Need for little hackers

Chapter 283 Patent Departure

Chapter 283 Patent (V) Departure


The lawyers on both sides still maintain a high spirited state, taking turns to fight, you come and go, verbal, refusing to give an inch, no one dares to relax.

But everyone has seen that even though San Siro's lawyers are working hard today, there is already a sense of failure in their camp.

On the contrary, it was much easier for Qilin Wing to go up and down.

In the outside world, the media and the Internet are also full of voices, and the Kirin Wings are sure to win, and the lawsuit of the century will come to an end.

After a brief break at noon, the court session continued at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that both sides had no more information to provide, and both the prosecution and the defense had finished what they needed to say, the judge made a gesture to end the trial and set a date for the verdict.

At this time, there was a little commotion in the San Siro camp.

Qina immediately sensed that something was wrong, he glanced at Lisa, and Lisa was also looking at him with a worried expression on her face.

The judge asked San Siro's lawyer to keep quiet. At this time, the defense lawyer stood up and said, "Sorry, we have new information to provide, and I hope the judge can adopt it."

The judge sighed, it seems that this fierce battle will not end for a while.

Qi Na slumped on the chair, his spider has intercepted San Siro's message.

Lawyer San Siro once again sent an important message that Christian and Lisa have a close relationship. Christian once mentioned his close relationship with Lisa when chatting with a girlfriend, and especially mentioned that Lisa gave her a large sum of money to start a business.

There was an uproar in the auditorium.

Some people think this is nothing more than evidence that the two have a good relationship and borrow money to do business.

But there are also people who speculate that if Lisa had premeditated, the money might have been used to buy LChristian.

But this kind of conspiracy theory is a bit too fanciful. It's unbelievable that Lisa could predict this lawsuit in advance.

The other voice is more practical and convincing. If Christian borrowed a huge sum of money from Lisa, her voice cannot be trusted in this lawsuit, because her position is untrustworthy. of.

The judge beat the hammer to demand silence and asked Qilin Wing's lawyer if he needed to ask questions.

After discussing with Kirin Wing's lawyers, they questioned that the other party's evidence was not enough to be accepted. The implication was that this testimony was bought.

But San Siro's lawyer is very calm, because the chat records are true. As for the intentions of the person who betrayed Christian, it does not affect the authenticity of the evidence.

The judge once again ended the trial, and then the court issued an announcement. At the request of both parties, the trial was postponed and the next trial will be notified separately.

The end of the Ningnan Court trial means that the US District Court is about to begin.

The media was negative, thinking that Kirin Wings was about to suffer an unprecedented blow, not only because of the huge compensation, but also because of the reputation and independent and tenacious character that it especially valued.

However, most people don't think that Kirin Wings will be in a slump, and may need short-term adjustments, but the profound technical accumulation contained in Kirin Wings, as well as the technological power beyond the times, will eventually help them out of the predicament.

But they all forgot one thing. Sometimes it is not so easy to simply calculate the gains and losses. What is difficult to resolve is the loss of morale and the loss of trust between the entire team.

After the situation was reversed, Kirin Wings fell into an unprecedented sense of decadence.This situation spreads from the upper level to the middle level, and then extends to the bottom level employees.

Even Life Online was infected, and a server downtime accident happened for the first time, and it was quickly found out that the fault was an error in the script written by the operation and maintenance engineer.

Lisa didn't come to Qilin Nest until the afternoon the next day.

When Yang Tingting saw her appear, she immediately informed her that Qi Na was waiting for her in the office.

Lisa sighed, hesitated for a while, and still went to look for Qi Na.

Qi Na smiled at Lisa and said, "You are very haggard."

"It should be a little bit." Lisa said with a wry smile.

"This is just a lawsuit. We haven't lost yet. Everyone knows that we are on the right side." Qina didn't hesitate, and went straight to the point: "You are different from others, and you can't be depressed like this."

He was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his voice and said, "Did we lose the lawsuit? Why didn't I know!"

Lisa froze for a moment.He quickly understood his intentions.

Qina was still very loud: "If we didn't lose, why are we so downcast?"

Lisa bowed her head apologetically: "Qina, it's my problem. I'm a little disturbed by the other party. My mentality is a little out of balance."

At this time, the two are no longer friends or lovers facing each other, but superiors and subordinates.

Qina didn't question her, but lowered his voice, and said, "I will appear in court for the American lawsuit. You sit in Qilin's Nest, with Emily and Lin Hui, and that's enough. In addition, there is Duan Zhengfei's assistance, there is no need to go too much people."

"Are you going?" Lisa was a little worried. After all, the U.S. government once wanted him. Although the arrest warrant has been canceled now, it leaves a shadow in this link. What if the U.S. government backtracks?
"It will be fine." Qi Na said: "This lawsuit is a strategic mistake of ours. We take them too seriously. We need to adjust our strategy, not only to deal with the court, but also to adjust our business." The level of Qi Na's consideration Higher, he began to adjust the strategy of the entire Kirin Wings.

Qi Na's schedule was the next day's flight, and the media exclaimed after getting the news, and finally it was Qi Na's turn to come forward.

In order to ensure the safety of Qi Na and prevent Qi Na from being harassed by all-pervasive reporters, Kirin Wings chartered the entire plane, and only Emily and their robot assistants were traveling with Qi Na.

Originally, Qi Na wanted Tian Xiu to go with him, but Tian Xiu obviously hasn't gotten over the trouble of spies.So Qi Na had no choice but to give up.

In addition, Gu Yuanxia, ​​as the media contact person for this itinerary, was already flying to the American continent the night before.

Since then, a number of technicians have carried a number of robots to charter flights to provide technical support for Qi Na.

Other than that, there is no longer any Qilin Wings accompanying them, not even a lawyer.

At the airport in Shanghai, seeing off Qi Na—there were countless reporters and passengers who witnessed Qi Na going to the United States alone.

It was a bleak autumn day at that time, and the weather was getting colder. From the large floor-to-ceiling windows of the terminal hall, people could see the tall and tall Qi Na still in a black T-shirt on the runway. In the welcome of the crowd, he walked up the hanging ladder slowly. He walked slowly, which inadvertently made the witnesses think whether the pressure he was under was too great, and he was already powerless.

Walking up the cabin door, Qina's back was about to disappear, he turned around suddenly, looked in the direction of the departure hall, waved to them, and smiled.

Maybe people far away in the waiting room couldn't see his smile, but the reporters with telephoto cameras still clearly took pictures of this scene.

People are not surprised, what does his smile mean?Why is he confident, and where does his confidence come from?

When his plane arrived at the airport, a live news program on a certain channel even rented a helicopter, stormed into the airport in violation of regulations, and broadcast it live.

Apparently, Qi Na found the helicopter, so he looked up and waved to the camera. Because of his special status, the airport also made special treatment, only for him to open a separate customs channel.

Under Duan Shifei's mediation, Qi Na quickly left the airport through the VIP channel, leaving the media empty.

But the next day, Gu Yuanxia, ​​as a spokesperson, informed the media of Qi Na's itinerary. Qi Na will attend the opening ceremony of the first Kirin Milk Tea Shop in North America of Kirin Wings and the opening ceremony of the Kirin House tomorrow.

This is the standard operation of Kirin Wings, where milk tea shops and Kirin houses open the way to create influence for Kirin Wings.

What is different from other places, mainly in China, is that there will be an official flagship store of Kirin Wings robot opened on the second day.There will be a grand opening ceremony.

Regarding the official flagship store of Kirin Wing's robot, in fact, due to the impact of the lawsuit, Kirin Wing is temporarily restricted from selling robots in the United States. Supporters who have long admired the Suzaku robot also regret it.

Lin Hui's originally planned robot store was simply canceled, but Qi Na gave him a suggestion that sales cannot be stopped, it is only a matter of time, so the robot store continued to be built, but the name was changed to an experience store to welcome supporters in North America to experience and close-up base Suzaku robots.

In addition, Qi Na also suggested that Lin Hui accept reservations from North American consumers.

As long as the court's injunction is lifted, Kirin Wings can start production and distribution as soon as possible.

This is exciting news for supporters in North America. After hearing the news of the opening of the first experience store in North America, the fanatical supporters immediately gathered and formed a long queue at the door of the upcoming experience store.

Of course, the price of the Suzaku robot is high. The all-purpose version of the Suzaku robot is as high as 50 US dollars, while the enhanced version of the Suzaku robot is as high as 60 or 70 US dollars. The so-called enhanced version is just an increase in battery capacity.Designing models with flash memory capacity is similar to smart phones.

However, with such a high price, even the fanatical supporters of Kirin Wings have to do what they can, so most supporters who can afford the starting price are either rich or expensive, and they will not stay in line for multiple nights to make a reservation .

Therefore, in the long queue, the vast majority of young people want to get in touch with robots for the first time, to satisfy their curiosity, and to help the wealthy line up to earn a commission.

Even so, there were thousands of people queuing up, which shocked people.This reminds people of the frenzy of queuing for each release of Apple's mobile phones in the past.

In fact, there is another reason for this. Although Suzaku Robot is said to be sold globally, due to the lack of sales channels and the strict terms of sale and use established by Kirin Wings, Suzaku Robot has only been sold in mainland China for a long time. After the sale, only a small number of robots accompanied the buyers to the United States or other countries --- this naturally aroused crowds of spectators wherever they went, and even aroused people's expectations.

When Kirin Wings really wanted to make a global effort, it encountered a lawsuit from San Siro, and the sales process had to be postponed.

The first experience store opened now is also the first robot store in the world. The robots booked through them will also be the first batch of users to receive the goods outside of mainland China. How strong is this sense of existence? Supporters Can you not be excited? !
However, since the opening ceremony is in the afternoon and it is open air, due to safety reasons, Qi Na will not be present.

(End of this chapter)

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