Need for little hackers

Chapter 233 Small Harassment Mosquitoes

Chapter 233 Small Harassment ([-]) Mosquitoes


Early in the morning, Lisa was woken up by the alarm on her mobile phone. She had to get up early today, and she was going to attend Meg's fashion show at 10:30.The time is a bit too rushed.

After Lisa finished washing, she put on her slippers and was about to go to the kitchen to make breakfast. The door of the living room creaked, and Zheng Xiumin walked in, dragging the suitcase in her hand, and smiled shyly when she saw Lisa: "Excuse me." Clear my dream!"

"Did you just come back, or are you leaving?" Lisa asked curiously, she clearly remembered that she was the only one in the apartment last night.

"Hey, don't mention it." Zheng Xiumin complained: "The plane was delayed, and I didn't fly until after three o'clock in the morning. If I knew it earlier, I would have taken the train. I was so mad."

Lisa laughed out loud.

Zheng Xiumin coquettishly said, "You're still laughing."

Lisa walked over, took her luggage and handbag, and said, "Go wash up and sleep, I'll get some breakfast and go to work right away."

"I don't want to sleep anymore, I don't have time. Today is the company's monthly summary meeting, and I have to rush there." Zheng Xiumin shook her head, "Take a shower, change clothes, and leave."

Lisa sighed, she seemed to have learned all this from Qi Na, the people around did not see that one not working overtime.She smiled and said, "Okay, I'll cook more breakfast, we'll have breakfast together later, and then go to work."

Zheng Xiumin was a little embarrassed, and hesitated for two seconds before saying: "Thank you." She went back to the room to tidy up, washed up, and came to the restaurant. Lisa heated two slices of bread, fried eggs, and made a pack of milk cereal.

Zheng Xiumin unceremoniously caught the egg between the bread and bit it down.

The TV in the living room is playing a summary of major events in the past month, and the e-commerce war is mentioned in it.It specifically mentioned that on the day of Double Eleven, the three e-commerce companies Taozhen, Life Online and JD competed.

Life Online does not publish the data, but smart media people still deduce their sales data from the browsing data of various web pages and the workload of express companies.

Life Online has devoured a large amount of Taozhen's market share, which has put tremendous pressure on Taozhen.

Lifeline, which has always shown itself as a small company, has grown into a giant without knowing it. Just like the judgment of's board of directors, chairman and others a year ago, it has been constantly breaking and raising tigers.

It's a pity that even if their judgment was correct at the beginning, how could Lifeline and Qi Na be caught without a fight? On the contrary, Taozhen suffered a big loss, and Taozhen gave the opportunity to Lifeline out of thin air.

They are still talking about it on TV, and estimate the income of Life Online this year, thinking that they are making a lot of money.

With bread stuffed in her mouth, Zheng Xiumin muttered, "I never knew I would transfer so much money. I would have bought a private jet if I had known. It would have saved me so much trouble."

Lisa's eyes lit up, and she echoed, "Yes, we can buy a private jet to avoid being fooled by the airline every day."

But even if they have the money to afford it now, maintenance is a big investment.Besides, there are not many people who travel frequently, and I'm afraid it's just a decoration when they buy it back.

But even so, from south to north in the future, the development of the logistics system will definitely rely on airplanes, or the coordination of airplanes and railways, and it will be a matter of time to buy airplanes.

Zheng Xiumin went out with Lisa with her bag after breakfast. Their cars were parked downstairs in the apartment building. The reason why they didn't want to park underground was because they were single, especially when they returned to the apartment in the middle of the night. Insecure, in which case they rented the downstairs parking space.

Lisa was held by Zheng Xiumin, and she happily left the apartment building, hugged and said goodbye to Zheng Xiumin affectionately, and then each walked to the car.

Although Qi Na is the common goal of the two, the relationship in private has become closer, so these small actions did not show much affectation or intimacy, but the two did it casually.

But on the balcony of an old residential building in the distance, a camera with a super long lens is secretly capturing Lisa and Zheng Xiumin, capturing every movement between them.

It's just that neither Lisa nor Zheng Xiumin knew about it.

Meg's fashion brand is called Ego.There was something ego-centric about it, and all of the clothes on display, without exception, featured a theme of female self-awareness.

This fashion show is actually a part of the Ningnan Fashion Festival. The clothing festival is held in Ningnan's exhibition center. It lasts for three days. It's rare that Meg's new brand can get the opportunity to showcase on the first day.

As the opening fashion show, a large number of social celebrities gathered. For a while, all the well-known people in the southern Ningnan area appeared here, which surprised Lisa, but it surprised her even more, and others surprised her. will also appear on this occasion.So much so that someone wanted to find Jung Soo Min in the crowd.

When Lisa heard someone asking her if Zheng Xiumin was here, she giggled.

Lina was quite surprised that Lisa could come, at least on the surface. She kept expressing her thanks to Lisa. After Lisa said a few polite words, she suddenly found that there was a distance between herself and those friends she used to have.

Meg and Lina used to be her leaders and took good care of themselves, but now they have started to seek support from themselves.

This is society and reality.

But Lisa doesn't think Meg will have such an idea. For Meg, pursuing her dreams is more important than pure success.

Lisa is so famous that people keep coming to her for autographs and group photos. Lisa always keeps a smile on her face.

At this time, someone came forward with a microphone, followed by a camera, facing Lisa, the man handed out a business card, Lisa took it, but expressed apology to him: "Sorry, I didn't bring a business card today."

The man hurriedly said, it doesn't matter.He added: "I'm a reporter from China Entertainment News, can I spare you a minute, we want to give you a simple interview!"

Lisa was taken aback, what entertainment news?She shook her head immediately: "You guys are mistaken, I'm not an entertainer." She wanted to leave, but the reporter refused to let her go, and said again: "Lisa, it's very simple, are the dating photos of you circulating on the Internet recently true? Yes."

At this moment, the fashion show was about to start. Lisa ignored the man and walked to her seat alone. As an important guest invited by Meg, she sat at the front.

Lina also came over at this time and rushed the reporter to the media area.

The lights dimmed and the music began to play faintly. At this time, a person squeezed up from the back seat and sat in the empty seat next to Lisa.

Lisa was a little surprised to find that it was Jenny.

She was sweating, and said to Lisa: "Damn it, it's been stuck in traffic for half an hour, so we've arrived."

Urban rail is being built nearby, so traffic jams are inevitable.

Because of Jenny's arrival, Lisa lost interest in watching the wonderful model catwalk show.

Although she had expected that Jenny would be there and had made various plans in her heart, when she really had to face Jenny, she still hesitated and even felt uneasy.

In addition, she did not communicate with Qi Na during today's event, and she regretted it a little at this time.

Sure enough, Jenny was beside Lisa, greeted in a low voice, and said, "Long time no see, seems to be quite busy recently."

Lisa smiled slightly at Jenny, and answered yes in a small voice.

Then he pretended to concentrate on watching the model's catwalk.

Jenny was still talking in a low voice, and Lisa responded patiently, but whispering in this situation is a very unqualified manifestation. Lisa found that there were people next door and opposite looking at her, so she whispered to Jenny: "Let's talk about it later." Bar."

Jenny was still talking when a man behind her patted her chair lightly to signal her not to speak.

Jenny finally shut up.

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief.

At the end of the press conference, Meg finally showed up and bowed to the audience. Taking advantage of the warm applause for Meg, Lisa turned around and got out from the crowd.

She rushed to the parking lot with small steps, got in the car and started the car without stopping, and then drove away.

She didn't have a lot of emotional foundation for Jenny. If it was Meg, Qi Na and Doris who gave her the opportunity during the MyCity period, Jenny was in a state of herding sheep to MyCity at the time, and she cared about it.

It's not just Doris who complains a lot about Jenny, but also Lisa and other ordinary employees.

It's just that Lisa is different from other people. She has a very good relationship with Meg and her family background is superior. She came to work here just to learn social experience, and it also prevented her from really going against Jenny on the stage like Doris.

But in the era of Kirin Wings, the laboratory exploded, Qi Na was injured and fell into a coma, and Lisa encountered Jenny's frontal resistance. interest aversion.

She said to herself, don't be too entangled in individual people, and affect yourself.

It's easy to say and understand very thoroughly, but it can't be done. Lisa stepped up the accelerator, and the car roared into the tunnel and went straight to Qilin's nest.

The entrance of Qilin Nest has been stuck in traffic every day recently, not because there are too many vehicles coming in and out every day or there are traffic accidents, nor is it because the road signs are unscientific.

But recently there have been some so-called earth fundamentalists who oppose robot technology, and so-called environmentalists who claim to be a green world.

The Green World Organization believes that machines are gradually marginalizing people, and humans choose to communicate with machines instead of face-to-face communication, which will lead to the degradation of people and gradually be replaced by machines.Therefore, human beings must resolutely resist robots and cannot become slaves of machines.

Undoubtedly, this consciousness is somewhat sci-fi, at least for most ordinary people today, it is a bit too advanced. For ordinary people, machines are not yet that smart.

For someone like Qi Na who has always been at the highest point of artificial intelligence, this is too sensational, and Qi Na believes that the problem lies more with humans than with machines.

Just as you cannot say that cars make human beings lose running time, with the development of the world and the progress of human beings, this kind of change must be the general trend. Only when human beings truly understand artificial intelligence and use artificial intelligence can they truly know what is Artificial intelligence, how humans can use artificial intelligence.

This is like the story of the chicken laying the egg and the egg hatching the chicken. There is me in you, and you in me.

And if they choose to resist artificial intelligence like the Green World Organization-from their promotional cards, they still have a vague distinction between robots, artificial intelligence, and machines, or they think that robots are artificial intelligence, and machines are robots, then humans Stopping in this direction will inevitably lead to breakthroughs in other fields, because energy is conserved and the world is developing, so should we continue to resist new fields and new breakthroughs?

If you continue to resist, it means that human beings will enter stagnation and decline. If you don't resist, then what is the point of resisting artificial intelligence?

In other words, what is the point of resisting AI?
If you are worried about the end of Skynet like the Terminator in Hollywood movies, then this is simply a joke. How can you use a movie that has no logic at all to measure scientific research?

(End of this chapter)

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