The actor is a genius

Chapter 71 The Man's Excuse

Chapter 71 The Man's Excuse
"You have just started your internship, what are you thinking in your head, be careful, I will fire you."

"If you can't stay, don't stay here. Then I'll take you back. It's dangerous for you to walk around at night like a girl."

Xu Ranzhi shrugged, he actually wanted to say that Shen Tunan slept in the guest room, she was thinking too much.

"It's okay to send me back, but when you get there, don't say that you want to go to my house to drink water or go to the toilet."

Shen Tunan nodded, and did not refuse his new boyfriend's request to send him home.

"You should act less in idol dramas in the future."

Xu Ranzhi looked at Shen Tunan helplessly, and he suddenly realized that Shen Tunan hadn't been in a relationship for so many years, most likely because he was given over by idol dramas, and he didn't know what to think about all day long.

At night, there were not many people on the road, and occasionally residents walking their dogs passed by. Xu Ranzhi took Shen Tunan's hand and walked slowly. .

Shen Tunan lowered his head and glanced at the holding hands of the two. The feeling of holding hands is actually the most subtle. Compared with hugging and kissing, the feeling of kissing is more angry. Maybe it is a relationship between fingers and hearts. As long as you hold each other's hands tightly , as if grasping each other's heart.

The two walked for a long time during the 10-minute journey, and when they reached the downstairs of Shen Tunan's house, the two were reluctant to part.

"I'm going up, you go home and be careful."

Shen Tunan and Xu Ranzhi waved their hands and turned around to walk in. Before she entered the elevator room, Xu Ranzhi quickly caught up behind her.

"What are you doing? As I said, you are not allowed to go upstairs for tea."

"Oh, I don't drink tea. I suddenly remembered that I haven't seen Cheese for a long time. It's strange. I'll go up and see him. You can't stop an old father from visiting his children, right?"

Xu Ranzhi straightened his clothes, smiled triumphantly at Shen Tunan, and pressed his slender fingers directly on the elevator button. As soon as the elevator door opened, he walked in without waiting for Shen Tunan himself.

Shen Tunan clenched his fist, the man's excuses are really countless.

When the elevator door closed, Xu Ranzhi's hand had already grabbed Shen Tunan again, but Shen Tunan just glared at him and did not break free.

Going upstairs, Shen Tunan was about to open the door, she made a "shh" gesture to Xu Ranzhi.

"Be quiet after you go in, don't wake up Aunt Chen."

The two entered the house on tiptoe, Shen Tunan turned on the light and searched around the living room, but there was no sign of Cheese, nor was he in the cat's litter.

"Cheese might be in my room, let's go."

Shen Tunan searched around but couldn't find it, so he waved at Xu Ranzhi and went to his room.

Xu Ranzhi was in a great mood when he heard Shen Tunan's greeting. He had come to Shen Tunan's house many times, but he had never been to Shen Tunan's room, which was the safe distance she left.

Shen Tunan turned on the light in the room and saw a fat cat lying on her bed. Hearing the movement, the cat opened its eyes, stared at its front legs and made a stretching posture.


Cheese let out a soft cry, as if he hadn't woken up, with a feeling of getting up.

The cry fell in the ears, but it made people feel very soft. Xu Ranzhi had already quickly ran over and stretched out his hands to hug the cat into his arms.

"My cheese baby, have you missed dad recently?"

Xu Ranzhi hugged the cat, rubbed his face, and rubbed his head, really like an old father who hasn't seen his child for a long time.

"You go back after a while, I'm going to wash up."

Shen Tunan stared at it for a while, seeing that Xu Ranzhi really put all his mind on the cat, he took his pajamas and ran to the bathroom a little bored.

(End of this chapter)

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