Need for little hackers

Chapter 307 Respectively and 1 time

Chapter 307 Separation ([-]) Again


Emily didn't hesitate after hearing Qi Na's decision, and immediately started to take action to hold a new product launch conference. First of all, the venue. What place can accept them now?

As she expected, all kinds of venues suitable for such activities turned them down.

Emily was forced to decide to build a stage in the open space of Qilin Nest.However, there were so many opponents at the entrance of Qilin Nest, and there was such a big contrast with the stage, Emily really couldn't accept it for a while, until she received a notice from the European Space Agency that many staff members of the other party would come to the press conference.

Emily understands that this is a high-profile show, which is for opponents to see. The bigger the show, the wider the influence, and the higher the support and sympathy it will get.

Into the night
When the opponents stopped the tweeters, a group of silent workers appeared in the direction of Qilinwo's usual parking lot. It was a group of robots setting up the stage.

The robots passed and spliced ​​the brackets and plates seamlessly, and soon a huge prototype of the stage was revealed under the night sky.The time before and after was less than half an hour.

The young keyboard warriors were stunned by the astonishing efficiency and ability of the robots in front of them, and they were speechless. However, young people don’t need to fight their chicken blood. Encouraged by a few words from the leaders, they turned on the tweeters again, Launched a new round of public opinion offensive.

The media were very surprised when they received the invitation. Everyone has already seen that someone is messing with the disobedient Qilin Wings, and everyone is also looking at what countermeasures Qilin Wings will make. After all, Qilin Wings is not an ordinary company. The technology we have and our location determine the development of the world—whether or not the age of robots will come, this question has been raised countless times.

But Kirin Wings has been patient. The media has previously disclosed Lisa’s three patient emails. The media people don’t like Kirin Wings because of the attitude of Kirin Wings towards media people. .Beneath the enthusiasm is actually a chasm like the Himalayas.But even such a proud company, with its proud princess-like CEO, was forced to take a helpless countermeasure of patience, patience, patience, which made the media people sigh, but most people still felt the sympathy for each other.

Media people have successively disclosed the news of the new product launch conference of Kirin Wings on Weibo and other media. This news, under the tacit understanding of the media, has been continuously spread, gradually diluting the bloodiness brought by the keyboard warriors on the Internet. taste.



First of all, technology media, industry media, of course, this is only about technology and technology, and has nothing to do with politics.

Then there is the self-media, the reputation of the self-media is not good, but they have a strong communication ability and a stronger instigating power.

Then came social media, gossip media, and finally foreign news agencies.

For foreigners, they don't know much about what happened around Qilin Wing, but how to go is to express their support for Qilin Wing, of course they have to choose to go.

The media reports were beyond Emily's expectation, which encouraged Emily.

In order to pass on more information, Emily released several live video lines to the outside world, and soon she received news that the operator had cut off the lines because of abnormal Internet traffic of Kirin Wings.

Emily laughed angrily. When Qi Na got the news, he didn't care. For him, any blockage or disconnection would not be an obstacle. He released a small plug-in in the SPE browser. Using this plug-in, you can watch A live video broadcast of the Kirin Wings new product launch event.

The SPE company pushed it quickly, and spent a huge amount of money to promote it in the search engine one hour later. Internet portals in different countries can see this small plug-in advertisement of the SPE browser.

In the hacker and geek circles, people also lamented the confrontation between one person and one country, and offered various forms of support.

Qi Na hugged Emily tightly, followed by Tian Xiu, Min Rui, Jian Ning, Li Wenwen, followed by Qiao Wenming, Gao Qinglin, Quan Xuejun and others. Tomorrow will be a difficult day, everyone understands.For the first time today, Qi Na convened a meeting of all senior management cadres. The meeting just went through the press conference process for the next day. After the meeting, he uncharacteristically wanted to hug and bid farewell to all the executives.

Qina took the initiative to hold a new product launch conference, which is to make the conflict between the two parties public.Whether Qi Na can turn the crisis into safety, no one knows.

Qi Na held Lisa's hand again, and left the Qilin Nest under the eyes of his colleagues and the countless spittle and curses from the keyboard man at the door of the Qilin Nest.

"It seems that there are roadblocks appearing one after another at the road nodes!" Qiao Wenming was the first to receive the news.

Emily smiled slightly: "Let's have it, what can we do?" She thought of Liu Shuangshuang, maybe Liu Shuangshuang could help.

The next morning, the wind was blowing, and everyone lamented that the weather was really bad, and even God didn't give Qilin Zhiyi any face.But their press conference is at noon, and the weather may improve.

But the weather has not improved, and bad news keeps coming. For various reasons, a large number of flights are delayed. At the same time, in order to improve traffic safety, security checks around South Ningnan have been rapidly strengthened.Everyone knows what this means.

At the same time, the experts from the European Aviation Agency had to inform Qilin Wing that they could not come to the scene because of the delay of the connecting plane.

But everything is on the line and has to be done, whether it is Qi Na or Qilin Wings, they are all dead.

At twelve o'clock, some good news finally came. Some reporters arrived at the scene, and some rushed to the Qilin Nest to mix with the keyboard warriors after receiving the news. Today, they dropped their disguise and walked into the Qilin Nest.

But even so, there are only more than 40 reporters in total, which is far from the more than 400 who signed up yesterday.

At one o'clock, the winter sun was just right and warm, and the wind stopped.

"Emily," Qiao Wenming rushed over happily, "There are three buses coming, all of them are reporters."

Emily suddenly laughed. She thought of Liu Shuangshuang temporarily last night, so she called her. Liu Shuangshuang and Xiang Yuyao worked together to divide the work and work together to gather a large number of reporters. Killed in.

This time, although [-] reporters were not expected, Qilin Wing was encouraged by [-] reporters. Coupled with the warm sun in winter, it seemed that today was not the worst time.

No music, no videos, no slogans, Lisa stepped onto the center of the stage once again.

More than 200 reporters in the audience, as well as the staff of Kirin Wings, gave her warm applause.

"Good afternoon, friends and colleagues. For those who came from afar, we, Qilin Wings, would like to express our gratitude! Thank you!" Lisa said from the bottom of her heart.

"Today will be the last time for me as the CEO of Kirin Wing to host the new product launch conference of Kirin Wing. I have counted three press conferences, and I have a lot of emotions. One press conference is more eye-catching than the last one. I especially remember the first Suzaku robot Peter walked off the stage with people's obsessed and frightened faces, as if they were still in front of him, and he remembered the countless possibilities shown by the Suzaku robot on the stage last time, so what have we brought to the world today?" Although Lisa has It was a thousand words, but she still restrained her emotions, made an opening remark with the least words, and then entered the topic.

"Welcome Qi Na." Lisa said peacefully.

Qi Na walked to the middle of the stage, looked at the sparsely populated 200-odd reporters, and didn't care. He paid more attention to whether the remote live broadcast channels were disturbed, but fortunately, the SPE browser was always controlled by himself. Then, he relaxed a little.

"Everyone, I know that the more than 200 reporters in the audience and the friends who watched the live broadcast through the Internet are very anxious. Is there anything Kirin Wing can do today! But I still want to change the topic first," Qi Na said with a smile on his face. Smile: "In the age of robots, when people talk about Kirin Wings, they usually use leading humans into the era of robots to mark Kirin Wings. As the founder and the main technical officer, I was once complacent, and even had the whole world It's all my fantasy."

There were good-natured laughter from the audience.

"I know you will laugh," Qi Na teased: "Even the new product launch event is a makeshift grass-roots team, talking about owning the whole world, isn't that a joke?!"

Boom, the audience burst into laughter. I didn't expect that Qi Na could still make such jokes at this stage.

Lisa was dumbfounded. Why was Qi Na so wordy? When communicating the process of the press conference, Qi Na himself asked for a concise speech.

"Yes, one thing after another made me return to rationality. My good friend died beside me. I had no choice but to watch him being swallowed up by the fire; on the foreign battlefield, I accompanied the Qinglong robot to fight on the battlefield , strange faces, youthful and fresh lives fell beside me. Yes, they fell beside me; moreover, my close relatives gradually became estranged from each other; until one day, when I stood in front of the defendant At the seat, the deep sense of failure and frustration welling up in my heart made me wake up. I realized that I am just an ordinary person, and the world thinks that I am not an ordinary person. Understand that the world does not belong to you alone, the world belongs to the world.”

The faces of the people in the audience began to look serious.

"Of course, the Kirin Wings still belong to me, oh, and all the investors of the Kirin Wings." Qi Na said: "Of course, there is nothing they can do if they disagree with my decision! My voting rights and allies are the most !"

The audience chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I made another mistake just now. Kirin Wings doesn't belong to me alone, he belongs to Kirin Wings." Qi Na waved at Emily and said, "First of all, let me introduce our new CEO, Emily , she is an old servant of Qilin Wings, although she left for a short time, she is still the most important member of Qilin Wings." Emily walked up to Qi Na's gesture.Standing beside Qina. Lisa playfully jumped over and stood beside Emily.

"Our chief operating officer, Boss Qiao, Qiao Wenming, Boss Qiao abandoned his official position to go into business, and his heart has never changed."

"Min Rui, my best friend, CTO of Kirin Wings, the engine of Kirin Wings."

"Little Gao, come up, Gao Qinglin, chief engineer, my most important assistant, without him there would be no series of prototypes."

"Tian Xiu, don't go, chief engineer of robotOS, Gao Qinglin is my right arm, Tian Xiu is my right arm. Both are indispensable," Qi Na suddenly paused: "The only person in the world today who can comprehend my software thinking. Oh, I remembered, there is still half of Maffei who is in Silicon Valley SPE."

"Jian Ning, Quan Xuejun, strictly implements the company's plan, with the strong support of the Qilin Wings management system."

Under Qi Na's roll call, they walked onto the stage, flashing lights flickered for a while, and the images of all of them were transmitted to the whole world through the Internet.

 It's over, thank you for your support.All updated today.season finale.

(End of this chapter)

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