Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1086 Murong Ke is Dead

Chapter 1086 Murong Ke is Dead

Chapter 1096 Murong Ke is Dead
Therefore, although Suiye City, the prefecture of Chuzhou, was not renamed, its Kangju County was changed to Chentang County.Yuezhi County (established in the name of Tocharo Yehu Axiu City (today's Kundu, Afghanistan)) was renamed Chenping County.Wangting County (Bushi City where Wangting Prefecture is located, which is now Mikoyanabad, Tajikistan.) was changed to Hanxin County.

Tianma County (government of Shumancheng (now Dushanbe, Tajikistan)) was changed to Mayuan County. Tiaozhi County (governance of Hexina (in present-day Ghazni, Afghanistan, Ghazni)) was changed to Zhangliang County, and Qisha County (government Yemi City (near Shibargan, Afghanistan today, Sheberghan).) was renamed Weiqing County.

Go to Chuse City in the Jumi Kingdom of Bajun (now the Urhan River Basin in Uzbekistan, one said it is in Darvaz, Tajikistan).It was renamed Banchao County.Gaofu County changed its name to Dongfang (Shuo) County in Guduo Shiwasha City (in today's Vose, Khatlon Prefecture, Tajikistan).Gumo County (set up as a country) was renamed Sima (moved) County.

Kunxu County "governed in Dibaona City (near Memana, Faryab Province, Afghanistan). It was renamed Qubing County. Lumastiff County (located in the city of Mojiu in the Ula state.

From East Mali to Uchi and Azhi in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. ) was renamed Li Guangjun.Yueban County was renamed Huoguang County with Shihana Guoyan City (in the upper reaches of the Surhan River in Uzbekistan, just north of Termez, today’s name is Denau or DenovDistrict, translated into Chinese as Dienau, Dienau.).Shuofeng County (located in Luolan City of Fanyan State. Today Bamiyan, Afghanistan) was renamed Shangguan (Jie) County. Xiuxian County (located in the city of Yubin State.) was renamed Huangfu County.

As the news of Chuzhou's name change came out, Wei Guo was shocked again.China has thousands of years of history, but there are very few people who can leave their names in history.But in this world, who wants to be truly silent?As for the name of the county, that is the tune set by Ran Ming, and no one can change it.However, Ran Ming's naming is still fair, at least these famous officials and generals of the Han Dynasty have their joint achievements.As for the name of the county, that is something to be particular about.Although there are 73 counties in Chuzhou and [-] counties in Xinzhou, if all the counties are renamed, nearly [-] names are needed.

However, these [-] names only accounted for a very small proportion of the total number of officials in Wei State.According to the size of merit and position, civil servants do not have the position of prefect or higher, so they will not be considered at all.Military generals do not have a division level, and they will not be considered.

I don't know when maps in Yecheng began to sell well, and most of them were maps of Chu and Xinzhou.Whether it is a scholar or an official, they are tirelessly looking through the map.

"I found it, I found it!" A man in the wine shop who looked like a scholar yelled frantically, "The country of Keduoluo is more than a thousand miles from east to west, and more than a thousand miles from north to south. The capital of the country is more than [-] miles away. Jumi (Mo Guanfan) Country. It turns out to be here!"

"Brother Cui, where is the fief of Brother Ling?"

Although Ran Ming didn't intend to assign the titles to the officials, the names of the counties were named by the characters, but they were regarded as canonization by the officials.The real seal is the profit of money, and the false seal is the fame and fortune.A person's Biaozi as the county name will definitely be written into the county annals, even if the county name is changed again in the future, the county annals records will be preserved.This is truly a grand event that has been passed down through the ages.

Just after Ran Ming changed the names of counties and counties, calls for changing the names of counties and counties in the three south-central states began to spread from the ruling and opposition parties.Ran Ming went along with the flow and agreed to the petition. Now Wei Guo has more people who can be named.

Some people like it, some people worry about it.While the whole country of Wei State was jubilant, the Murong Mansion in Yecheng was in a bleak state.The entire Yan State surrendered, and Murong Chui and Murong Ke, as the only remaining pillars of the Murong family, gained a good status in Wei State.Murong Chui's official worship is the fourth-rank forward general.A fourth-rank military post is considered a high-ranking official of the State of Wei.Murong Ke is also a Sanqi Changshi (the emperor's advisor).

However, with the passage of time, the demotion of the Yan State gradually formed an important political force in the Wei State court. However, the Murong family gradually faded away from the center of the court. Major General Commander of the Fifth Infantry Division of the Guards.But Murong Chui was not satisfied, the imperial guards generally had no chance to ambush, without ambush, there would be no military merit, and without military merit, there would be no promotion.

This made Murong Chui very depressed, but compared to Murong Chui's depression, Murong Ke, who abandoned martial arts and followed literature, has always been in Wei Guo like a duck to water.Three months ago, Murong Ke took sick leave as Xie An's deputy and household servant, and recuperated at home.There is one Shangshu and two servants in the household department, and Murong Ke is the left servant.However, when Murong Chui got a piece of news today, he immediately flew into a rage.

It turned out that Murong Ke's position as the left servant was replaced by Sun Shen.

"Fourth Brother, how could Your Majesty do this!" Murong Chui's eyes spewed fire, like an angry lion.

Murong Ke exclaimed: "Sixth brother, what happened to you today, you said such words!"

"Fourth brother, I just can't get angry!" Murong Chui said, "Then Sun Shen, how can you take your place?"

"He De He Neng?" Murong Ke's eyes were also gloomy: "The fourth brother is already old, Sun Shen has been in the household department for four years, has always been diligent in doing things, and now the promotion is well deserved. Besides, it's already like this Now, what can I do?"

Seeing that Murong Chui was still full of resentment, Murong Ke sighed and said, "Sixth brother, didn't you realize that? The relationship between our Murong family and the imperial court has been reversed. When the Kingdom of Yan first came down, the Kingdom of Wei was completely destroyed. Losing the hearts of the people in the north and not getting the support of the gentry, we can only rely on our military officials of the Yan State. But now that the Wei State has been unified and regained the hearts of the world, naturally there is no need to rely on our military officials of the Yan State."

In fact, Murong Chui also understands that there is no such thing as Jin and Liang in Wei now.The state of Yan and the state of Qin are separated, and both civil and military are loyal to the Ran family court.What the Murong family relied on was not actually Murong Ke's position as Minister of the Household Department, nor Murong Chui's position as major general and teacher, but the tens of thousands of Xianbei people in his Murong Department.

As far as Wei Guo's assimilation method is concerned, it's really not blown out.Originally, tens of thousands of Murong tribes were young and strong, hugging the group to keep warm, this is a very powerful force.Because there is no obvious difference between the Xianbei soldiers of the Murong tribe and the common people. They are the army when they take up weapons, and they are a very powerful cavalry when they ride war horses.However, under the sharp minions of the Wei State court, the hundreds of thousands of young and strong Xianbei Murong tribes were first divided into more than a dozen engineering infrastructure companies.With the limited promotion of the imperial court, these dozens of infrastructure companies with the Xianbei Murong Ministry as the main body have turned into thousands of construction teams of various sizes.In order to compete with each other for bids and obtain construction bids, these construction teams also fought fiercely.

A united Xianbei people from the Murong tribe is not conducive to the rule of Wei State, but there is no such danger if they are torn into hundreds of construction teams.There are tens of thousands of large and small construction teams in the state of Wei. There are all kinds of nationalities among these tens of thousands of construction teams. .Every Xianbei construction team of the Murong Department has peers staring at them, waiting for them to make mistakes. As long as they make mistakes, they can lose one competitor.

It's not that no one saw Wei Guo's sinister intentions, but it was a pity that as long as they saw it, dared to speak out, or even made resistance, without exception, they all accidentally died in the fighting between the engineering teams.Divided, ravaged.The Xianbei people of the Murong tribe have become indistinguishable from the Han people in Wei State.Xianbei and Murong tribe have become a historical term.

"Forget it, Sixth Brother. We have already lost the capital to win the world!" Murong Ke sighed: "Now there is no Yan Kingdom, and there is only one Murong family left in this world."

"I'm not reconciled!" Murong Chui shook his head and said.

"So what if you are not reconciled?" Murong Ke said: "Don't you still want to rebel? Don't look at him as the commander of the Fifth Division of the Imperial Guards. Go and order your soldiers to rebel. Believe it or not, someone will kill you immediately." Put your head down and ask His Majesty for credit?"

Murong Chui had no way to refute Murong Ke's words.For the State of Wei, the Ran Dynasty represented the interests of the vast majority of people. Farmers had land to grow, and their taxes were very low, and they were exempted from all kinds of corvee and exorbitant taxes throughout the ages.The common people don't care who is the emperor, or even whether the emperor is a Hu or a Han, as long as they can meet their basic needs for survival, they will not resist.

The Ran Dynasty has done an impeccable job in this regard.When the large-scale common people are satisfied, the gentry are also satisfied.Although they lost their monopoly on culture and local governance, they gained greater benefits through the exchange with Ran Ming.Within the State of Wei, Ran Ming did not allow the elites of the gentry to keep their private armies, nor allowed them to monopolize land and culture. However, in the overseas colonies of the State of Wei, the aristocrats of the gentry could own land without restriction.Even military equipment and salt and iron can be opened to private individuals.

Although the gentry families were still dissatisfied with the Ran Dynasty, after such an exchange, most of the gentry families found that their interests had not decreased, but had increased.Among the powerful gentry families, they can't override the imperial power, otherwise they are looking for death.However, in the overseas colonies, Ran Wei allowed the nobles of the Wei state to establish their own country independently. As long as they joined the Wei state's vassal state system, they could enjoy the protection of the Wei state.In this way, the business center of gravity of each family began to shift overseas.

As for the soldiers of the Wei State, they were even more supportive of the Ran Dynasty.The farming and warfare system established by the Qin Dynasty had completely disappeared by the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.Cao Wei and the Southern and Northern Dynasties established a system of garrison troops, which is actually similar to the military household system of the Ming Dynasty in later generations, that is, soldiers were tied to the land, and there was no freedom at all.So soldiers in that background are almost equal to slaves.However, Wei Guo created a professional military system that was only perfected in later generations. Under this system, the reputation and political and economic interests of soldiers are fully guaranteed.Really don't ask about your background, just talk about military exploits, as long as you want to get promoted and make a fortune, and serve in the battlefield, there will always be rewards.In this context, the soldiers of the Wei State army must stand with the Ran Dynasty.

The interests of artisans and businessmen are also guaranteed. The only thing that is not guaranteed is the interests of slaves.Of course, slaves are not included in Wei's population statistics.It can be said that the Wei court took into account the interests of all parties and classes, and basically achieved relative fairness.Now no matter who it is, as long as it tries to overthrow the Ran Dynasty, it is an enemy of the world, and it is really going against the sky.

"Sixth brother, I know my own body. On the surface, my body is fine, but in fact my time is numbered!" Murong Ke said: "It's a pity that the Qin Dynasty is destroyed, and the Ying clan is extinct." (Gaozu Benji, Liu Bang specially gave [-] households to the tomb guards because of the death of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty.) After the death of the Han Dynasty, slaughtering the clan is like slaughtering dogs. In comparison, our Murong family has also reached the top, and we should be content with such an end. Now Although our Murong family has faded out of the imperial court, our Murong family's engineering teams are all over the world. Who in the world dare not approve of the Murong family's engineering team? Although we have not established a king's hegemony, it is enough to make our ancestors smile!"

The Murong family began to Sinicize as early as Murong Ke's grandfather, Murong Xin, and was committed to building the Murong family into a powerful family.Regardless of the fact that Murong Xin claimed to be the Great Chanyu of Xianbei at that time, in fact, this self-proclaimed Chanyu was not recognized by anyone except the Murong Ministry.Even if Cai Murong Jun proclaimed himself emperor, this situation has not changed.Because in the eyes of the Han people, the Xianbei Murong tribe is just a group of barbarians.In order to integrate into Huaxia, gain a foothold in the world, and strengthen the Murong family.Murong Xin struggled all his life, but he failed.Murong Hao struggled all his life, but also failed. Even if Murong Jun ascended the throne as emperor, he was not truly recognized by the Han people.However, with the investment of the Yan State, the Murong family as a whole descended to Wei. Under the guidance of the Wei State court, the Murong Family became one of the largest engineering contractor families in the Wei State.Now if the Murong family quits, one-third of the overall project progress of Wei State will be paralyzed.

Murong Ke said: "Sixth Brother, I know you have great ambitions. When I was a child, I told my brother many times what is going on in this world and what is going on in this country. But Sixth Brother, you have to understand that this world has nothing to do with our Murong family. The Xiongnu Liu Yuan proclaimed himself emperor, but the Xiongnu died and their family was wiped out. The Jie man Shi Le is so arrogant, but he is also a cloud of the past. Sixth brother, I only want to ask you one thing, where do you want to put the Murong family?"

"The Murong family..." Murong Chui really didn't know how to answer this question, he pondered for a moment and said, "Chui Ding will protect the glory of the Murong family."

"Hehe, I knew you would say that. But can you protect it? Can you count as your children and grandchildren? Can your children and grandchildren be your children and grandchildren?" Murong Ke asked: "Sixth brother, do you still remember your father Did you say something to us?"

Murong Chui is confused!One must know that Murong Hao has said countless things, how could he remember what Murong Ke was referring to?Murong Ke shook his head, he knew that Murong Chui had long forgotten about it.At the beginning, Murong Hao was jealous of his brother-in-law Murong Han's prestige and achievements, so he killed Murong Han on the pretext of Murong Han's rebellion.Afterwards, Murong Hao regretted it very much, so he left a family motto: "You can betray anyone, but you can't betray our Murong family. This family is our lifeblood!"

Murong Chui felt that Murong Ke was a little abnormal, as if he was explaining the funeral.At this time, Murong Ke's complexion looked more hale and hearty, and his speech was full of energy.However, Murong Chui didn't know that there was a saying in later generations to describe Murong Ke's situation called "round light backlight". It can't be explained medically, and there is still no specific definition from science. The recovery period was very short.

Murong Ke said: "In this world, there has never been a dynasty of a thousand years, but a family of ten thousand years. A family is inextricable."

"The aristocratic family is inextricable!" Murong Chui became puzzled.

Murong Ke said: "The Gongshu family inherited the family with craftsman skills. Although it has fallen, it can be used for generations. Although the craftsmanship is not ashamed by the world, in this world, regardless of the king, who dares not afford the Gongshu family?"

Murong Chui couldn't help but fell into deep thought. At this time Murong Ke looked very tired, but he didn't stop Murong Chui from thinking.After losing their land, the Murong family entered the field of civil engineering due to a mistake. The transformation of the craftsman family started from the first pot of gold, and now the Murong family has completed the original accumulation.

Under the name of the Murong family, there are more than 1000 large and small construction teams, and tens of thousands of professional and technical craftsmen, including more than 200 third-level craftsmen.You must know that the third-level craftsmen in Wei State are extremely difficult to obtain, and each craftsman is a huge wealth.Every third-level craftsman is an expert in a certain field.

Murong Ke was tired from standing, so he sat on the grand teacher's chair. He felt a little thirsty, and reached out to hold the teacup on the coffee table, but this small teacup felt over a thousand catties in Murong Ke's hands.Murong Ke did not disturb Murong Chui who was in deep thought, but gritted his teeth, his forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat, and slowly moved the teacup to his mouth.When the teacup was only an inch away from Murong Ke's mouth, Murong Ke lost all his strength rapidly.

The white porcelain teacup shattered with a "bang", Murong Chui came back to his senses, looked at Murong Ke, and saw that Murong Ke's head had already drooped.

"Fourth brother, fourth brother!" But Murong Ke didn't respond, and he would never answer.

(End of this chapter)

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