Need for little hackers

Chapter 246 Big Disclosure Advanced Questions

Chapter 246 Big Disclosure ([-]) Advanced Questions

Qi Na looked at Lisa and said, "Are you really sure about the sequence of speeches?"

He was asking about the upcoming new product launch event of Kirin Wings.

Lisa said impatiently: "Are you bored? I have asked ten times. I will go up to give a welcome speech first, then I will review the history of this year, and then the release of the new product Suzaku II will be introduced by Min Rui, and then she will introduce it." Launch you, you can think about your content yourself, and we will not participate.”

Qi Na let out a sigh, he had heard these words more than a dozen times, of course he knew them by heart, but this was his first public appearance, speaking in public, it was not stage fright, but hesitation, did he really want to show his face?
Once this first step is taken in this kind of thing, it will be impossible to recover, which makes him careless.

"Oh, by the way, there will be news about yesterday's chief inspector tonight, do you want to watch it?" Emily leaned over and asked.

"I know, but it's a pity that the news of our press conference cannot be broadcast on the news network today." Lisa said.

"It should be possible. There are reporters from CCTV who are present today. They are very dissatisfied with not being able to film live. Do you want to accommodate?" Emily asked.

"Why do you need to accommodate." Qi Na said dissatisfiedly: "We accommodated this time, what should we do next time? They must use the materials we provide, otherwise they will not report if they don't report, don't care."

Emily didn't wait for Qi Na to continue, and immediately said: "I understand, I understand."

She turned and ran.

Lisa looked at Qi Na with her shoulders in her arms, speechless on her face.

Qi Na stared at her: "Did I say something wrong?"

Lisa waved her hand to change the topic: "I just checked the list, Jenny, Meg, and Lina are all here, do you want to see them later?"

Qi Na suddenly fell silent, and it took a long time before he decided: "Let's talk about it after the press conference is over."

Lisa still waved her hand: "Okay, okay." She turned around and walked out, looking at her watch: "It's time, I'll go first."

When she was going out, Min Rui walked over, Lisa immediately grabbed Min Rui and said, "Let's go together."

Min Rui said hello, then stuck to Lisa tightly, and said in a low voice, "You really want to do this?"

Lisa hissed at Min Rui, and said: "Keep down, his ears are good! You listen to me, don't worry."

Min Rui nodded.

Qi Na was dragged backstage by Emily. Although the stage set up in the exhibition center was temporary, it was not crude at all. The front and back stages were strictly separated, and the security requirements of the venue and Kirin Wings were strictly enforced.

The only regret is that the venue is too empty. They only used less than 1 square meters of an area of ​​more than [-] square meters, so even though the venue provides warm air, people still feel a bit cold.For this reason, Emily temporarily added a thick carpet on the day of the exhibition stage, at least it will feel warmer.

At this time, a huge high-definition LED background is playing a documentary about Kirin Wings' marketing activities, wishes and dreams.

The huge LED clock on one side jumped to 09:30, the lights in the venue were completely darkened, and the high-definition LED background picture slowly faded away.

A beam of light is cast down the middle of the stage.

Lisa walked slowly. There were more than 1000 audiences under the stage. This time, there were not many relatives and friends, only about 100 people, but the media doubled. Other partners such as the railway department, Feng Piao Piao milk tea and other manufacturers have Personnel from the technical department came to observe.

As soon as Lisa stepped onto the stage, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm Lisa. Welcome." Lisa is wearing a wireless microphone, not business attire, but a seemingly casual dark green knee-length skirt. The background colors are subtly blended together.

Lisa opened her arms and made a welcoming gesture, and the audience applauded again.

She immediately got into the topic, and first reviewed the development process of Kirin Wings in the past year. She joked: "A year ago we had no scruples and said that we would release products every six months, which almost put us in a desperate situation. Stop bragging."

There was roaring laughter from the audience.

Kylin Wings has produced more than 2 robotic arms of various types this year, mainly used in Kylin milk tea shops, Kylin House logistics systems, industrial e-commerce fields, etc. There is no doubt that the development of robotic arms is smooth and healthy. The arm is also a pillar item of Kirin Wings.

Lisa continued to talk about research and development, mentioned the battery explosion, and finally said: "Although there are many obstacles, there is no doubt that our goal will not waver, our belief will not waver, and we must always move forward bravely."

Her resolute words touched the audience, and there was another round of warm applause.

Then Lisa reviewed the Kirin Wings in the Internet world, and finally reflected on the mistakes that the Kirin Wings made in the past year.

Lisa's entire speech was more like an internal report, simple and clear.

But some of the inside information was known to outsiders for the first time, and everyone listened with gusto.

Qi Na was in the waiting room, and when he saw Lisa starting to wrap up, he said to Min Rui: "Actually, I think it's best if she wraps up the whole show by herself. We shouldn't show up at all."

Min Rui rolled his eyes at him and said: "Come on, we should be the ones who said this, you should be on the stage at all, and we should sit below."

Qina grinned unwillingly to argue with her, but Min Rui suddenly said, "Oh, oh, my stomach hurts so much, I'm going to the bathroom."

Before Qi Na could understand, she turned around and slipped away.Looking at her back, Qi Na whispered: Lisa is about to end, hurry up.

At this time, Lisa was reviewing the situation of human resources this year, and couldn't help but make a simple demonstration of the internal ERP system to show that the company's investment in the internal IT system is very huge, and the entire system is leading international.

The high-definition LED screen began to show the work photos of the employees. This time, there was no picture of eating chili peppers. Instead, it was replaced by a high-end and clean canteen, a temporary rest place for employees, an activity center, free drinks, and the highest configuration of unicorns. Milk tea shop.

And employees who are extremely tired after working overtime.There are also photos of the scene after the battery exploded, and the moment after Qi Na and Min Rui were dug out of the ruins.

Seeing this scene, the audience applauded again.

Lisa turned her head to look at the photo, she saw herself in the corner of the photo, looking devastated, recalling the scene at that time, she had just one thought at that time, if something happened to Qi Na, she would not be alone.

The momentary stupefaction strongly stimulated Lisa's subconscious mind. When she realized it, she immediately began to control her emotions, but the strong nasal voice still betrayed her.

Someone in the group of relatives and friends in the audience shouted: "Lisa, come on."

The applause was even louder.

Lisa calmed down, and turned to the last page of her speech slides. On it was a photo of her life, and a photo of Duan Zhengfei, Zheng Xiumin, Qi Na and herself.

She said slowly, "Okay, thank you all. I'm Lisa, thank you for coming."

She paused: "Next, we invite our CTO, Alex Qi, to come up and introduce the long-awaited new products to you."

Qi Na was urging Emily to go to the women's restroom to find Min Rui, but Emily asked slowly which women's restroom Min Rui was in, the venue, the six restrooms, front, back, left, and right, without explaining how to find it.

When Qi Na was annoyed, Emily poked his arm: "What are you calling?"

Qina said "I'm sorry", and then he realized: "You guys work together to bully me!" He turned his head and let Gao Qinglin take the stage, Gao Qinglin was so shocked that he couldn't speak clearly. slipped away.

Qina was furious: "You are so disrespectful."

Emily pushed him hard: "Don't make trouble, you will get on if you don't. It doesn't matter if it's later or earlier."

Qi Na walked up to the stage facing Lisa full of resentment.

What Qi Na did not expect was that as soon as he appeared, the audience stood up, whistles, warm applause, and applause one after another, which was a warm welcome to Qi Na from the heart.

Qina was a little embarrassed, and raised his hands, trying to get everyone to sit down, but the applause continued and became more and more enthusiastic.

Qi Na had no choice but to keep saying thank you, thank you.

Seeing that the situation was not right, I had no choice but to say: "If you don't sit down, we won't be able to hold today's press conference."

Only then did the audience gradually quiet down.

Qi Na's original opening remarks were completely unusable. He was a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down and said, "Everyone, welcome, I met a friend just now, and he asked me that this year's security check is obviously looser than last year's." ,Why is that?"

"Sorry, it wasn't a security check last year. It's just that everyone is not allowed to use mobile phones, cameras, video cameras and other video equipment that are not approved by Kirin Wings to take pictures and record conferences."

"Why did you do that at the time? Actually, it's embarrassing to say that our product at the time, the Suzaku I-type robot Peter, was indeed a half-baked product. Everyone was not allowed to take pictures because they were afraid that something would go wrong during the demonstration."

"After the press conference, I heard some friends praise Kirin Wings, saying that the press conference of Kirin Wings is the highest in history. I am really ashamed."

The audience roared with laughter.

Qi Na mobilized the atmosphere, and began to introduce step by step according to Min Rui's speech, first of all, some thoughts in the research and development process, most of which are Min Rui's self-perception, but this part is not suitable for Qi Na, but Qi Na Once the chat box was opened, it started to chatter endlessly. Although the text was wrong, no one paid attention to it.

"In the process of developing robots, we always encounter such problems. With robots, what should humans do?" Qi Na said: "With robots to work, humans are no longer needed! This is not the case. Put the cart before the horse?"

"Guys, I often encounter such questions. Of course, I can ask him: There is TV, letter paper, envelopes, post office, what do you want Internet, Email! This kind of explanation can certainly make the other party speechless."

"But this doesn't solve my inner doubts and worries?"

"Is the birth of a humanoid robot an advantage or a disadvantage? Can you tell me clearly? I can't? To be honest, I can't." Qi Na's voice gradually became smaller as he spoke, as if he was exhausted physically and mentally, and was unable to continue.

"When we face the electronic life of humanoid robots, should we say him next to the human character, or the one with the cover head? Is it (he) our partner, friend, or a machine, a slave, or a servant. "

"We often bring up a topic called dog rights, the dog rights of pet dogs. We demand that the dogs that were our rations thousands of years ago also have rights."

"Because pet dogs are companion animals and give human beings spiritual status, they should have dog rights, but pet dogs are not the only ones who become part of our lives and companions!"

"It won't be long before an intelligent humanoid robot that is closer to our form penetrates into our lives, takes care of us, and helps us. When you can't do without him and form a tacit understanding in life with him, how should you treat him? They—humanoids?"

"Electronic devices always have a lifespan. Do you use them for maintenance, or use the maintenance money to exchange for a better humanoid robot? You must know that there is a Moore's law for computer chips, and the CPU will be replaced every eighteen months. In fact, The last cycle is faster than eighteen months! This law is also inevitable in other fields, such as humanoid robots."

"Everyone, have you tried it?"

The audience fell into an unprecedented silence.

"Of course, I have also discussed these issues with my colleagues. Some people think that I think too far ahead and think too complicated,"

"But everyone, please pay attention, this is not because I am too far ahead, but because I am right in front of my eyes."

Qina's voice suddenly increased, and he quickly ended his question, and the lights dimmed and flickered instantly.

The entire audience stood up, they knew that today's protagonist had appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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