The actor is a genius

Chapter 67 Matching

Chapter 67 Matching
Shen Tunan's trendy brand store is opened in the Pioneer Park. It is a store-front-back-factory model. In addition to selling clothes purchased by agents, the store mainly sells clothing of its own brand. In addition to retailing, it also accepts mass customization.

This store is jointly opened by Shen Tunan and the well-known designer Van, but basically Van is in charge, and Shen Tunan only occasionally acts as a model for publicity.

Van is an excellent designer who can hold shows independently, and his self-created brand is also very popular in the circle, but Van has many rules, and it is not easy for celebrities to ask him to borrow clothes.


Shen Tunan pushed the door into the store, and ran to the second floor when he was familiar with the road. When van was in the store, he basically stayed on the second floor, or else he ran around all over the world. Shen Tunan looked at his friend specially. I made sure that he was in the store and came here in a hurry.

"My little princess, what kind of wind brought you here, I thought you didn't even remember that there was such a person as me."

Van is a model. He is close to 1.9 meters tall, but his figure is very slender. He has an indistinguishable temperament, especially a pair of peach blossom eyes, which are particularly attractive. Many agencies are interested in signing him, but Van has no intention of entering the entertainment industry. Circle, those economic companies have no choice but to give up.

However, although Van has a beautiful skin, Shen Tunan has always regarded him as a sister. Apart from discussing clothes, shoes, bags, and cosmetics with her, there are no other topics.

"Help me match a suit of clothes, I have something important tomorrow."

Shen Tunan avoided Van's hug, pulled him to the other side, the room on the other side was filled with all kinds of ready-made clothes and accessories, usually for some VIP users.

"Tell me what kind of occasion tomorrow will be, and I'll match it for you."

Shen Tunan's private server has always been matched by himself, and there is a special stylist for the event. This time, he suddenly found him. It seems to be a private event, but she should attach great importance to it.

"Well, it's the kind that looks casual, but in fact has been carefully dressed. It doesn't need to look very formal, but it can't look casual. Of course, beauty is the most important thing."

Shen Tunan thought for a while and told Van his request.

After listening to Van, he stretched out his hand and touched his chin. He suddenly showed a clear smile, leaned into Shen Tunan's ear and chuckled, "See your lover?"

"No, no, I'm just going to sign a contract, don't talk nonsense."

Shen Tunan denied it outright, but her slightly red ears had already betrayed her mind. Van looked at Shen Tunan, chuckled and did not break her mind.

Van has a lot of new season products here, as well as a lot of clothes made by himself. He and Shen Tunan are very familiar with her preferences and figure, so he quickly matched a few outfits for her. , Shen Tunan tried them one by one, chose the one he was most satisfied with, asked him to wrap it up, and quickly took it away. Van wanted to chat with her about the store's recent performance, and watched her leave like a breeze. The figure can only give up.

"This girl is really good at killing donkeys. Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with her."

Van shook his head, looked at the messy studio, he was too lazy to tidy up for a while, sat down on the chair, took out his mobile phone and clicked on the [Slow Picture] cp super chat that he has been paying attention to recently.

After taking the clothes, Shen Tunan went to some places mysteriously before returning home. She didn't chat with Xu Ranzhi at night, but secretly asked Xu Ranzhi's assistant when they landed.

(End of this chapter)

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