Chapter 54

This incident was just an episode, and Shen Tunan didn't take it seriously, but for a long time afterwards, Wang Yang never approached her again, and never mentioned the matter of learning to dance. He also had a resentful look on his face, which made Shen Tunan confused. She asked Xu Ranzhi, but Xu Ranzhi only said that he was too tired from learning to dance and Wang Yang gave up.

When the filming was about to end, a program crew came to the crew for an interview. Several people moved a few small benches and sat together. It didn't look like an interview, but more like a tea party.

The format of the interview is very simple, just chatting about some interesting things that happened to the crew, and occasionally gossip about the leading actors, the atmosphere is very good.

"Nannan has been debuting for many years, and he has worked with a lot of male actors, but it seems that there has never been a love scandal. He has worked with so many handsome guys, but has he never been tempted? In the circle, because of the drama, he finally entered There are many examples of marriage halls, has Nan Nan considered her own lifelong events?"

After chatting for a while, the reporter looked at Shen Tunan. Shen Tunan is 25 years old this year, which is not a very young age for an actress. The current environment does not object to actors falling in love and getting married. Gain more fans, so many actors are happy to share their love.

"Maybe it's just that I didn't meet the right one, but it's not that I didn't have a heartbeat. It's just that the heartbeat generated during filming is not very accurate most of the time. Although many people say that my acting skills are not good, every time I film, I also feel more Dedicated, as long as you invest in it, you will have a certain degree of empathy with the characters in the play. When you play a role, it is difficult to distinguish between the person and the character, so I will be more rational. Even if the heart is moved, I will endure it. After filming, calm down and recognize your own heart before making a decision.

If you act on your heart, there may be a gap after a short sweetness. After all, there is still a big gap between the character and the actor. "

Shen Tunan smiled, the circle is full of pretty faces, and there are many people with interesting personalities. She is a mortal, so she will naturally have her heartbeats, but unfortunately, many heartbeats don't last long.

"Oh, what do you mean, you won't fall in love with the actors you have worked with? That's a pity, many fans are very optimistic about you and Ranzhi, don't you have a little spark?"

When the host heard Shen Tunan's answer, she showed a look of regret. She couldn't help but glanced at Xu Ranzhi secretly. Although Xu Ranzhi kept smiling, the corners of his tightly pursed mouth still revealed a trace of unhappiness Come.

"It's not that I don't fall in love with the actors I have worked with, it's just that I don't fall in love during the filming. If after the end of the cooperation, if the private contact is still very good, then I will be together, because sometimes I can't see my heart clearly, so I will be more cautious."

Shen Tunan glanced at Xu Ranzhi out of the corner of his eye, deliberately avoiding the problems between them that the host said.

After the interview, the host took a group photo with everyone and gave them a small gift before leaving.

Shen Tunan and Xu Ranzhi got up at the same time and walked towards the dressing room. Shen Tunan paused, and gave Xu Ran a guilty look.

"You go first, I'll go later."

"You go, I'll change it in the car."

Xu Ranzhi stretched out his hand to hold Shen Tunan, motioning for her to change clothes, then turned around and walked towards the nanny's car.

Xu Ranzhi wore a black robe today, his back was extraordinarily straight, and the shape of the high ponytail was even more uninhibited. Shen Tunan looked at it for a while, and couldn't help laughing. She has been very keen to admire Xu Ran recently. After all, beauty, after all, will not be affected by the role or the actor itself.

(End of this chapter)

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