Need for little hackers

Chapter 226 Deliberation Virtualization

Chapter 226 Deliberation ([-]) Virtualization


From plan to raw material, and then from raw material to plan, such repeated experiments and tests have consumed a lot of resources and time. After a month, that little breakthrough still remains in place and cannot be verified.

Qi Na realized that if he continued at this pace, he might not be able to gain anything by this time next year.

But R&D expenses are spent like running water, and it is impossible for the Kirin Wings to maintain until that time-Lisa is very aware of this problem, how could Qi Na not know? !
So what to do?
There must be a new research and development platform, as they used a design platform such as 3D projection + 3D printing last year, light speed propulsion mechanical arm and Suzaku I robot research and development, from this Qi Na thought, whether it is still possible to use a computer simulation environment to develop Conduct research and experiments on the general chemistry of batteries.

Qi Na's thinking is not only a leap, but also a breakthrough thinking, but it is easy to say, but it is not easy to do.

From a chemical layman, Qi Na finally became a chemical expert through tinkering, and an intelligent brain is such a powerful person.

Through a lot of reading and communication with real experts, he has gradually become an industry insider with his own opinions and a leading position in battery research in the industry.

Possessing an intelligent brain is his advantage, an incomparable advantage for ordinary people. Through it, Qi Na has become a cross-border all-rounder in a short period of time.

But to make a model software that can replace chemical experiments, it is not enough to know a lot of chemical knowledge and claim to be a chemical expert.

But Jiner has an intelligent brain, and of course an artificial intelligence AI - Peter assists.

All these impossibilities have thus become possible.

Qi Na communicated his plan with several university professors who came to support, and they recommended some modeling software one after another.

After a brief understanding of the architecture of similar software, Qi Na became more confident and determined to forge ahead on the road of making virtual battery experimental model software.

But those university professors persuaded him: It may take three to five years to develop a piece of software and gather the power of half the company, especially for such highly professional software.

But Qina asked them back: "Who said I want to gather the power of half the company!"

What Qi Na meant was to code out most of the codes of this software within a week by himself, which surprised the professors, and felt that Qi Na was arrogant and crazy.Or she's just an idiot, or she can't hold back anymore.

They thought of the launch of satellites across the country decades ago, and then thought that Kirin Wings has not released any new products so far, and they couldn't help thinking: maybe the previous products were fake products released by satellites.

A professor was sure of his own judgment, and immediately left Kirin Wings, which puzzled the staff of Kirin Wings who were in charge of receiving and taking care of them.

However, colleagues who have worked with Qi Na expressed disdain for the attitude of the professors: They can’t do it, we can’t do it, can’t Mr. Qi do it?
Having seen the scenes where Qi Na tapped the keyboard up and down with his hands like playing a piano, and the characters on the screen poured down like mercury and waterfalls, no one would doubt Qi Na.

As a player in the game, Qi Na didn't know about these criticisms and admiration at all. He originally wanted to simulate the model software in his own head with an intelligent brain, but he just simulated the calculation of the software in his intelligent brain. Even if one's own intelligent brain can be compared to a giant computer, it is still not fully capable of such computing needs.

Even if I forcibly use my intelligent brain, I am afraid that my body will be paralyzed in ten days and half a month.

This can be scary.

Qina cast his gaze to Asakawa, [-] kilometers away, where he also deployed a data center.

At present, the data center has gradually become normal. Passports are required for entry and exit. The gate guard is the local armed police team in Asakawa, which protects the safety of the entire data center.

In the huge single building complex, there are only central air conditioners and draft noise.

In the green wilderness, these huge buildings are slowly expanding around like monsters, and have become a local landmark.

The new computer room is still under construction, and Jian Ning has become the most powerful person here, far surpassing the mayor.

Such a thin body has such strength, which makes everyone look at him with admiration.

Some people have already said on Weibo that this large building can be seen on Google's satellite map.

This has become one of the foundations for Life Online to provide stable services.

It is also a handwriting that Qi Na is quite proud of.

At this moment, he has also become Qi Na's most urgent helper.

Qi Na needs to use the servers in the data center, link them together through his operating system to generate a working cluster, and use this cluster to conduct virtualized battery experiments and simulate the model software.

He immediately contacted Jian Ning. Jian Ning has now become his spokesperson in the data center. Although Jian Ning is not a computer major, she is smart, hardworking, and has the opportunity to practice a lot. Now she has also become a data center A professional in the field.

Jian Ning heard about Qi Na's request and immediately made arrangements. The [-] servers that had just been deployed but not actually launched were assigned to Qi Na.

Qi Na started to deploy the server remotely. He did not use Linux, let alone Windows, but used his own robotOS, not only because he knew the system well, but also to test the expansion of this operating system. sex and network stress.

At the same time, Qi Na began to write virtualized chemical experiment simulation model software. The software is not simply built behind closed doors. It involves a large amount of data calculations, and his mathematical reserves are a bit stretched. So he visited the mathematics master of Ningnan University, He also cooperated with these masters to set up a mathematics laboratory to be his mathematics assistant.

It's like gnawing bones, perfecting the virtualized chemical experiment simulation model software bit by bit.

Although it took more than half a month to get it done with him in a week, the code finally took shape.

The senior professors waiting in the battery laboratory saw hundreds of thousands of lines of code floating in front of their eyes, and they kept shouting in disbelief.

At the same time, Jiner deployed the software to the server cluster that was already ready to go.

Although it is not comparable to giant servers such as Yinhe and Tiangong, it is obviously not available to ordinary companies to use thousands of servers at a time. Even if they have money, they may not be able to complete the work from hardware to software in a short period of time. Only Qi Na This kind of weirdo takes both soft and hard things. If others can't handle it, he will go into battle shirtless himself, regardless of his image.

After Qi Na revised the software several times, he finally started the first experimental calculation.

The scale of this calculation is extremely shocking. Jian Ning was notified that she knew the importance of this calculation, so she personally sat in the monitoring room of the data center.

The load meter on the monitor climbed rapidly, and almost all the values ​​were soaring red. Reminders and alarm text messages related to the operation and maintenance personnel were continuously sent to their mobile phones, ringing non-stop.

Jian Ning very calmly reminded them of various possible emergency measures, which of course included incorporating more servers. In case of emergency, Qi Na specially made backups of [-] more servers, and at the same time tested the circuit. At this time, the cooling measures were decisively put in first, cooling the thousand servers through the cold air circulation system, and then fifty or fifty servers were merged into the server cluster of the robotOS system.

Finally, when [-] servers were merged, various indicators began to drop, and the monitoring data was still strong, but it was no longer red, Jian Ning breathed a sigh of relief.

In less than 3 minutes, she received a call from Qi Na. She first thanked Jian Ning for her assistance, and then carefully asked about various indicators and the status of the backup server.

From his polite tone, Jian Ning felt how much Qi Na attached importance to this test.

I am afraid that only things that he cherishes will make him humble.

Jian Ning and Qi Na didn't say much, they both hung up the phone.

Qi Na really thanked Jian Ning, because he estimated that [-] servers would be able to function well in this online test, so he didn't care about Jian Ning's backup of [-] servers before.

But inadvertently, the entire server cluster broke through to the limit. If it wasn't for Jian Ning's previous arrangement, the entire cluster would be down for today's test.

There were [-] calculation errors. Qi Na didn't think he had failed much. After a little reflection, he checked the data flow of the server being calculated, and concluded that the calculation data of the software was too large, and the calculation changes were too complicated. .

The calculation data did not come out until the third day. This calculation was a test, and the conclusions drawn were the same as their previous manual experiment data. This greatly encouraged all colleagues and shocked the senior professors again. They were thinking , Will the computer be able to virtualize everything in the future?

Qi Na optimized the software all night, and then started the first formal experimental calculation.

With the transformation of the experimental tools, the process of the entire laboratory has been greatly accelerated. Every experiment before was time-consuming and even full of uncertainty. In addition to the previous explosions, some people even had serious accidents. I feel uneasy, but now all operations are digitized, and these data are calculated through software.All operations seem to become super simple at once.

After the first experiment was over and the results were obtained, the experimental team led by Qi Na held a meeting to discuss all night, and started the second experiment overnight. During the crazily computing time of the server cluster, everyone took the time to rest.

With more and more experiments, everyone began to look forward to the day of victory, and it seemed that all these were within reach.

During the period of Qi Na, the software was optimized several times. With the assistance of Jian Ning, the servers changed from 1000 to [-], [-], [-], and finally to [-]. Faster and faster, the high-speed return of experimental data forced everyone to speed up the pace.

Lisa was very surprised when she learned that [-] servers in the data center in Asakawa had been put into the project of the battery laboratory.
In Qi Na's work log, it was written that the servers in the data center would be used, but there was no detailed description, and Jian Ning's work report was only based on Qi Na's requirements.

But bypassing these vague descriptions, the figure of [-] units is really surprising.

What is the concept of 3 units? The country’s Tianhe-[-] supercomputer only uses more than [-] CPUs. The performance and configuration of [-] servers are already close to, and even some aspects of performance have surpassed the world’s first Tianhe-[-] supercomputer.

Lisa couldn't hold back her impulse, stepped on the balance bike and went to find Qi Na.

Qilin Nest is really too big. Even if there are bicycles and electric vehicles in the park for employees to ride, but when it comes to coming and going at any time, this kind of electric balance car with one wheel is still needed. Leaning forward means moving forward. , a left turn is a left tilt.

On the flat land of Qilin's Nest, Lisa galloped past.

It was off-duty time, and workers and R&D personnel followed the signs on the ground, leaving half of the passageway empty.It is convenient for other people to pass.

And because Lisa's authority is extremely high, all the green lights in the park are open for her, and everyone stays on both sides of the road to watch her graceful figure. Even though it is already November, she is still wearing a long dress and flowing white gauze. It's like a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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