind her. There is a pure friendship between her and Xu Ran, so where did these messy things come from.

"It's getting late, you should go back quickly, I'm going to wash up and sleep too, I'm almost exhausted after a day's driving."

Shen Tunan looked at the time and urged Xu Ranzhi to go back quickly. If someone saw Xu Ranzhi going out of her house in the middle of the night, it didn't seem too good. A top class should have a top class self-cultivation.

"I'll play with Cheese for a while, you don't have to worry about me."

Xu Ranzhi concentrated on teasing the cat, and took a selfie with the cat with his mobile phone. Hearing Shen Tunan's words, he waved his hand perfunctorily without raising his head.

Shen Tunan curled his lips, waved his fist a few times at him, and really turned around and went back to the room to ignore him.

After Shen Tunan washed and changed into a set of pajamas, she stomped out wearing slippers, and when she walked to the living room, she took a look in and found that Xu Ranzhi was still there.

At this time, Cheese was lying on the sofa, rolling his belly and meowing, while Xu Ranzhi was kneeling on the ground, leaning his head on the sofa, poking his belly lightly with one finger, and whispering softly. He said something, and smirked a few times from time to time.

Shen Tunan leaned on the sofa and watched. At this moment, Xu Ranzhi overlapped with the boy in his memory who was hiding in the corner and talking to the cat. Shen Tunan actually didn't like cats and dogs very much. 360 five days a year may not be at home 360 ​​days, so keeping a pet is not a good choice.

At the beginning, I took Cheese home. Apart from thinking that he was pitiful and cute when he meowed, the more reason might be that he wanted to maintain some contact with Xu Ranzhi through him.

When Xu Ranzhi just left, she was really sad. She didn't stand by Xu Ranzhi's side, and she couldn't help him when the company made things difficult for him. Adopting the cheese he liked so much seemed like It was the only thing she could do at that time.

"Go back quickly. If you don't sleep, the cat has to sleep. If you want him, just come back when you have time. Even if I'm not at home, Aunt Chen is there, just ask her to open the door for you."

Shen Tunan looked at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock, it would be really inappropriate not to go back.


Xu Ranzhi nodded, and groped a few times on Cheese's belly with nostalgia. Cheese's hair is relatively long, and it is smooth and smooth to the touch when it is well groomed on weekdays.

Xu Ranzhi stood up, and he walked in front of Shen Tunan, before Shen Tunan could react, he reached out and pulled her into his arms, and hugged her gently.

"Thank you."

Xu Ranzhi hugged Shen Tunan very lightly, as if Shen Tunan was something fragile, he rested his chin lightly on her shoulder, and spoke softly, as if he was acting like a spoiled child.

"Why are you always so nasty, I have goosebumps."

Suddenly being hugged, Shen Tunan was taken aback. She stretched out her hands on both sides and didn't know where to put them. Only after hearing Xu Ranzhi's words did she realize the meaning of the hug. She stretched out her hand and gently touched Xu Ranzhi. She patted Xu Ranzhi on the back, she could understand Xu Ranzhi's mood at this time, but unfortunately she is not a comforter, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

"You're such a spoiler, I'm going back, good night."

Xu Ranzhi chuckled, he let go of Shen Tunan and reached out to help her tidy up her somewhat messy hair.

Shen Tunan stood there motionless, and she was in a daze after Xu Ranzhi went out. The two were too close just now, and Xu Ranzhi had a rippling smile on his face. He helped her arrange her hair too softly. It made her feel like she was making an idol drama again.

My heart was beating a little faster.

Cough, what a beauty!

(End of this chapter)

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