Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1089 God Is Fair

Chapter 1089 God Is Fair
Chapter 1099 God is Fair

Wang Han snorted coldly and said, "Speaking of which, when I was appointed to Anxi, I was still very scared. I was worried that my head would be cut off by barbarians while I was sleeping. Now look at all these brave soldiers around me. Put your heart into your stomach."

Leng Ping interjected: "There are people above who are good at doing things. In the past, Leng always said this to others. Finally, one day someone will use this to say Leng. Hehe, in my Shude County, what is the biggest, the king of Wei is the biggest, Whoever dares to disobey, the county will let them know what is called Hehe Tianwei, and the Anxi Army's [-] tigers are our big backer!"

Ran Tan said: "It's not just Anxi's army with a hundred thousand tigers. Once Anxi's army is too weak, the entire Great Wei's million-strong army will rush over. Who in the world would dare not be afraid?"

When he arrived at Lu'an Town in Changsong County that evening, Wang Meng received a report that the number of injured and sick people had increased significantly, reaching nearly [-]%.According to the report to the viewing queen: "There will be a big snowstorm tonight!"

Wang Meng ordered the whole army to set up camp in Lu'an Town to avoid the snowstorm.However, just before dawn, Wang Meng was awakened from his sleep.A major incident happened, and a homicide occurred in Lu'an Town.He didn't die of illness or freeze to death, but his throat was cut with a knife.A total of eleven people, people in two tents, all died, and none survived.These include six new county magistrates, two county magistrates, two Jishi joined the army, and one county magistrate.

Eleven living people yesterday turned into cold corpses overnight.And these people are all Wang Meng's subordinates.Wang Meng suddenly became angry, "Check, check hard for me!
The economic and military development of Wei State is getting faster and faster, and the construction results are becoming more and more remarkable.In the short ten years of Ran's imperial career, the people of Wei State have truly experienced what is called the most favorable treatment for the great citizens of the Celestial Dynasty.In previous winters, people basically relied on shaking to keep warm.But now the state of Wei uses a large amount of coal and uses coal water heaters, which makes the people not afraid of the severe cold at home.

In the Bianzhou area, earth dragons, kangs and fire walls have penetrated into thousands of households.Not to mention that what makes the people most happy is that every household has surplus food, and there is no need to worry that someone will snatch the fruits of their labor.Wei State is a very large construction site. Although due to the weather, most of the construction sites in the north stopped construction because it was too cold.However, the subtropical and tropical regions in the south continued to work overtime to build roads and bridges. Ran Ming really carried out the saying "Build roads first if you want to get rich".In addition to Wei's official infrastructure projects, the common people who had spare money also began to break ground and build their own houses.

Generally speaking, the economic development of Wei State is advancing in a fast and good direction. However, behind the prosperity of Wei State, there are also many uneasy factors hidden.With the large-scale reform of taxation by the Wei State court, the land tax was actually reduced to [-]%, and all kinds of corvee were exempted. This gave official land a more competitive advantage than the private land of the gentry. All the households rebelled and broke away from the gentry family, and became free farmers in Wei State.Against the background of this policy, a large number of noble families, especially the noble landlords whose main income is from land output, suffered heavy losses.

In order to obtain tenants, they had to reduce the land rent many times. However, when they lowered the land rent to the same level as the official land, they still did not have such a big competitive advantage, and many people were still willing to become owner farmers.There is no way, the tenant has no right to use the land freely, let alone the right to inherit the inheritance.And the fields distributed by the imperial court, they own the ownership.As a result, a large number of tenants were lost, which left a lot of land under the name of the nobles in the state of Wei barren.As a result, the imperial court will automatically take back the wasteland that has been more than three years old.This caused heavy losses to the noble families of the Wei state.

Although Ran Ming paid a lot of compensation to the elites of the gentry in terms of business, the human heart is the most bottomless thing.Because of the loss of their former wealth and glory, as well as hereditary privileges, many gentry in Wei State resented the Wei State Ran's court.However, at this time, they did not have the strength to call on the "righteous men" in the world to overthrow the tyrant Ran Ming.What Yang Guang did in history was actually the same as Ran Ming's. He tried every means to weaken and take back the power of the gentry.However, Ran Ming is more fortunate than Yang Guang in that Ran Ming has absolute military power, not like Yang Guang, who had millions of soldiers in the Sui Dynasty. Tens of thousands of Xiaoguo.

Knowing that rebellion would be a dead end, these gentry did not dispel their hatred for the Ran Dynasty, but adopted other dark means.Like the imperial examinations organized by Ran Ming, if Ran Ming Tang and Song Dynasties admitted 300 or more than 100 people in each imperial examination, then the poor families in the world would have no qualifications to compete with the elites of the gentry.The power of government rule will also slowly fall into the hands of the gentry.But Ran Ming did not play his cards according to common sense. He adopted a relatively common political method in later generations, that is, mixing sand.As a result, Ran Ming even more shamelessly put more sand than rice several times, so in terms of quantity alone, the elite of the gentry fell at a disadvantage.

The officials appointed by the court of Wei State to Anxi were basically from poor families.Even if they were born in the gentry, there are several gentry families who are close to Ran Ming, such as Taiyuan Wang family (the family Wang Jian belongs to), Langya Wang family (Wang Tanzhi's family), Chenjun Xie family, Hongnong Yang family wait.

When the murder happened, Wang Meng's first reaction was that these unwilling gentry clansmen sent dead soldiers to assassinate these newly appointed humble officials, intimidating them so that they would not dare to take office in Anxi.In this way, Ran Ming had to compromise with the noble family.However, after carefully inspecting the scene, the experienced forensic doctor (that is, the ancient forensic doctor) quickly reported the clues left at the crime scene to Wang Meng: "Guardian Wang, I have inspected the scene and the corpse. The following conclusions can be drawn: "First of all, it can be confirmed that the murderer is a person. Although he intentionally cut his throat with a knife with his right hand, people's habits cannot be changed overnight. From the direction and strength of the knife, it can be seen that It was revealed that the murderer was a swordsman who was good at using a left-handed knife.Secondly, the wind and snow howled yesterday, which cooperated very well to cover up the movement of the murderer. The murderer did not disturb the adjacent tents and patrolling soldiers, and since yesterday, no one in the camp was found to go out, and no outsiders entered. , it can be judged that the murderer should still be in the camp at this time. "

Before he knew it, Wang Meng was confused instead.Because of this assassination incident, there was another factor, because Ran Yun's tent was less than twenty steps away from the assassination tent.

Is it because of seizing the heir?
If this is the reason, then the problem is big.Now the two princes, Ran Yun and Ran Yun, who are the princes most likely to become the crown princes of Wei State, are following in the army.Once it is true that the two of them really intend to get rid of each other, it is not impossible.Since ancient times, the royal family has been the place with the least family affection. Once the battle for the throne is involved, there are too many things like killing brothers and fathers.

Wang Meng's mood suddenly became bad. One of the tasks Ran Ming gave him was to inspect the two princes nearby to confirm who would be able to defend the country.

It is very likely that the successor of the Wei Kingdom will be born in his own hands. This is Ran Ming's great trust in him, and this also makes Wang Meng feel great pressure.But now something like this happens.If it was really a conspiracy by the elites of the gentry, the matter would not be difficult to solve. Wang Meng must have wanted to pull out the carrots and bring out the mud, and find out all the masterminds and accomplices behind the scenes and send them to the frontier to enrich the Han population in the frontier.

"What is Dadu Wang planning to do?" Wang Tanzhi also rushed to the scene when he heard that there was an extremely vile murder case in the camp.

Wang Meng said: "In fact, this is also a bad thing, but also a good thing. Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and he can see people's hearts over time. We just don't have so much time to witness people's hearts. In this turbulent situation, we can do better Witness the heart!"

"How will the eleven officials be compensated if they die on duty?" Wang Tanzhi asked again.

Wang Meng said: "According to the laws of the Great Wei Dynasty, the dead are promoted to the post, and the sick are promoted to one level. If they are loyal to their duties and do not return, they will be moved to the third level. Although they have not really started to guard the side, they can be designated as one level. Family members Pensions can be regarded as death in battle!"

Wang Tanzhi said in a loose tone, "Where's the murderer? If the murderer can't be found, I'm afraid people will be confused!"

Scholars will have dual natures. On the one hand, they sometimes show the staunchness of Shi Gan's injustice, and sometimes they are as timid as a mouse.Now there was an extremely bad murder case in the camp, and various rumors began to appear, and Wang Meng was also very troubled by this.

Although Ran Yan was five or six miles away from the murder scene, he got the news immediately, even earlier than the average person.

Ran Ting said coldly: "Xu Qian, you said those murderers went after Brother Huang?"

Xu Qian said in a low voice: "Second son, I used two gold coins to buy the real news from Wu Zuo's apprentice, and learned that the murderer was actually alone. Quietly killing eleven people while alarming other people. In our big camp, there are not many such people! Although those officials have good physique, don’t say that their humble positions look down on them, don’t let them kill people, let them kill pigs It's embarrassing for them! And as far as I know, there are no fewer than five such masters around the Eldest Young Master!"

"Brother, is this a bitter plan?" After finishing speaking, Ran Yan sighed and said, "Xu Qian, I know you are skilled, but if you dare to act in private without my permission, don't blame me for being cruel, I will make you regret it Come to this world!"

"I dare not to be humble!"

"Don't dare to be the best!" After finishing speaking, Ran Yun shook his head and left. In fact, he couldn't figure it out. It doesn't make any real sense to do it logically. If it's a play, Ran Yun should do the whole set, maybe Buy a few people around you, and then let him do the murder, it is best to chop a few knives on him, make blood dripping, and finally kill him.At that time, I am afraid that even if he is full of mouths, he will not be able to speak clearly.

Ran Ting knew very well how Ran Ming's throne came about.It can be said that Ran Ming and Ran Zhi fought openly and secretly at the beginning, which can be said to be well known in the world.Naturally, Ran Zhiqi made a wrong move and lost everything.As a result, Ran Yu was restless again.In fact, there are some rumors about Ran Ming's cruelty.However, history is written by the victors, and no one in Wei State dares to slander Ran Ming directly, even though those things are facts.

For Ran Ming, the state of mind at this time is actually very similar to that of Li Shimin. Li Shimin personally killed the prince Jiancheng and his fourth brother Yuanji.Detained his biological father and won the throne.But there was a thorn in his heart.The crown prince, the king of Wei, the king of Wu and other princes competed for the position of crown prince, and all the fights were bloody.In the end, whoever was fighting for him would not choose anyone. If there was a confrontation between swords and soldiers, Ran Tan knew very well that not only he would be out, but even Ran Yun would be out as well.On the contrary, it made those little brothers cheaper.

At this time, Ran Yun was actually thinking about it. After the murder happened, he immediately thought of Yan Yan's plan to attack him.But as soon as this thought arose, Ran Yun threw it out of his mind.He also knew that although Ran Yun also used the pseudonym Xie Yun in the camp, their identities were a secret to outsiders.Even the governor of Chuzhou, his immediate superior, probably didn't know about it.After all, Ran Bin and Ran Yun seldom met the courtiers, except for a few ministers such as Xie An, Wang Meng and Wang Jian, the other ministers had never seen them at all.

But his secret identity is definitely not a secret in front of Ran Tan.If Ran Yan really wanted to make a move, he would never make a mistake.With a distance of twenty steps, if the killer would make such a mistake, it would be too low-level.Ran Yun's tent has been set up since camping.And he didn't change the tent on a whim, so the assassination probably wasn't aimed at him.

Doubt is like a seed, as long as it is planted in the heart, it will take root and sprout, and then, under the nourishment of nutrition, it will grow wildly, and soon it will grow into a towering tree.Now, Ran Yun couldn't help thinking, could it be that this was a intentional reminder from Ran Tin that Ran Tin was going to have a "gentleman" battle with him, reminding him that the clarion call for the battle for succession had sounded, and from now on, they Each must rely on his ability, regardless of life or death.

If you win, you will dominate the world, and if you lose, you will be defeated?
Otherwise, why did this assassination happen?The eleven officials who died unexpectedly were not from their hometown, and there were no obvious clues about them. First of all, the possibility of vendetta can be ruled out.As for the belongings, the inspection by Wu made it very clear that all the belongings of the deceased were not lost, so it can also rule out the evil thoughts of money touching people's hearts?
Or, is there any detail in it that I didn't notice because of my negligence?Thinking of this, Ran Yun couldn't help saying to Yi Yin, the first staff member beside him: "Get some money and go find out the details of the murder case. I feel that this matter is not easy!"

Both Ran Bin and Ran Yun have one characteristic in common.The mothers of both of them are very rich, especially Ran Di's mother, Liu Wei, who has inherited all of Liu Yuan's family wealth. Although Liu's firm has withdrawn from the throne of Wei's richest man at this time, Liu's firm is still a super business aircraft carrier.

And the Xie family in Chenjun is a wealthy family in the world. It has been operating for more than a hundred years, and its background is not bad.Pushing Ran Yun to the top position, this is the strategic goal that the Xie family of Chen Jun has already achieved. For this goal, the Xie family of Chen Jun and his in-laws have reached a strategic alliance. is an astronomical figure.

The murder case in Lu Anzhen touched Wang Meng very much.Although the relationship between Wang Meng and Ran Ming is extremely close, even if Ran Bin and Ran Yun were to fight each other because of the seizure of the heir, Wang Meng might not be involved.Now Wang Meng feels like swallowing a fly, extremely disgusting.

Wang Meng is an arrogant person, what happened now is simply an insult to his IQ.For a tragedy as bad as Lu Anzhen's, Wang Tanzhi's opinion is to cut the mess quickly, no matter who the real culprit is, just find a few people, behead their heads, and then charge them with murdering court officials, so as to quickly quell public anger.Slowly track down the real culprit afterwards.After only a moment of consideration, Wang Meng directly rejected Wang Tanzhi's kindness.

In fact, Wang Tanzhi's strategy is also a traditional political and official wisdom in this era, which deals with things at the most economical price with the least loss and least impact.But Wang Meng is not Wang Tanzhi, Wang Meng is arrogant, he doesn't care what purpose the real culprit kills, whether it's because of seizing the heir, or because the gentry family wants to create panic among officials in Anxi, or some people protest against Wang Meng .But Wang Meng believed that this was a declaration of war against him.

Anxi is still seven or eight thousand miles away from Changsong, only one-third of the way.It is unknown what kind of upheavals and challenges will happen, Wang Meng does not know.However, Wang Meng absolutely allows someone to dare to play with his IQ.Fate is like a bloodthirsty beast.

In the original historical time and space, Wang Meng gave up assisting Huan Wen and gave up his allegiance to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but chose to be loyal to Fu Jian and help Di Qin achieve Wangtu hegemony.In Ran Ming's eyes, no matter how talented Wang Meng is, he is still the same person as Zhang Bin of Shi Le, the founding emperor of Zhao, Gao Xu of Murong Hao, king of Yan, and Fan Changsheng of Li Xiong, the emperor of Chenghan.In Ran Ming's understanding, Wang Meng is actually a traitor.

A son doesn't think his mother is ugly, and a dog doesn't think his family is poor.No matter how backward or dark your country's politics are, how weak or unbearable your national power is, you can't bring outsiders to destroy your country.Therefore, Ran Ming did not give Wang Meng an absolute high position like Fu Jian did.Even if Wang Meng could understand Ran Ming's meaning better than Wang Jian, Ran Ming, the first prime minister of Wei State, did not choose Wang Meng.

Ran Ming suppressed Wang Meng for more than ten years, but fate is like a spring, or the harder you suppress, the stronger the rebound.Wang Meng is like this, Ran Ming suppressed him, he didn't know it, but Wang Meng felt that the Prime Minister of the Great Wei Empire that Ran Ming needed was no more than the prime minister, but the real No. Created many problems for him, just to sharpen him into a peerless sword.

(End of this chapter)

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