The actor is a genius

Chapter 98 Father's Love

Chapter 98 Father's Love
As soon as Shen Tunan arrived at the company, Xu Ranzhi called. Shen Tunan plugged in his earphones and walked towards the practice room while talking to him.

"Are you awake? Are you sleeping late again?"

Xu Ranzhi had been working for several hours, and he finally called Shen Tunan after taking a break. He was not sure if Shen Tunan was up at this time.

"I've already arrived at the company, I got up early, and I don't like to sleep in so much, okay, don't always slander me, don't think that you know me well after seeing me sleep in a few times, I am actually a very hard worker people."

Shen Tunan retorted dissatisfiedly, she has traveled the world for many years, relying on her hard work, otherwise where did she get her status in the world.

"It was my mistake. Give me more opportunities to observe in the future and let me know you better, so that I won't make such low-level mistakes today."

Xu Ranzhi quickly admitted his mistake, and his good attitude made people unbelievable.

"Come on, set me up secretly, I won't be fooled by you, what should you do, who wants you to observe me, I'm not a monkey in the zoo, there is nothing to see. "

The conversation between Shen Tunan and Xu Ranzhi was basically nonsense, but they both talked very happily.

"Miss Nannan, you are here."

When Shen Tunan walked into the practice room, Nan Yixuan had already arrived. When he saw someone coming, he went up to say hello.

Shen Tunan didn't hang up the phone, Xu Ranzhi on the other side heard Nan Yixuan as soon as he spoke.

"Who is calling you?" Xu Ranzhi tried his best to sound calm, so as not to appear petty and jealous.

"It's Nan Yixuan. He asked me to borrow the practice room. I just happened to get familiar with the dance of the theme song with him, and get to know each other by the way. After all, the recording of the program will start soon."

Shen Tunan chuckled, no matter how well Xu Ranzhi hid it, his slightly fast speaking speed had already betrayed his thoughts.

"Oh, it's your cub, do you need me to show some fatherly love? I'll order a takeaway for you later."

"Tsk tsk, why don't you drink some old vinegar at noon, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to work, bye."

Shen Tunan shook his head, and after hanging up the phone, he waved at Nan Yixuan embarrassingly.

"Sorry, I'm on the phone with my boyfriend."

"It's Senior Xu Ran."

Nan Yixuan handed over a cup of coffee and showed a understanding smile.

"Is it so easy to guess? How do you know it's him if I haven't posted it in Moments?"

Shen Tunan took the coffee and raised her eyebrows. She secretly showed off a lot of love, but she never showed off by name. The group photos in the circle of friends are only hands or backs. There are a lot of her CP on the Internet. It seems that it is not easy to guess so accurately that it is Xu Ranzhi, let alone the possibility of being an outsider boyfriend.

"Intuitively, it's very cute to see your group photo online."

Nan Yixuan shrugged, he felt that this question is not difficult, after all love is hard to hide most of the time.

Shen Tunan raised her head and took a sip of coffee to cover up her embarrassment. She quickly changed the topic. She and Nan Yixuan were not familiar with each other, so she didn't really want to talk about these personal topics.

Nan Yixuan is a very sensible person, and the topic of the two soon shifted to work. As instructors, they will have three months of cooperation time, and as dance instructors, the two also have more performance tasks. And what they need to practice now is the part that needs to be performed in the show.

Because it was a women's team draft, Shen Tunan was quite worried about Nan Yixuan.

But in reality, there are not many boys who overturned when they danced girl group dances. All of them danced more sexy and charming than girls, which made many girls feel ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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