Chapter 73
After the alarm clock rang for one round, Aunt Chen got up to prepare breakfast. Shen Tunan likes to sleep late when he is not working. Aunt Chen usually cooks the porridge and cooks it slowly. Some self-made side dishes are sour and appetizing.

Aunt Chen was thinking about what porridge to cook today, when she saw the light in the kitchen was on, she thought it was Shen Tunan who got up early to find something to eat in the kitchen, but when she got closer, she saw something was wrong.

The figure in the kitchen looked a little too tall and was obviously a man. How could there be a man at home this early in the morning?
Because of taking care of Shen Tunan, Aunt Chen usually reads entertainment gossip on the Internet. She has seen some crazy fans sneak into the celebrity's house, secretly filming, and stealing some private items. It seems to be called illegitimate meal here.

When Aunt Chen thought of the horror she saw online, she immediately became vigilant. She slowed down and walked slowly towards the kitchen. On the way, she picked up a broom. After a while, she was sure to make the illegitimate meal cry and go home to find her mother.

In the kitchen, Xu Ranzhi was making breakfast humming a tune. It felt so good to see Shen Tunan when he woke up. He even wanted to post a Weibo to show off. In fact, he did the same. Of course He didn't dare to send a large account, so he sent one in a small account.

"I'll kill you bastard fan!"

Xu Ranzhi was slicing the tomatoes and preparing to put them on the plate, when he got hit on the body, which made him jump up all of a sudden, when the incident happened suddenly Xu Ranzhi couldn't react, and he got hit on the body a few more times.

"It's me, it's me, Aunt Chen, don't, don't hit me, it's me, I'm Xiao Xu!"

Xu Ranzhi was hit a few times, and finally saw the person who did it clearly, and he hurriedly shouted.

Seeing a stranger in the room early in the morning, Aunt Chen was already frightened. When she got close, she just closed her eyes and couldn't see the person clearly. Now she heard Xu Ranzhi's shout, She froze for a moment and stopped moving.

The two looked at each other with embarrassment on each other's faces, Xu Ranzhi didn't know how to explain his appearance here early in the morning, and Aunt Chen was very guilty of beating someone.

"Xu Ranzhi, what are you arguing about if you don't sleep early in the morning? I will sleep if you don't sleep."

Shen Tunan heard Xu Ranzhi's voice, and came out in a daze. She rubbed her eyes and walked towards the place where the sound came from, and then she saw Xu Ranzhi and Xu Ranzhi holding a broom and preparing to wipe out the sound. Aunt Chen.

The two people in front of them seemed to be petrified at this moment, maintaining strange postures with each other.

Shen Tunan looked at it for a while, a Jiling came to her senses, she looked to the left and then to the right, she became embarrassed first, she planned to drive Xu Ranzhi home before Aunt Chen woke up, now The three of them met so awkwardly that she didn't know how to explain it.


"Oh, I'm in so much pain~"

Just as Shen Tunan opened his mouth to say something, Xu Ranzhi over there started howling first, and Aunt Chen also reacted to his howling, and hurriedly put down the broom.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought there was a thief in the house. Isn't the illegitimate meal a lot of trouble now? It hurts. I'll go to the ointment and just wipe it off. Xiao Xu is really sorry. "

Aunt Chen signaled Shen Tunan to help Xu Ranzhi, but Aunt Chen ran away in a hurry.

"Didn't I ask you to go back early in the morning? You are singing a big show for me this early in the morning."

Shen Tunan supported Xu Ranzhi to sit down on the sofa, and she pulled Xu Ranzhi's clothes straight away. There were a few red marks on his back, but Aunt Chen was old and her strength was limited, so the injuries were not serious. At most it was a skin injury.

"Didn't I want to make you a loving breakfast? I wanted to give you a heartfelt love, so I was beaten first. It hurt so much." Xu Ranzhi was a little aggrieved, he didn't expect Aunt Chen to be so fierce.

Originally thinking that Aunt Chen liked him so much, she wouldn't be too surprised to see him here early in the morning.

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(End of this chapter)

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