Need for little hackers

Chapter 235 Small Harassment Stalking

Chapter 235 Small Harassment ([-]) Stalking

There was originally a bank dinner tonight, but Lisa was really not interested, so she asked the financial manager to deal with it. She stayed in the company until after seven o'clock, and then she was about to get off work and go back to the apartment. When she went down the stairs, she couldn't help calling Zheng Xiumin Unexpectedly, she was still in the meeting, Zheng Xiumin said: "If you don't think I'm late, let's go eat Lao Zhang's rice together later."

Lisa burst out laughing, she knew that Zheng Xiumin did it on purpose, but she thought it would be fine to go back by herself, so she said, "Okay, okay, I'll drive into the city, it will take an hour anyway, I'll go General Lane is looking for you."

"Okay, see you soon." Zheng Xiumin hung up the phone and continued to communicate with her colleagues.

Lifeline stood out in this Double Eleven competition, and it can be said that it was completely popular, to the extent that all colleagues were a little uncomfortable.

This kind of popularity is completely different from the previous feeling. The previous popularity of Lifeline is because it has various topics, and more people in the circle of people are talking about it, discussing it, and researching it, and this Double Eleven The fire is that the whole people responded with orders, and the massive orders instantly swallowed up the network lines.

The hard work in the past year, carefully dealing with the e-commerce arena, seems to be waiting for this moment. The scale of the blowout sales in the data report is shocking. Determine the size of their sales.

From this moment on, no one will regard Life Online as a dark horse anymore. They have transformed from a dark horse to a giant.

The Big Three of e-commerce.

Zheng Xiumin obviously felt everyone's high emotions at the meeting, and some people even looked forward to surpassing Taozhen's historical moment.

Some people think that only online life is the future of e-commerce.

Some people even think that the current Lifeline already has strength and capital, and what was sent out in the past will now be returned.

This kind of confidence moved Zheng Xiumin, but she didn't really think about it that way.Instead, she felt that this thought was dangerous, or that the current life line was becoming impetuous.

After she hung up Lisa's phone, she stopped talking, but quietly looked at the venue, slowly waiting for the whole venue to quiet down.

1 minutes
2 minutes

After 3 minutes, someone finally realized Zheng Xiumin's strangeness, everyone slowly shut up and paid attention to Zheng Xiumin.

Zheng Xiumin said slowly: "What kind of company is Life Online?"

She is asking.

Of course, Life Online is an e-commerce company, one of the Big Three domestic e-commerce companies.But no one dared to answer, because no one knew what kind of medicine Zheng Xiumin sold in the gourd.

"It's e-commerce." Wu Jun answered.

"Then what about the legend of quarrying?" Zheng Xiumin asked back, yes, since it is an e-commerce company, what is going on with this game?
"The legend of quarrying was a slant move to help the company solve its financial difficulties." Wu Jun was still answering the question.What he said was very practical, and these colleagues present here are also very clear.

Zheng Xiumin rolled her eyes, she was quite speechless towards Wu Jun, but he was the one who talked too much.

However, Zheng Xiumin did not deny Wu Jun, she said: "We are an e-commerce company and a game company. At present, our direct-operated projects include life taxi assistants, group buying, one-stop wedding celebrations, forums, information bars, etc. May I ask everyone, Are we really an e-commerce business?”

"We are the platform." Still Wu Jun.

Zheng Xiumin smiled: "Can you not talk? I don't know, I thought we were singing a double reed!"

The originally serious conference room suddenly became cheerful again, but Wu Jun's words had made Zheng Xiumin's intention very clear.

Life Online is a platform, the so-called platform is not a platform if you play it alone, you must have more people to settle in it, more and more people start to play this platform, this platform can be active and survive .

Lifeline has been adhering to be the best e-commerce platform from the very beginning, and strives to serve every merchant well.Now that the development of Life Online has made them no longer limited to an e-commerce company, their future space is the Internet, which means that the goal of Life Online is an Internet platform.

On this platform, there are merchants stationed in shopmall, entertainment, game developers stationed in publishing games, software, developers submit APPs and release software, or educators can publish educational videos on it to carry out educational work.Fund companies can sell financial products on it, and banks can open online banks on it.

As for a user, or a netizen, everything in his life can be obtained on the platform of Life Online, whether it is the exchange of funds, or learning and entertainment, all of which will be covered by the platform of Life Online.

"So, if Life Online is only doing this, do you think it's possible?" Zheng Xiumin asked.

She looked at the silent colleagues, and continued: "Indeed, at the beginning because of the shortage of funds, we couldn't grasp all the projects that could make money, so we got Qilin Wings along the way, and today's Qilin Wings Obviously, it has grown into an important ally and comrade-in-arms of Life Online. The small and medium-sized developers who are struggling to survive in our current cramped platform and are always afraid of being swallowed by us, have filled the gap for us, balanced the ecology, and enriched the platform. They are also ours. An important supporter and an extremely important ally of ours, why do some colleagues say, send it out, and we want to take back such weird remarks.”

"In the future, we will not only continue to send out, but also send a journey to help them on the road. Helping them is helping us. Every additional alliance is an additional partner and new force, and our strength will increase."

"Lifeline continues to take the platform road, which is irreversible. We do not release the data of e-commerce Double Eleven because the company leaders do not think that Lifeline is an e-commerce company. We must strive to change this way of thinking. I won’t compare with JD and Taozhen anymore, you will find this kind of low-end competition ridiculous after we stand higher and see farther.”

"I hope that after leaving this office, all colleagues can bring the vision and long-term goals of the company's leaders to every colleague or friend you can influence. Please also arrange for Wu Jun to communicate with all parties on the platform. Small and medium-sized developers and merchants communicate to avoid ambiguity among them."

Zheng Xiumin's eyes were sharp, and the participants were all a little scared.Especially the colleague who just said the sentence that we have to take it back after sending it out, his face was flushed and he didn't dare to say a word.

After the meeting was over, Zheng Xiumin returned to the office and saw Lisa was already waiting.

Seeing Zheng Xiumin coming back, Lisa got up together, hugged Zheng Xiumin affectionately, and said angrily, "Sister Min, I'm almost starving to death."

Zheng Xiumin hehe: "Let's go eat donburi."

Doris, who was following Zheng Xiumin, saw Lisa and was taken aback. Although she knew that Zheng Xiumin and Lisa had a harmonious relationship, she never expected to get so close.

Eating donburi was just a gimmick, of course, Zheng Xiumin would not really take Lisa to eat donburi, but went to a hot pot restaurant not far away.

Zheng Xiumin said: "Is there anything more enjoyable than eating boiled mutton in winter."

Lisa was also rejoicing. She really thought she was going to eat rice bowls, and she was already prepared in her heart. At that time, there would definitely be netizens gossip on the website: Ningnan Shuangshu is diligent and thrifty, and eats rice bowls at midnight.

She said: "Lamb is good, but I want to eat yellow throat and beef louver."

Zheng Xiumin waved her hand: "Order whatever you want, I'll pay for it."

They were all driving, but they couldn't help wanting to drink, so they simply walked there. It wasn't too far anyway, so they all left their cars near the company.

The hot pot restaurant is next to the bar street, so there are a lot of diners. Lisa doesn't like the smoky dining environment a little bit, and retreated as soon as she entered the door. Unexpectedly, Zheng Xiumin led her and squeezed in desperately. She and the waiter After saying hello, the waiter led them to find a secluded corner. The only regret was that there were a lot of bedding piled up in this place. It seemed that the beds were piled up by the waiters in the store. Lisa felt that she smelled a little sweaty.

Zheng Xiumin took a list of food orders, tapped on it with a pencil, and picked up many dishes in a short while, muttering: "Yellow throat, beef louver, mutton, lamb, dried shredded, frozen Tofu"

Lisa held her breath, desperately trying to adapt to this environment, but when the waiter covered in oil stood next to her, the smell of sweat and hot pot mixed with her nostrils, Lisa finally couldn't help it, got up and walked out.

As soon as she left the hotpot restaurant, she was greeted by a gust of cold air. She took a deep breath and finally felt a little more comfortable.

Zheng Xiumin followed out with the order list, pursed her lips and smiled: "Why, do you think it tastes bad?"

Lisa's face flickered, she nodded, and a little embarrassed, said: "Sister Min, let's change places."

Zheng Xiumin handed the list to the waiter who was following, said sorry, and pulled Lisa away.

Seeing that Lisa couldn't stand the environment, she didn't take it seriously, and muttered about what else to eat nearby.

Suddenly, Zheng Xiumin stopped in her tracks, as if remembering something, she looked back.

Lisa was puzzled: "Sister Min, what's the matter with you, have you met someone you know?"

Zheng Xiumin smiled slightly and said, "No, it just feels like someone is following behind!"

They were in the middle of the restaurant street, which was also the most deserted place. On the opposite side of the street, two thin young men stood next to each other, walking quickly, talking in a low voice.

There are only a few restaurants that open this door in the tens of meters in front, and there is only the hot pot restaurant and the barbecue next to it in the back.

In this deserted corner, if something really happens, I'm afraid it's really not working, and the earth is not right.

Lisa felt a chill from the soles of her feet, and she exchanged a glance with Zheng Xiumin. In an instant, both of them broke out in cold sweat, and Zheng Xiumin whispered, "Run."

Lisa walked lightly, pulled Zheng Xiumin and ran forward.

(End of this chapter)

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