Need for little hackers

Chapter 254 Green insurance Dealing with

Chapter 254 Green Insurance ([-]) Dealing with


It took less than one kilometer for Qi Na to enter the studio from being recognized by others, but it took Qi Na nearly half an hour. The sights along the way are amazing. Passers-by who knew Qina well rushed to witness Qina's true face.In an instant, Qi Na was plunged into the vast ocean of the people, and Qin Na couldn't help but struggle.

Fortunately, Li Chenguang was clever and called the security guards and armed police soldiers of the TV station to rescue him.

But when he entered the TV station, there were still a lot of onlookers along the way, because he had to pass through the venues of the Spring Festival Gala, and even many celebrities and stars of the Spring Festival Gala rushed out to see Qi Na's demeanor, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

The scene was faithfully recorded by two hand-held cameras and broadcast live simultaneously.Because it was an unexpected situation, the whole scene was extremely chaotic. The only consolation was that Qi Na was too tall, so no matter where he went, the camera could lock him firmly.

When Qi Na changed his clothes and walked towards the center of the venue, several cameras switched continuously from multiple angles, and instantly a tall, calm, confident, domineering, and energetic young man appeared in front of the live broadcast screen and caught people's eyes.

For a moment, countless young girls were filled with enthusiasm and fell into spring thoughts.

The host first spoke: "Mr. Qi, hello, welcome to accept our interview. This interview is broadcast live by our CCTV. In addition, there are reporters from many media."

The moderator will introduce in turn.

Qi Na nodded in greeting.

The host continued: "In our first short film, we interviewed some passers-by, and some of them said they didn't know about Qi Na, or they knew, but they didn't understand. Mr. Qi, for you, the public still knows a lot about you. Limited, can you introduce yourself?"

Keener is really reluctant to engage in this kind of activity because he can't stop some frivolous questions.Even though Lisa had promised him that she had sorted out all the activities.But the reality is that he still has to answer the questions he is facing now.

But facing the camera, Qi Na slightly pondered, and said slowly: "I am from Asakawa, and I am currently in Ningnan, engaged in computer-related work."

What the host was worried about really happened, but she asked for it herself. After forgetting the communication with Lisa, she decided to follow her own ideas, and of course the ideas of the director and TV station leaders.

Qi Na's first answer was so simple, she was a little embarrassed, but fortunately she was prepared, her expression remained unchanged, and she said with a sneer: "Haha, Mr. Qi is still very humorous."

Through the TV, countless discerning people flashed their defamation against the hostess.

"Mr. Qi, first of all, I would like to congratulate you on the complete success of the Suzaku II robot press conference. First, I have a gossip question. Regarding media reports, some entertainment programs may use the Suzaku II robot to perform some performances, or use the robot to show some Content, some people say that there will be an era of robot entertainment, what do you think?" The Evening News reporter named by Lisa, relatively speaking, they have always been supporters of Kirin Wings, and now it is finally time to reciprocate.

Qi Na glanced at him. He had already communicated with Min Rui and others about this kind of problem as early as the beginning of the research and development, so the relevant agreement was also made in the contract.

So Qina solemnly and formally replied: "Any humanoid robot or other robot products designed, produced and promoted by Kirin Wings are for life and work purposes. We do not agree with robots passively participating in any form of entertainment activities." , and will not allow any TV station or entertainment program to use the humanoid robot products produced and designed by Kirin Wing without authorization. The reason is that this behavior damages the image of humanoid robots and misleads ordinary people's knowledge and understanding of humanoid robots. cause unpredictable adverse consequences."

"We have also issued a warning to the ordering users of the first batch of construction machines, reminding them to pay attention to the terms of the contract, so as not to cause unpleasant things to happen."

"At the same time, we also ask the first batch of users not to take the engineering prototype robot out of the country. We have also communicated with relevant departments. The list of contraband of relevant security inspection, customs and other agencies has added the humanoid robot of Kirin Wings."

"Similarly, we do not allow anyone to disassemble the humanoid robot of Kirin Wings in any form or means. If any of the above items appear, we will carry out legal proceedings according to the requirements of the contract. Pursue responsibility and will consider carefully The purpose of the subsequent purchase behavior of the consumers concerned.”

Qina didn't answer quickly, but every sentence and every word was sonorous and forceful, like the momentum of thunder, freezing the atmosphere of the entire venue.

The reporters attending the meeting suddenly realized that Qi Na's remarks were not simply a response to the reporter's question, but also an expression of a certain position of Qilin Wing, or a hint of a certain attitude of Qilin Wing.After all, the robot belongs to the category of "it", and behind what Qina said is the respect and protection of "it"!
The interview progressed slowly, and Qi Na treated it attentively, but it was extremely boring, and all the questions were too superficial.For example, what factors limit the production capacity of Kirin Wings.

For example, is the future development goal of Kirin Wings a robot code-named Qinglong, and asked whether the next version of the Suzaku II robot will be Qinglong I?The basaltic red bird, green dragon and white tiger are the four sacred beasts of Taoism. According to this logic, it is natural, but does such a question make sense?

Qi Na was speechless, with a livid face, and said angrily: "No matter what the name is, it will be the next generation of our product."

At this time, a reporter sitting at the very edge who had not asked any questions asked: "Mr. Qi, it is undeniable that the Suzaku II robot has great flexibility and strong artificial intelligence, so there have always been people who have been asking you The company expresses dissatisfaction, thinking that robots will replace humans, and the excellence of the Suzaku II robot seems to confirm this expression of dissatisfaction. May I ask, what do you think of this recently popular opinion!?"

Qina finally waited for this inevitable question, and he had already prepared for it.

"Robots replace humans, or machines replace humans, this topic is very interesting." Qi Na nodded: "In the 486 era of computers, computer giants Compaq and HP all believed that 486 is the end point for humans to use and develop computers, and humans don't need better Compaq HP rejected Intel's new Pentium CPU. So Taiwan's Acer opened the era of 586 multimedia computers, and Acer's market share once occupied the world's number one."

"More than 100 years ago, when Lafayette was still pulling cars on the road with ropes, the American Ford started assembly line production soon."

"When inertial thinking dominates the brain, we usually only see the past, but not the future. That is, inertial thinking blinds our eyes."

"Machine has always been replacing human beings. In the first industrial revolution, when power was needed, it was human and animal power at first, and then thought of using the power of water canals and windmills. Finally, the steam engine was perfected and became the source of all power. Is this a machine? replacing humans?"

"The means of transportation that replace human legs range from ox carts and horse-drawn carriages to automobiles, bicycles, trains, airplanes, ships, and even spaceships. These are all machines that are replacing humans."

"Are humans worse off?"

Qi Na suddenly sped up his speech: "All these evolutions that have occurred in history have encountered slander, slander, and unwarranted framing in the process."

"People 100 years ago even thought that taking pictures with a camera would take away a person's soul."

"To this day, the fear of science still makes us shrouded in all kinds of rumors. GMOs are poisonous, and they are biochemical weapons used by the Americans to poison the Chinese; robots will replace humans, and Skynet will start a world war. This must be a science fiction film. Watch Too much, Schwarzenegger fan syndrome?"

"..." Qi Na was eloquent, and the female fans were overwhelmed by his firm eyes and powerful gestures.

"When you decide to believe a rumor, you cannot understand and recognize fair and objective facts and scientific theoretical basis."

"I hope my answer can satisfy you!" Qi Na ended his answer.

On this occasion, Qi Na sharply criticized people's scientific views, and made a clear stand on his position on genetic modification, as if swearing that he is a sweet party or a salty party!

The only regret is that Qi Na didn't face up to the underlying question about how Kirin Wings ensured the safety of the robot.

So soon this question was thrown out again: "Ask Mr. Qi, some hacker organizations have already expressed their interest in Suzaku Robot, and they have decided to try to crack Suzaku Robot. If the crack is successful, then the power of Suzaku Robot will not be good." Will it become dangerous and affect the safety of ordinary people? May I ask Mr. Qi, how does Qilin Wing ensure safety."

This question is much more direct and real than the previous one, and it is also a real problem. Qi Na nodded at the reporter, perhaps approving her question, and said: "This is a systematic problem, and it cannot be explained clearly in a few simple sentences. , let me try to answer you. First of all, from the technical level, we have carried out three layers of protection, which must be protection, not after-the-fact remedy. robotOS uses a brand-new architecture and language to write, and the CPU and chips used are also different from those of Ordinary electronic equipment, the entire software environment is closed."

"In terms of hardware, all of our designs are also unique, especially in terms of circuits. We have made strict safety locks. Once someone tries to disassemble or destroy these facilities, our robots will enter a state of being unable to drive. Unique password rules You must go to the Qilin Wing to reset. At the same time, these abnormal information will be sent to the Qilin Wing as soon as possible. We have a special person to deal with these abnormal feedback information."

"Logically, we set up the three laws of robotics, which are iron rules that robots cannot surpass."

"From the perspective of social engineering, we have carried out high reward activities to offset the impact of illegal production with high income."

"Of course we don't think these measures can withstand all attacks, just as you can't predict that the driver in a car will accelerate and rush into the crowd. Maybe he was an angel at the last second."

Qi Na knows that the series of answers cannot be fully recognized by the skeptics, but I believe all the efforts will still have a subtle effect. He gradually understands and deeply feels Lisa's bloody, boring, and absurd things. Market activities are those ordinary behaviors that are extremely effective in releasing and alleviating the gap and pressure between ordinary people and robots.

The on-site interview continued, with one question after another, two hours flew by.

Qi Na looked at his watch twice, and the host said helplessly, "Then time is limited, please prepare for the last question."

"Mr. Qi, there was an article earlier showing that your assets have reached hundreds of billions and you have become the richest man in the country. What do you think of this?" the reporter asked.

"Yes so what? No so what? Can you tell me?" Qi Na was already impatient, and answered very quickly and directly.

"Do you have any vision for the future of Qilin Wings and Life Online?"

"Work hard, keep working hard, and give employees more wages." Qina was almost perfunctory, but it had to be said that it was indeed the truth.I believe that all Kirin Wings employees will smile happily when they hear this sentence.

"There are rumors that Qilin Wings and Life Online will merge, is this really possible?"


"What do you think of this press conference, can you say a few words to our audience and readers at the end?"

"Thank you."

After Qi Na finished answering, all the reporters were stunned. The last round of questions was answered in seconds. The host was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly, "Thank you, Mr. Qi, for coming." She wanted to thank him for his wonderful answer, but she wanted to Thinking of his second reply just now, the host lost his voice.

Qi Na got up, quickly shook hands with several reporters and hosts, and then walked out of the studio quickly. With the assistance of Li Chenguang, he went directly to the parking lot from the VIP passage this time, took the Bentley back to the hotel, and ate After a brief break, a new round of press conferences began, this time with English-speaking foreign reporters.

Qi Na's attitude was still the same, and he would be perfunctory when answering boring questions with a few sentences, but he was a little more cautious when answering about the equity of SPE Browser Company, saying that some questions could only be answered by communicating with Duan Zhengfei.

And in this interview, Qi Na received a message that he was selected as the Person of the Year last year by many news agencies.

This is a little surprise.

At the end of the day's activities, Qi Na originally wanted to go back to Ningnan, but Li Chenguang urged him to stay in BJ for one night, have dinner with the hotel manager Li Sufen, and then go out for a walk.

Li Chenguang didn't do this out of selfishness, but Lisa proposed it. Lisa meant that it was rare for Qi Na to go out, so give him some time to relax and walk around.

But this walk caused trouble again.

And this thing has something to do with the green world.

(End of this chapter)

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