The actor is a genius

Chapter 69 hint

Chapter 69 hint
Entering the room, Shen Tunan's gaze quickly began to look around. The whole house was gray and white, and it looked deserted and like a model house, without any feeling of home.

No wonder Xu Ranzhi stayed at her house before and refused to leave. Compared with the two, her house is much warmer.

"Sit for a while, there are drinks in the refrigerator, and the hot water is over there. I'll take a shower first, and I'll be here in a while."

Xu Ranzhi pulled Shen Tunan to sit down on the sofa, briefed her about the situation at home, and then walked to the bathroom on his own.

Shen Tunan looked at Xu Ranzhi's back in a daze, he really didn't regard her as a guest at all.

"Hold on, my old lady has to hold on!"

Shen Tunan clenched her fists hard, restraining her urge to rush over and beat Xu Ranzhi. From the moment they met, Xu Ranzhi gave her the rhythm. She clearly didn't plan like this before she came. It was made weird by Xu Ranzhi.

There was a faint sound of water in the bathroom. Shen Tunan poured herself a cup of hot water and leaned on the sofa. She took out her mobile phone to browse the web a little bored.

Xu Ranzhi came out soon, he changed into white home clothes, his hair was still wet and he was wiping with a white towel, he walked out loudly, if he was in an idol drama, he must use a soft light filter mirror, and then a slow motion of shaking the head, and at the same time, a close-up of the heroine's nympho face.

"Blow dry my hair."

Xu Ranzhi walked up to Shen Tunan, and before she could speak, he stuffed a hair dryer into her hand, and then sat beside her with his back to Shen Tunan.

Shen Tunan glanced at the hair dryer in his hand, then at the back of Xu Ranzhi's wet head and couldn't help but sigh.

"Dare to order me next time, and I will pull out all your hair."

Although the words are fierce, Shen Tunan still blows his hair obediently. Xu Ranzhi's hair is very soft, and it is said that people with soft hair have a good temper. Shen Tunan quite agrees with this statement, Xu Ranzhi Although Ranzhi pretends to be very cold on the surface, he has a very good temper in private. He can be gentle with the staff, fans, and even passers-by. Except when he had conflicts with the company, Shen Tunan It seems that he has never lost his temper.


While helping Xu Ranzhi to dry his hair, Shen Tunan wandered into the sky, accidentally blowing on one place for a long time.

"Sorry, did you get burned?"

Shen Tunan regained consciousness, turned off the hair dryer and reached out to rub Xu Ranzhi's head. Xu Ranzhi turned around and held Shen Tunan's wrist. The two were close to each other, but Xu Ranzhi moved the two of them to face each other. Those who are close can feel each other's breath.

Shen Tunan moved back subconsciously, but Xu Ranzhi pulled her wrist, and Shen Tunan pulled her into his arms at once.

"Miss you."

Xu Ranzhi hugged Shen Tunan and began to talk softly about love again.

"Let me go, don't take advantage of me."

Shen Tunan pushed Xu Ranzhi away, glared at him and quickly moved back to open the distance between the two.

"It's obvious that you came to my house at night. Could it be that you came to my house to chat with me?"

Xu Ranzhi feels aggrieved. He knows that girls are generally thin-skinned, and they are not good at expressing emotions straightforwardly in love. They usually like to use various hints to express. She came directly to his house today. Could it be that he misunderstood it? ?
(End of this chapter)

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