Need for little hackers

Chapter 224 Deliberation An Uninvited Guest

Chapter 224 Deliberation ([-]) The Uninvited Guest


Wu Jun didn't continue Zheng Xiumin's topic, but just reported Qi Hong's problem to Qi Na.

Yesterday Qi Hong was controlled. Under the high pressure of the police, he completely collapsed after resisting until this morning.He said it all.

Ever since he came to Ningnan, he had known Wei Kexin through Kong Zhen.Wei Kexin took good care of him, not only in life, but also in all aspects of taking care of him. It is no exaggeration to say that even the breakfast every morning was properly arranged by Wei Shao After Qi Hong knew that he was an official, his vanity was greatly satisfied, and this Wei Shao was very good at playing, and Qi Hong being with him was like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Apart from taking care of him, Wei Kexin participated in every decision made by Qi Hong at the Qilin Wings meeting, and he tried his best to encourage Qi Hong to replace Qi Na.

When Qi Na was bedridden, Wei Kexin even suggested that Qi Hong find an opportunity to suffocate Qi Na who was in a coma, or hire someone to poison Qi Na to death with poison, but Qi Hong had not lost his conscience at that time and rejected this suggestion.

When Qi Na woke up, Wei Kexin blamed Qi Hong for missing the opportunity, and Kong Zhen quickly abandoned Qi Hong. Feeling lost, Qi Hong finally stepped out of no return under Wei Kexin's instigation, and urged his parents to go to Ningnan Visiting Qi Na, they put poison in the pickled fish they brought to Qi Na. Qi Hong was very aware of the consequences if his parents ate it by mistake, so when he was packing with his father, he said a lot that it was Qi Na's favorite. If you eat it, it means that you must leave it to your younger brother Qina.

When his parents arrived in Ningnan, Qi Hong also followed him, waiting for the opportunity with Wei Kexin. He kept calling his parents, and finally learned that Qi Na was going home for dinner, and immediately felt that the opportunity had come.

In order to avoid making mistakes, especially worried that he would be brought back to life by the hospital, Wei Kexin simply summoned a few horsemen to set the substation on fire.

But the world is unpredictable, if it weren't for their fire causing a power outage in the community, I am afraid that Qina would really be poisoned to death.It was also this fire that allowed Wu Jun and Xiao Xu to catch up with the last step and rescued Qi Na in a huge crisis.

After listening to Wu Jun's narration, Qina broke into a cold sweat, for he was destined in the dark.

Lisa's face was pale, with large beads of sweat oozing from her forehead.

Wu Jun asked Qi Na how to deal with his brother Qi Hong.

Qina froze for a moment, not knowing where to start.

Wu Jundao: "Because Wei Kexin is involved, and Wei Kexin is the deputy director of the government office of the city government, so Director Jia of the police station personally intervened in the case, and has already reported to the municipal party committee, and it is estimated that Wei Kexin has been controlled. pungent."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Lisa.

Lisa didn't seem to have any feeling for this name at all, so she pretended not to hear it.

Qi Na said: "He is my elder brother, and my brother is against the wall. How should I explain to my parents?! How can I explain to my grandparents."

Wu Jun then said: "The attempted murder was instigated by others. At most, he will be sentenced to eight or ten years. If you ask for mercy, it may not be necessarily three or five years."

Qina shook his head: "Grandpa and grandma are old people who are dying, and they can't stand a little stimulation. Forget it, I will go to Du Juan and let him go. I will take money to support him."

Wu Jun shook his head to persuade Qi Na not to be too soft-hearted, but Qi Na had made up his mind and went to see Du Juan that night. Du Juan already knew the whole thing, so she rejected Qi Na first. You can't just let it go. In private, I let Qi Hong go, so what about Wei Kexin? Let him go too, otherwise how can he confess?"

"Impossible." Du Juan firmly rejected Qi Na.

Qi Na proposed an exchange condition, one percent of the shares of Life Online or Qilin Wings.

Now the valuations of the two companies are very high. Don't underestimate one of them, that is [-] million or [-] million.

But Du Juan didn't hesitate: "I don't need it."

Qi Na became anxious, and said: "If you are like this, don't blame me for being rude, I won't entertain guests on New Year's Day."

When the leaders came to inspect on New Year's Day, they came to Kirin Wings for roll call. If Qi Na didn't entertain guests, how could Du Juan do her job?
Du Juan blurted out a sentence.Qi said: "Turn your hands into clouds, cover your hands into rain, you really think you are a fairy."

Qina said helplessly: "I would rather that fairy is you, if you can help me settle this matter."

Du Juan waved her hand and said, "Let me think of a way."

Qi Na was still sitting opposite her and did not leave, Du Juan said angrily: "What are you still doing here, I promise you and I promise you."

Qina smiled slightly, facing the furious Du Juan, he bowed his hands and left first.

The next day, Qi Na was notified by Liu Shuangshuang. For Qi Na, Du Juan made a concession. Wei Kexin's case was only Wei Kexin's own problem, and did not involve the family. Du Juan made an exchange with the Wei family. He was released, but he was not allowed to stay in Ningnan, and had to go abroad. His father also retired, and all previous temporary jobs were retired, and he was compensated at full price for the loss of the substation.

As for the police station, Wu Jun, Qi Na's agent, went to cancel the report and took Qi Hong away on the spot.

Wu Jun explained to Qi Hong that if there is definite evidence for the attempted murder, the retrospective period is 30 years, so now that Qi Hong is released, as long as Qi Hong lives an honest life, no one will bring up these matters, otherwise the case will be immediately dismissed. If it is brought up for further investigation, the only thing waiting for him is the prison.

Qi Hong was scared out of his wits early in the detention center. After listening to Wu Jun's confession, he knew that his younger brother let him go. He dared to be wordy there, but he felt remorse in his heart. Why should he be jealous of his younger brother?
The younger brother is more outstanding, so what if the elder brother is a little worse, the younger brother is outstanding, and his face is also bright.

Qi Hong's eyes were red, and he wanted Wu Jun to say sorry.

Wu Jun said: "It's too late to say I'm sorry. Qi Na can't bear to annihilate the brotherhood of brotherhood, let alone watch brothers fight against each other and white-haired people grieve. You should cherish it too."

When he lectured, he took out a bank card from his pocket: "Qina gave it to you. When you return to Asakawa in the future, you may still have some assets from your previous business. Qi Na asked you to buy a few shops for rent. I will give you tens of thousands of pocket pockets every month, and this money is enough for you to live a prosperous life. If you want to find something to do, just open an Internet cafe or a KTV, and he will support you, but you are not allowed to leave the province without his permission."

"In addition, he asked you to have a child as soon as possible, whether it is divorce or remarriage. When the child grows up, you can go wherever you want." Wu Jun added.

These are what Qina said while losing his temper before, and Wu Jun understands Qina's decadent state of mind very well.

There is nothing more chilling in life than a brother stabbing a knife in the back.

Qi Hong accompanied his parents back to Asakawa, accompanied by his reunited sister-in-law. They still did not get divorced, and the matter finally came to an end.Qi Na seems to have aged a lot.

But no matter what, the former warm family was finally not broken, so Qina felt a little relieved.

And these days Lisa has been by Qi Na's side, and she is still looking for the feeling of a CEO, so Emily is still taking care of the current job.

The only thing worth mentioning is that Lisa’s choice is equivalent to cutting off the family relationship, so when she left home she had nothing on her and was penniless. Fortunately, her sister-in-law Min Nan took pity on her very much and took away the daily necessities, personal clothing, favorite books, etc. in her bedroom. After everything was packed and loaded into a large truck, it was sent to Qilin Nest, where Lisa didn't receive it for a while, and instantly felt like she had nowhere to go.

Emily looked at her at a loss, and joked: "I found a man, but I was afraid that there would be no place to stay, so I went directly to his apartment. Everyone is yours, and the apartment is nothing."

Li Wenwen was there at the time, and everyone laughed together.

Under Emily's arrangement, a truck full of daily necessities, clothes, sundries, and books were all piled into Qi Na's apartment.

With the help of Li Wenwen, it took Lisa two days to tidy up the room.

She was a little guilty, or rather embarrassed by the little girl's hypocrisy, so she packed up the second bedroom next to the master bedroom and made it her own room.

Li Wenwen couldn't help but said, "They're all living together, and they live separately, it's too shameful for you."

Lisa rolled her eyes: "Who said I'm living with him, I'm just looking for a foothold temporarily."

This excuse made Li Wenwen curl her lips, disapproving.I thought to myself: I don't believe it, when Qi Na comes back, can you hold back the bed or not? !
After finishing these mundane matters, Lisa returned to the Qilin Nest and began to handover with Emily. Unlike Lisa, Emily's CEO work is mostly specific affairs, which makes Emily's work always unfinished, regardless of the details. I want her to ask.

This is not Lisa's style. Lisa immediately resumed the original process. All the non-important things were assigned to other managers. According to her, I let me do these things, so why bother to pay everyone?

Ordinary management personnel are empowered, and their sense of presence is strengthened. Some even if they are troublesome, after complaining a few words, they are actually very happy in their hearts.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Emily's ability is not good, but everyone's style is different. Lisa was born in a wealthy family, so her perspective is wider than that of ordinary people, and she doesn't care much about gains and losses.

And Emily has been used to suffering since she was a child. Her ex-husband passed away, and she was taken in by Jenny. How could she have thought that one day she would become the CEO. Yes, if she didn't do this, she would feel uneasy.

But now she has returned to administrative and HR positions, and also serves as Qi Na's assistant. Although it is still very cumbersome, it is more suitable for her personality and habits.

After Qi Na got off work, he specifically asked Emily to drive him and Lisa back to the city. Emily complained: "There is no wife who wants me to be the driver, and if I have a wife, let me be the driver?"

Lisa was embarrassed, and Qi Na smiled: "I will buy a car tomorrow, and I will order you again today, but I will treat you to a meal today, and it will be counted as the fare."

When we got back to the apartment, it was past ten o'clock at night, Lisa went into the room first, put on slippers, and Qina followed into the room, turned around and hugged Lisa, just a deep kiss.

It almost took Lisa's breath away.

The irregular life of the previous few days is finally over, and they are really together, but they are a little nervous about each other.

Lisa was about to speak when she heard a sound in the bedroom.

Qi Na raised his eyebrows, there was a thief.

He walked briskly, took Lisa behind him, and walked to the bedroom.

At this moment, the bedroom door opened, and Zheng Xiumin pushed the door out: "Damn it, it's been so long since I came back, I made the food cold."

Qina's head was in a daze, and he turned his head to look, there were four dishes on the table in the dining room, neatly arranged, why didn't he notice it when he came in just now?
But what is Zheng Xiumin doing here?
What is she going to do?Qina's head burst into a cold sweat. Could it be that he wanted to follow Qi Hong's example and pull himself and Lisa to die in love together?
(End of this chapter)

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