Chapter 64
"It's been less than a year, and there are still eleven months left. The company should have plans to renew the contract, but it hasn't proposed any attractive resources for the time being. I have received many contracts from other companies. The conditions of several companies are quite good, and I originally planned to show it to you after a while, since you asked, I will sort it out and send it to you later."

"Okay, I'll see later."

Shen Tunan nodded. What she said probably meant that she didn't want to renew her contract with Le Yu.

Walking into the company, there are many strange young faces along the way. Their eyes are shining, and they are full of youthful breath.

Shen Tunan couldn't help but look a few more times, and the person beside him immediately said something.

"He's just signed as a trainee. He has a few very good qualifications. When he debuts in the future, he will definitely be popular."


Shen Tunan replied indifferently. Looking at the trainees in front of her, she seemed to see her former self and Xu Ranzhi. They used to practice day and night full of dreams, just waiting for one day to be able to Stand on the bright stage.

She can't remember what her dream was like at that time, but it must not be like this now, they were more pure in the past.

Shen Tunan shook his head, and smiled self-deprecatingly. It seemed a little too pretentious to think about it after he became famous.

Walking into Lisa's office, there was another person besides Lisa. Shen Tunan looked at the stranger in the room. He looked about eighteen or nineteen years old. A maturity that does not match her age, and her dress is a bit too mature.

"Come on, sit down."

When Shen Tunan walked in, Lisa immediately asked her to sit down, and at the same time asked someone to make her a cup of coffee.

"Say hello to your Nannan sister, Feifei."

Lisa pulled the girl next to her, and the girl immediately stepped forward and walked to Shen Tunan's side.

"Hi sister Nannan, my name is Yu Fei, please give me more advice in the future."

"What do you mean? Do you want me to take her on variety shows or filming?"

Shen Tunan glanced at Yu Fei in front of him, and didn't answer immediately, but looked at Lisa, the company's seniors and newcomers are the norm in the circle, and Shen Tunan will often bring newcomers in these years, usually to play the role of himself In the drama, the newcomers from the same company sometimes even reduce their roles in order to praise the newcomers, giving the newcomers more opportunities to show their faces.

"The company has newly planned a talent show, and Yuffie will participate. She is already a member who is scheduled to debut. The company hopes that you can be the mentor of this talent show. By then, Yuffie will be assigned to your group. You are in the show. Praise her more and give her more opportunities to perform."

Lisa knew Shen Tunan's character, so she stated her intentions bluntly. Shen Tunan's contract was about to expire, and the senior management had already held a meeting. The company's current resource capacity could not keep her. So make the most of her in this last year.

Shen Tunan frowned upon hearing such words as talent show and tutor. She was about to speak when a cup of coffee came over, interrupting her rhythm.

Seeing Shen Tunan frowning, Lisa thought she was worried about being an audition instructor and hurriedly said: "You don't have to worry about not being able to be a mentor. Most of the hot searches related to you recently include keywords such as dancing. Everyone is very impressed by your dancing ability. It is very recognized, besides, you have released an album every year, and the album sales are better than many singers, whether it is from a professional point of view or popularity, you are good enough to take on this role."

"Of course I am very confident in my own strength. I just want to ask if you released the news about Xu Ranzhi's appointment as Le Yu's new variety show tutor?"

Shen Tunan took a sip of coffee and didn't care about Lisa's compliment.

(End of this chapter)

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