Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 1123 Welcome to Zhang Family

Chapter 1123 Welcome Home
Chapter 1135 Welcome Home

"Sinners join His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Aiqing is exempt from courtesy!" Ran Ming stretched out his hand to caress Wang Ding and said, "Don't call yourself a criminal. From now on, you will be Jinghaihou of the Great Wei."

In Chinese history, there were two Marquis of Jinghai. One was Wu Guobao, the younger brother of Wu Liang, the founding general of the Ming Dynasty, who was named General Jinghai.Hou Jinghai.The second is Shi Lang, a traitor in the early Qing Dynasty.However, Ran Ming bestowed Wang Ding as Marquis of Jinghai for no other purpose, mainly because he felt that the title of Marquis was good.

Wang Ding was overwhelmed by the flattery, and said in a daze: " minister...this marquis...thank you, Your Majesty!"

Seeing Wang Ding's incoherent speech, Ran Ming was amused.Ran Ming got up and patted Wang Ding's shoulder lightly, saying: "Don't be nervous, Marquis Jinghai. You did a good job on this expedition to America, better than I expected. This expedition to America, you will make great contributions to the country, and you will not leave your name behind." Qingshi. Sit down, Hou Jinghai, and slowly tell me the secrets of your American adventure!"

"Ah..." Wang Ding's face changed slightly, and he said, "I followed His Majesty's instructions, and when I got the boat ready, I headed east."

Of course, Wang Ding had a lot of hardships along the way, especially when he was far away from the coastline, he had no nautical charts, he didn't know where to replenish fresh water and food, and he couldn't repair the damaged ship.Although sailing ships in this era do not need to burn coal like later steam engine ships, they also do not need to burn heavy oil.However, since they are heading towards the Americas along the continental shelf of the Bering Strait, they will inevitably make stops along the way.One is to supplement food and drinking water, and the other is to relieve the crew's nerves.

After Wang Ding lost two large cargo ships and most of the supplies, they finally arrived in America.Wang Ding talked for half an hour. At this time, he finally stopped being nervous and gradually let go.Wang Ding said: "Your Majesty, you don't know that those Yin and Shang survivors are native Americans. Their combat effectiveness is very poor. The weapons they use are either made of wood or stone. Not to mention iron, they can't even find a bronze one. In addition, these natives do not have a unified army, and their fighting methods are also very backward, even if they are ten times stronger than the natives, we can easily defeat them."

Ran Ming is very clear about this point, regardless of whether the Americans are the descendants of the Yin Shang survivors and the aborigines, but since they were conquered by a mere dozen or so armed merchant ships.You must know that when Spain conquered the Americas, although they used firearms, they were matchlock guns. This kind of matchlock gun not only has a slow rate of fire, but also has a very limited range.Only within a distance of 50 meters, there is a certain degree of accuracy, and it is impossible to know where the bullet hits beyond 50 meters.It was such an army of criminals, prisoners, vagabonds and shabby settlers that conquered the vast America.

Of course, what Ran Ming also remembered was the Battle of Baliqiao, where the British and French allied forces defeated the last Mongolian cavalry in the Qing Dynasty in a near massacre.However, in the place of Sanyuanli, the British army was beaten badly by a group of Chinese peasants, and finally had to ask the Qing government for help, so that the Qing government suppressed the people of Sanyuanli.

Ran Ming asked: "Can I rule America smoothly?"

In fact, Ran Ming didn't need to ask Wang Ding, just a few hundred people with three broken ships forced the Aztec Empire to sign an alliance under the city. Then Ran Ming thought that Wei Guo had no reason to use the latter to do what Spain did with arquebus guns. Loading a rifled rifle can't do it.Speaking of this, Ran Ming couldn't help but sighed, and then continued: "In fact, they are also a group of poor people. If I don't pass on the knowledge of civilization to them at this time, they will be exterminated sooner or later."

Wang Ding would definitely not understand Ran Ming's words.The demise of the Indians was not only due to the massacre by the Western colonial army, but also another factor. The American continent, which was closed by the world, was free from the invasion of infectious diseases.So Indians have no resistance to this disease.A slave in the Spanish colonial army suffered from smallpox, and the disease began to spread, causing Indians who had no ability to resist the germs to quickly contract this incurable disease. Not paying a heavy price for their isolation for so many years.The conquest of the Aztec Empire, and even the entire America, was accomplished not only by force but also by germs.

When it comes to germs, it has to be said that the Han people were the first to adopt prevention and control techniques in the world. Smallpox was recorded in detail in Ge Hong's "Lining Reserve Emergency Prescription" in the Jin Dynasty. It became more rampant after the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, but it was far less severe than in Europe. .Smallpox was prevalent in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, and the death toll reached 6 million.But in China, because of the tenacious resistance gene in the blood, smallpox has never been raging in China.

Ran Ming's plan for America soon became clear. First, he used the worship of American gods and the "Legend of the Kingdom of Heaven" passed down by Yin Fubu and others to convince the Americans that they migrated from mainland China 3000 years ago to escape the war. They are the descendants of the Huaxia people.Of course, once a civilization is developed, it is inevitable to seek its roots.But Wei Guo is already familiar with doing this kind of thing.In Ye Tiaoguo, Ran Ming concocted the history of "Xu Fu's three thousand childhood virgins crossed to the east and settled in Lu Yepoti".

The same can be done for the history of the migration of Yin and Shang survivors to America.But the most convenient thing is that Native Americans all believe in Feathered snake dragon (dragon), followed by all hieroglyphs in the world, when they were first developed, they were all bird-like.The sun is a circle and the moon is a half circle.The writing invented by Native Americans is pictographs, which can be taken from a large number of forged oracle bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions and utensils in Yin Shang style.

In terms of culture, it is natural for Wei Guo scholars to perfect and enrich the "Legend of the Kingdom of Heaven" by Yin Fubu and others. As long as this legend becomes a story that everyone knows, coupled with the spread of Chinese, the Indians will definitely be able to believe that they are Descendants of the Yin Shang adherents.The third is to help the Indians develop agriculture and handicrafts, so that they can eat well, dress warmly, and feel the benefits of Chinese civilization.There is no eternal friendship in the world, only eternal interests. This principle is not only for Indians but also for all nations and countries.

The third is to organize households to Qimin and educate herdsmen.Unify the Americans in accordance with the Wei State system, and set up several states, counties and counties for unified management.Even though the Americas are far away from Wei, the same policies as Xinzhou and Chuzhou can be adopted. At least the sea route to America is not slower than the land route to Xinzhou.

The last is the stationing of troops. The Americas are rich in products. Wei Guo can station an army in the Americas permanently, and rely on the resources of the Americas to supply this army.Of course, in order to avoid too much tail, you can take technical control.A pure firearms unit, without bullets and shells, will definitely not be effective in combat. As long as there is a change in the army, it can be easily wiped out by cutting off the supplies.

It was very late at night, and Hurst still couldn't sleep.Although the weather in May is a bit hot, for Hurst who is used to living in America, the heat is simply within the bearable range.The reason why Hurst couldn't sleep was not because of the hot weather at all.But because of the shock of the kingdom of heaven.

"Heaven is the most beautiful and richest place in the world, where the rivers flow with honey, where the fruit trees are full of fruit, where the fields are full of crops, where the tall buildings reach into the clouds, where the lights are bright even at night, Another day." There was a chants in the Celestial legend that Hearst remembered very well.However, these descriptions are very distant and absurd legends for Hirst.How can it be possible to have tall buildings that go straight into the clouds, and honey can never flow in the rivers. Even in the most fertile land in America, there will never be as many crops as weeds.He used to think that this legend was a bit absurd like some ghost legends, but after arriving in the kingdom of heaven, what he saw and heard along the way made him think that the kingdom of heaven really existed in the real world.

When he came to Qu County, he knew that the big ship that could sing hundreds of feet long in the legend of the kingdom of heaven really existed.When he saw this kind of big ship, he realized that the things described in the legends of the kingdom of heaven were not all falsehoods.When he came to Pengcheng, he saw the wind lanterns hanging on the tall lampposts on both sides of the street, and then he knew that the night in the kingdom of heaven turned out to be a real night.Although he didn't see honey flowing in the river, he actually saw an endless field full of crops, and he also saw fruit trees all over the mountain. The green fruits on the branches.

This day, they are heading towards Yedu. As they get closer to Yecheng, the closer they are to Yecheng, the more prosperous the city of Wei State will be.Yecheng is the capital of Yin in the legend of the Kingdom of Heaven, and it was the capital of their ancestors 3000 years ago.Until today, they have transferred from the boat to a fast-running cart that does not need horses or oxen. Officials from the state of Wei told them that this is called a train.The novelty of the trains made Hearst feel very novel and exciting. Hearst stubbornly believed that the Wei officials had not told them the truth. These trains must be ancient beasts, because they were tamed by the gods, so they can be meekly served by people. drive.Today they stayed overnight in the city of Liang County, which made Hester sleepless. In the end, he simply got up and lit a candle, then took out his beloved diary, and began to record everything he saw today.

Although Hearst was literate before, he did not have the habit of keeping a diary.But after meeting the teacher Ye Wuji, he slowly developed such a habit.Ye Wuji told Hester that their ancestors had been far away from heaven for too long and had forgotten many things.Especially the culture and technology of the Kingdom of Heaven are developing rapidly. More than 1000 years is too long, so long that even their accent and writing ability have degraded.Surviving this time, they found their branch of people, otherwise hundreds or thousands of people will degenerate to the same level as other native wild people.Ye Wuji explained to him that the development of Chinese characters started from pictographs 1000 years ago, and gradually evolved to various stages of comprehension, pictophony, reference, transliteration, and borrowing.It was not until 600 years ago that Chinese characters developed to maturity.

Although the characters of Wei State and Yin Fubu were not the same at this time, there are still some commonalities.For example, the day (I’m really sorry, Cheng Zhi can’t type out the oracle bone hieroglyphs, if you like, you can enter the space of my own button, and Cheng Zhi will reprint part of it.) The day in Yin Fu’s article is a circle with a dot inside.But when Chinese characters become Japanese characters.Other characters such as moon, ox, and sheep still have some similar traces, but other characters have completely changed.But all these changes have context.So Hurst learned two or three thousand words in more than half a year through studying.Although these words are not enough for him to understand the meaning of classical Chinese, but they can make him barely write some diaries in classical Chinese.

On May 21, [-] in the era of the Yellow Emperor, it was sunny. Today we entered a city called Liangjun with the officials of the Kingdom of Heaven.According to the officials of the State of Wei, the former name of Liang Jun came to the State of Song.After the fall of the Yin and Shang kingdoms, the emperor of Zhou appointed Wei Ziqi, the concubine brother of Emperor Xin (King Zhou), as Shangqiu, the capital of the duchy of Song.The state of Song had a special status, being a guest of Zhou, and was honored as one of the "Three Kes" by Zhou Tianzi.Based on the ancestral worship of the ancestors of the Shang Dynasty, inheriting the Shang culture here can be regarded as the continuation of the Yin and Shang Kingdoms, and it is a rich land.Because the survivors of the Shang Dynasty in the Song Dynasty in Shangqiu were not allowed to engage in farming, labor or official work during the Zhou Dynasty, the survivors of the Shang Dynasty lived on business, and gradually formed a new group of "merchants".

However, when I wrote this, I saw Hester tilted his head and thought for a while, and then continued to write: "We are descendants of Yin and Shang, and we didn't really set foot on the old land until here. God is so pitiful, we businessmen finally recovered. However, at this time, Hearst thought of a lot. In the forest of nations in the world, there is no mercy for the losers or defeats. Think about the efforts and painstaking efforts of the businessmen of the past dynasties to restore the country after losing the country for more than 1000 years ?

Hearst saw a lot of slaves in Wei State. Some of these slaves were obviously different from Chinese people in appearance, and some were not much different. Hearst thought that these slaves must be the enemies who once destroyed the Shang Kingdom, but the kingdom of heaven was too kind to these prisoners of war. Now, shouldn't all the enemies who once hated the country and the family be killed?Hearst thought for a while, and then wrote: "If I meet His Majesty the Emperor, I will tell him that he must not be soft on the enemy, and must use the blood of the enemy to comfort the ancestors. Kill them all."

Of course, the American delegation has never had any secrets about Ran Ming. Just when Hearst finished writing the diary and fell asleep on the bed, a dark figure walked into his room, quickly copied the diary he wrote, and then It was delivered to Ran Ming as quickly as possible.

Ran Ming insists on exercising every day, he is afraid that the long court life will empty his body.Therefore, Ran Ming will insist on exercising for an hour or half an hour every day, regardless of wind and rain. At this time, Ran Ming, as usual, runs around Chengtianmen after getting up. The circumference of Chengmentian Square in front of Taiwu Hall is 22 steps , Ran Ming was already dripping with sweat after running a lap.After running, Ran Ming practiced pull-ups, weightlifting and boxing as a routine.Although the Ouchi guards trained by Ran Ming dare not really fight against Ran Ming, Lin Heishan has never had such scruples.

With the sound of tinkling and clanging, Lin Heishan suddenly threw the double hammers in his hand, and said: "Your Majesty, I dare not, I am tired. I am also hungry, and I want to eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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