Need for little hackers

Chapter 238 Small harassment Stability

Chapter 238 Small Harassment ([-]) Stability


Liu Shuangshuang came to Qilin Wings again.

Lisa was smiling, but Liu Shuangshuang did not respond, but said to Lisa with a sullen face: "The superiors have not yet determined the time for the chief to come to Ningnan, but they asked if the work was done properly, and asked us to continue to implement security and other tasks."

Lisa nodded.

"In addition, around New Year's Day, there will be special service personnel to guide the security work, and Qilin Wings must cooperate well." Liu Shuangshuang really doesn't want to deal with Lisa, not because she argued with Lisa, but more because of She is Qi Na's girlfriend, which makes Liu Shuangshuang feel like a stick in her throat.

"Okay, we understand." Lisa didn't have anything extra to say.

"It's good to understand, this is the time to receive the chief, not the time for you to fight each other." Liu Shuangshuang couldn't help but still be wordy.

Lisa still smiled slightly and didn't care.

Lisa sent Liu Shuangshuang away, so she wanted to call the security captain and others over to discuss the chief's security work.

Unexpectedly, the door of the office was pushed open, and Lisa was taken aback. Who would push the door without knocking and come in so impolitely?
Only Keener.

Qina's eyes were blurred, obviously he was extremely sleepy, and he stayed up all night and worked overtime.

He sat across from Lisa and said, "Well, I'm busy." He yawned as he spoke.

Everyone in the meeting left the office with interest.

Lisa stared at him with wide eyes, she couldn't care less about persuading Qina to take care of her health, Qina would never come to his office to say hello for no reason,
She is blessed with all her heart, could it be that there has been a breakthrough in research and development?
"Yeah, there is a small breakthrough." Qina's posture felt a little dispirited, and he wanted to show off, but he didn't expect to be found out so quickly, which was a failure.

Lisa was suddenly excited and beaming with joy. It seemed that she must have made a major breakthrough.

Qina, who had been seen through, shrugged and stood up, "I'm going to rest."

As soon as he was about to leave, Lisa felt unwilling and complained, "How can someone say something like that?!"

Qina waved his hand, which meant that he would not tell you.

Lisa was discouraged. Thinking of Liu Shuangshuang's arrangement just now, she hurriedly kept Qina and informed him. Qina pondered for a while and said, "You can arrange these things. You can arrange them."

But Lisa didn't know what to do, and asked again: "If secret service personnel enter the laboratory, how can we ensure the security of our information?"

It's not unreasonable for her to think this way. After all, although Qilin Wing's limelight is much weaker than a year ago, it is still the target of many commercial spies.Have to guard against.

Just as Qi Na was about to speak, Lisa's cell phone rang.

Lisa was about to cut off the phone, but unexpectedly the caller ID was Ye Tingfei. She signaled to Qina, who said, "You answer his call first and see what tricks he plays." Yi was not in a hurry, and wanted to add insult to injury, so he already disliked the Ministry of National Defense very much.

Lisa turned on the phone hands-free.

"Lisa, hello! Long time no contact." Ye Tingfei said.

"Hello, Major Ye." Lisa said very politely, "What's the matter?"

"About the time when the Ministry of National Defense will re-enter the Kirin Wings." Ye Tingfei said very formally.

"Oh, Major Ye, that's it. Now Alex is sitting opposite me. I hope you don't mind." Lisa explained, Ye Tingfei said very formally, and this matter is also very important, so she felt it was necessary to let Qi Na appear on the stage .

"Oh, it's okay, Mr. Qi, hello." Ye Tingfei greeted Qi Na.

"I'm fine, let's get to the point as soon as possible." Qi Na said.

Ye Tingfei then said in a deep voice: "President Qi, Lisa, we have a little idea about the time of return, and hope that you can also support it."

Lisa glanced at Qi Na, who nodded, and Lisa said, "Please tell me."

"We hope to return to Qilin's Nest as soon as possible, but before that, we hope that you can come forward and postpone the date of the Chief's inspection of Ningnan." Ye Tingfei said.

Lisa was taken aback, but Qi Na swears: "Damn."

Qina immediately said: "You are quite well informed!"

"Sorry, although we are not an intelligence agency, we still hope to know more about the projects that have invested heavily. Ye Tingfei apologized.

Lisa looked at Qi Na, looked at the phone, and seemed to understand a little bit.

Qina continued: "Yes, I agree to your request, but after this incident, I will remove all your intelligence networks from Qilin Wings."

Ye Tingfei smiled: "Okay, I will suggest that we establish an information channel. Replace the existing intelligence mechanism."

Lisa hung up the phone, and immediately asked Qi Na if this small breakthrough was of great significance.

Qina nodded: "Yes, we improved the battery, improved the conduction device, replaced the motor and the circuit, and Ningnan Steel Factory also specially made a batch of steel for us, and our prototype of the Suzaku II has been born. "

Lisa was confused, "This is not a small breakthrough, is this a large number of breakthroughs?"

Qi Na smiled slightly: "This robot can run, jump, and we have even tested jumping in the laboratory. It can be said that the stability is extremely high, and the small breakthrough I am talking about is stability."

"Oh my God." Lisa seemed to feel that a mature product had been born.

"So when Ye Tingfei got the information, the Ministry of National Defense was in a hurry. It just so happened that the chief was coming to inspect. What an opportunity to show his face. Ye Tingfei's superiors might have to be promoted to three levels in a row, but they invested such a huge amount of money, but because some bureaucrats What a pity that the cooperation was interrupted due to procrastination, the funds were in vain, and the opportunity to show up was lost.” Qi Na explained.

Lisa already understood it in her heart, and she went on to say: "So you didn't make things difficult for him. Helping Ye Tingfei and the Ministry of National Defense is actually helping ourselves."

"That's right." Qina smiled, yawned, and said, "I'll take a nap first, and when I wake up, I'll take you to see the Suzaku II robot."

Lisa smiled like a flower, jumped into Qi Na's arms, and said, "Okay, this is our first date in the past month or so."

Lisa was preoccupied with going to see the Suzaku II robot with Qina, so when she called Liu Shuangshuang, she was speechless at the beginning of the sentence, and there was a gap of nearly ten seconds.Until Liu Shuangshuang sarcastically said: "Boss Lisa, what kind of trick is this playing?"

Lisa blushed immediately, apologized quickly, and calmed down, said: "Secretary Liu, that's it. I want to report to Secretary Du, and I need to inform her about something important."

Although Liu Shuangshuang doesn't like Lisa, she is meticulous and unambiguous about her work.Immediately said: "I'll check Secretary Du's arrangement, and then call you."

Lisa hung up on Liu Shuangshuang's call, sticking out her tongue and feeling embarrassed for her gaffe.

It was late at night again, and Lisa paid a visit to Du Juan.

Du Juan felt a little curious about Lisa's first visit alone. Although she was very tired, she still cheered up to face her.

Lisa also saw Du Juan's exhaustion, so she went straight to the point and suggested to Du Juan that the chief should reschedule to Ningnan for inspection.

Du Juan was taken aback: "Are you kidding? What are you doing?!"

She was a little annoyed. Before, she just thought that Lisa and the others were just young and inexperienced, and their handling of some affairs was a little green, but not naive.But when I heard her words today, I suddenly became angry with Sanwei, and said angrily: "Do you think the chief is your neighbor's uncle? He will be here as soon as he is called."

"Secretary Du, this is not my opinion, or wishful thinking, but based on the current research and development status of Kirin Wings as a last resort." Lisa explained.

Du Juan couldn't listen at all, and almost roared: "Where is Qi Na, tell Qi Na to come here for me, I want to hear how he arranges you as CEO!"

Du Juan erupted in an instant, like a shrew in the market, and Liu Shuangshuang outside the office was shocked. Even when she encountered the bad incident of the deputy mayor's visit and escape, she was not as irritable, furious, and completely lost her composure as today.

What she said was even a personal attack on Lisa.

Liu Shuangshuang suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Lisa.

Lisa didn't speak, her expression was very calm, but her hands were clasped together, they were already turning white. When Du Juan was panting, she got up slowly and said, "I am the CEO of Qilin Wings. If you have any questions, please contact me. I’m here to inform you about this arrangement. If the event is arranged in the near future, all the chief executives see are products released last year. What’s the point of such an arrangement? Most of the products are seen by the chief executive at the BJ Expo in the middle of the year It’s over, come back again, how much freshness do you think the chief will have?”

"I give you a sincere suggestion. In order to cater to the upper hand, it is not the best policy to blindly compromise, to be false and obedient. Only by producing truly powerful and valuable products can you win trust and respect. For me, for Kirin Wings and you Say, it's all appropriate."

After Lisa finished speaking, she turned around and left without looking at Du Juan.

Du Juan snarled behind her: "What are you, it's your turn to lecture me, get out of here."

Du Juan threw all the documents, pens, and papers on the table to the ground, still cursing.

But she was already very tired. After this time of yelling and scolding, she seemed to be exhausted. Finally, she couldn't hold back anymore. She took a step back and sat back heavily on the chair, gasping for breath. Seeing Liu Shuangshuang come in to pack up the documents, she Covering his heart, he said to Liu Shuangshuang with difficulty: "Water, pour me some water."

As soon as she finished speaking, she fainted, slipped from the seat, and slammed heavily on the floor.

Liu Shuangshuang screamed and was at a loss.

Three days later, Emily returned to Qilin Nest after visiting Du Juan from the hospital. Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. At least Du Juan, who was bedridden in the hospital, was fine. At the same time, according to the news from BJ, the chief obviously had deeper considerations about the inspection. , The opinion of Du Juan and Ningnan Municipal Party Committee's rescheduled inspection was fully accepted.

This made Ye Tingfei heave a sigh of relief. With the full return of the Ministry of National Defense personnel, the Qinglong project restarted.

However, Qi Na no longer gave the Ministry of National Defense super-authorized treatment like before. He only assigned Ye Tingfei and others all the equipment research and development tasks related to weapon attributes, and they had no chance to touch the core intelligent humanoid robot.

(End of this chapter)

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