Chapter 84
Most of Jin Yanni's house is children's things, and the rest are hers. It seems that there are only two of them living in this family.

"Where's Youyou? Are you already asleep?"

Shen Tunan didn't see Pang You, so she asked, she bought a gift for Pang You, and wanted to give it to her.

"I've been busy with work recently, so I sent her to my parents."

Jin Yanni replied, she put the things away, poured a cup of hot water for Shen Tunan, and then put the snacks bought by Shen Tunan on the coffee table, they used to get together like this, put a movie, and then Have a snack together.

"What about my brother-in-law? Isn't my brother-in-law going home?"

Shen Tunan sat down and pretended to ask casually.

When Jin Yanni heard this, her movements paused, but she quickly returned to normal. She took out a chicken wing and took a bite, showing a wry smile on her face.

Shen Tunan paid attention to Jin Yanni's expression, and had some bad premonitions in his heart.

"Actually, I saw him yesterday, he,"

Shen Tunan wanted to say it, but she couldn't continue after halfway through it. She always felt that such words were cruel, and she didn't know what effect she would have if she said it.

"Did you see him with someone else?"

Jin Yanni looked at Shen Tunan's squeak, and sighed softly. She opened another can of beer and took a sip.

"Actually, we're divorced."

Jin Yanni looked at Shen Tunan after drinking the beer. There was not much sadness in her words, but she felt a sense of relief after she finished speaking. She and Pang Yue were secretly married. Not many people knew about it, because no one knew about it. I know, so no one can confide in it, and now she is much more relaxed when she tells it to Shen Tunan.

"When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me, is he sorry for you?"

Shen Tunan was very surprised. Jin Yanni didn't mention this matter when she met Jin Yanni last time, and she didn't look like she was divorced at the time, so this incident must have happened in the past two months.

It is impossible for Pang Yue to find a new marriage in such a short period of time, which means that he has been cheating all the time.

"The procedure was done last month, but our relationship was actually very bad a long time ago. I thought about it for a long time, but in fact I was wrong at the beginning. I shouldn't agree to a secret marriage with him. I was with him. The time is always sneaky, and it is obviously the closest relationship but always pretends to be a stranger.

Our relationship is unhealthy, so the signs of separation have been planted for a long time. Over the years, I have been reflecting on whether I am not doing well enough, but I have recently figured out that love is not blindly giving, and blindly giving cannot be obtained. respond.

I'm fine now, I've already saved enough disappointment, so it's not too bad. "

Jin Yanni chuckled, she didn't look sad, but there was still sadness hidden in her eyes. From the beginning to the end, she always played the invisible person in the story of two people. Don't be reconciled.

"Then you just forget it? He pretended to be a perfect man, and you are going to suffer this kind of grievance?"

After all, Shen Tunan is young, and his love and hatred are too clear. In her opinion, since she has been betrayed, the betrayer should not think about it, and he must make him feel uncomfortable.

"Pretending is always pretending. Sooner or later there will be a day when I will be exposed. Why should I quarrel with him? If I quarrel, it's just that I lose my dignity and make people feel pitiful. I don't need those. Anyway, life is all right with or without him." Almost, it’s enough for me to have Youyou. Well, don’t talk about me, I have nothing to say about these things, talking too much will only increase troubles. "

Jin Yanni shook her head, what's the use of making trouble?Putting yourself in the position of the victim is useless except to get sympathy, but it makes it very unseemly. When we are separated, we should be safe separately and not disturb each other.

"Okay, let's not mention the scumbag. Since Youyou is not at home, let's drink and have a good drink."

Shen Tunan nodded, and she also took out a can of beer from the bag to open it.

(End of this chapter)

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