Chapter 1125 The Huaxia Family
Chapter 1137 The Huaxia Family
Ran Ming made full use of the Native American belief in gods.In addition to making these dragon lanterns and dragon-shaped sculptures, Ran Ming also ordered people to build a lot of dragon-shaped kites. These dozens of dragon-shaped kites shuttled through the clouds, making the American representatives even more incredible.Many American representatives were already at a loss. They felt that Wei State was the place favored by the Feathered Serpent God.The dragon-shaped kites are only for children. When the dragon-shaped hot air balloons rose one by one, the American representatives fainted collectively.

The arrival of the American delegation is definitely not an easy matter for Wei Guo.No matter how many vassal states and vassal states China has in history, they are not recognized by China, and they are always outsiders.The American representatives, on the other hand, represent the descendants of the descendants of the Yin Shang survivors, and they are regarded as branches of China.Ran Ming is the patriarch of the Huaxia nation at this time, and his patriarch represents the recognition of the American branch.

From the perspective of the family and the world, such things are actually very common.Wang Meng is Ran Ming's number one confidant, and occupies an important position in the court of Wei State. Even if he has left the center at this time, anyone with a discerning eye knows that Wang Meng is actually going to cross the gold. When Wang Meng returns, the cabinet must occupy an important seat.However, whether it is Taiyuan Wang family, Langya Wang family, or Jingzhao Wang family, they have sent people to contact Wang Meng many times, discussing how to make Wang Meng recognize his ancestors and return to his clan.The Taiyuan Wang family also vowed to find Wang Meng with the genealogy, claiming that Wang Meng is a branch of the Taiyuan Wang family.There are many famous people in Taiyuan Wang's history. For example, Situ Wangyun in the Three Kingdoms period was Taiyuan Wang.According to Taiyuan, Wang Meng is Wang Jing, the second son of Anlehou Wang Hei, the grandson of Han Situ Wang Yun.In ancient times, she was hired as a wife and Ben as a concubine.Private lifelong husband and wife relationship does not have legal effect.As a result, Wang Jing broke out of the house in anger and settled in Beihai instead.

After careful calculation, Wang Shu, the current head of the Taiyuan Wang family, is still Wang Meng's elder brother, and Wang Tanzhi is Wang Meng's nephew.As for this evidence, Wang Meng just smiled.It is true that his grandfather is Wang Jing, but it is not a secret, as long as he inquires a little, he can find out that the genealogy is fake, and it is not difficult.Of course, the conditions given by Langya Wang are much more attractive.Wang Yue, the eldest son of Wang Dao of the Wang family of Langya, has no son.Wang Meng can adopt Wang Yue and inherit Wang Yue's concierge.The sublime meaning of this is that you, Wang Meng, entered the ancestral tree of my Langya Wang family, and you can take over as the head of the next generation.In ancient times, each noble family can also be regarded as an independent small kingdom.In particular, the Langya Wang family has been operating for a hundred years, and their family assets are very strong. The wealth that is only exposed on the surface is 600% of the shares of Jiangnan Trading Company.The registered capital of Jiangnan Trading Company is 500 million gold.Thirty-four percent of the shares are worth more than [-] million gold.This is not a small amount.

However, Wang Meng is the person who knows Ran Ming's thoughts best. He knows that Ran Ming has been working hard to suppress the elites of the gentry, and he can be trusted by Ran Ming. The most important point is that he has no background of elites.Otherwise, Yang Hui, who has the background of Hongnong Yang's family, and Li Xian, who has the background of Longyou Li's family, would not have entered Ran Ming's core circle of power.Now, although Yang Hui is the third-rank governor of Yangzhou, and Li Xian is also a bachelor of Hongwenguan, they have no chance to enter the decision-making level.Wang Meng is a smart person, he will definitely not destroy his future.

It is said that the country and the family are the same. When Ran Ming proposed to merge into the Americas, he almost completely opposed it. However, when Wang Ding took America to have a territory no less than that of the Wei State, these opposition voices suddenly weakened by half.When Wang Ding mentioned that the Americas could have no less than 8000 million fertile fields, the voices of opposition were almost negligible.When Wang Ding mentioned that America is rich in gold and silver minerals and various resources are inexhaustible, the entire court of Wei State was in unison. Whoever dares to oppose the merger of America, I am in a hurry with you.

In short, this is not an ordinary diplomatic event, but a very important state ceremony.

The Ministry of Rites will burn watches, the Honghe Temple will offer sacrifices to heaven, and the emperor will issue an imperial decree to comfort the ancestral temple.This ancestral temple is not Ran's ancestral temple, but Emperor Xuanyuan's temple.The Emperor Xuanyuan Temple (also known as the Nuwa Palace) was first established in the Northern Qi Dynasty in history.But in this era, it was Ran Ming who led the construction.

The back mountain of Yixian County is the base where the Yellow Emperor tribe lived, lived, developed and sacrificed after they moved from the northwest plateau to the east five thousand years ago.According to historical records, the Yellow Emperor's battle in the field of Zhuolu was centered here.Its area extends from Zhuolu in the north to Taihang in the west. Legend has it that the battle between Yan and Huang, the battle between the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou, the feudal lords meeting in Pusan, the Yellow Emperor built chariots, Lei Zu raised silkworms and dyed five-color clothes, Cangjie created characters, Ling Lun made musical instruments, made five rhythms, and made five-color clothes. Many important events in history, such as the Twelve Bells, took place in this area. So far, there are still legendary sites such as Leizu Cave, Huangdi Cave, Cangutuo, Busan, and Zhongmo Pit.

This is also one of the important birthplaces of the Chinese nation.

Of course, the entire etiquette is extremely complicated... The news from the American delegation, Wei Guo was lured by Wang Ding's interests, and after reaching a consensus, the preparations began. The purpose of letting the American delegation visit the eastern counties of Wei State is to complete this. A cumbersome ceremony.The name of Zhengshuo of the Han family has only been one since ancient times.Even Ran Ming took advantage of the legend that Xu Fu, an alchemist from the Qin Dynasty, crossed the Luoye Island (Java Island) to successfully annex Luye Poti and renamed it Ningyuan Island.But there is no sacrifice to the ancestral temple.This acknowledgment is one-sided.For example (the Yuan Dynasty in our history, in the history of the Mongols, it is only recorded that they once conquered China)

Now, there is an extra branch... This is actually not the key point, the most important thing is that Wei State has another very large territory.Some would say that conquest is actually easier than assimilation.But conquest requires tens or hundreds of years to stabilize, and then face endless resistance.The Native Americans will not really rule until they are almost dead.The key point is that Wei State is not the China of later generations. Later China has a population of more than one billion, so it is natural to adopt a policy of keeping land and leaving no people. However, Wei State only has a poor population of more than 2000 million.If newborn babies are included, Wei will break through the 3000 million population mark in the next three to five years.But the population per square kilometer of Wei State is very scary, probably not higher than the population density of Australia.

In the evening, the representatives of the Americas have not yet woken up from the huge shock.They were brought into the huge Taiwu Hall by the officials of Wei State.That's right, the Hall of Great Martial Arts is the place where the Wei State's great court meeting is held. Wei State rarely holds meetings at night. When these American representatives came to the Chengmentian Square in front of the Hall of Great Martial Arts, they saw the Wei State on the square like a steel monster. The Yulin Army has a new perception of Wei's military strength.In their view, Wang Ding and his soldiers are the world's most powerful army.However, in fact, Wang Ding's expedition escort team had almost no soldiers of the Wei army, at best they were retired soldiers and armed guards.It is not worthy of the shoes of the Wei State Yulin Army.The Wei State Yulin Army can defeat them with one-third or even one-fifth of their strength.

Walking through Chengtianmen Square in fear, the American representatives walked into the Taiwu Hall under the announcement of the soldiers standing in the hall.The entire Taiwu Hall was lit with huge lanterns, illuminating the entire hall as if it were daytime.Looking at the giant pillars of dragons in the hall, as well as the ministers of civil and military affairs, the representatives of the Americas followed the instructions of Wei officials and walked up the stairs.

Bow three times and kowtow nine times to Ran Ming, shouting: "See Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wan An!"

"Everyone is free from courtesy!" Ran Ming got up and stretched out his hands to caress: "Wanderers in foreign lands, the patriarch of the Huaxia clan, welcome you home! You have been wandering in foreign lands for more than 1000 years. You have worked hard."

"It's not hard to wait!" The American representatives shouted in response.

Ran Ming said: "The Huaxia nation is a very great nation. We have been fighting against our destiny for thousands of years. In the past, the Quanrong people and Beidi people tried to conquer us, and later the Huns, Jie people, and Xianbei people also tried to conquer us." They are doing the same thing, that is, occupying our homeland and enslaving us. But we Chinese men, through unyielding struggles and countless sacrifices, finally defeated the Quanrong people, Beidi people, Huns, Jie people, and Xianbei People. In the past, our Chinese nation was very weak and couldn't take care of ourselves, so I didn't support you when you needed help the most. But now that Wei State is strong, the people of Wei State can stand up and speak. Guarantee, no matter who you are, all the sons and daughters of China, the descendants of Yan and Huang, no matter where, the Great Wei Empire is your solid backing. The empire will help you when you need it, overcome difficulties, overcome difficulties, defeat enemies, and not be bullied !"

After hearing what Ran Ming said, these American representatives were very happy.After all, for them, having a strong backing is a very good thing.Facing the invasion of the aggressive Tikal Empire, they were powerless.The city wall can help them defend against foreign enemies, but the supplies in the city are limited. In fact, there is no need to fight. It only takes a few months to surround the city, and they have to surrender.

This time it was just a routine meeting, and after a little sympathy, Ran Ming held a banquet to invite these representatives.It was rare for Ran Ming to make a big fuss, so he didn't entertain them with four dishes and one soup.At the beginning of the banquet, the first dish is a naive roast suckling pig.After a few roast suckling pigs were delivered, the shocked High Priest of the Feathered Serpent God picked up a table knife and began to share the food.The traditions of the Americans are the same as those of the Han people, they all have a very strong tradition of respecting the elderly and loving the young.The high priest of Feathered Serpent sent the fattest piece of meat to represent Chiapas.

Chiapas was the high priest of the sun god of Palenque.This old man is a rare birthday star among Americans and has lived to be 62 years old.In the American tradition, the elders at the table tasted the first bite of the food before others began to eat.When Chiapas put the fat into his mouth and started to chew, the fat and water flowed out from the corner of his mouth immediately. Chiapas showed a strange brilliance on his face and shouted: "Delicious, so delicious!"

This delicacy is a signal. Anyway, the oldest Chiapas has already eaten, and others will not be polite.In the blink of an eye, several roast suckling pigs added up to nearly 100 catties of meat, which were eaten by the American representatives like a gust of wind.As the first dish of roast suckling pig came up, the delicacies below were brought up like flowing water.

However, the manner in which these American representatives ate was so unsightly that the Wei officials present dared not look directly at them.These American representatives eat like hungry pigs grabbing food, no matter what kind of food they eat, they eat it in the fastest time.

Chiapas touched his chubby belly and said, "I'm old and useless. If I was young, I could eat a roast beef leg myself."

Ran Ming said: "Old man, you don't have to sigh, we are all one family, and we can eat whatever we want in the future, you have plenty of opportunities to taste our Chinese delicacies."

The banquet hosted by Ran Ming successfully conquered the stomachs of the American representatives. In a peaceful atmosphere, the American representatives left the Taiwu Hall contentedly.Of course, almost all of them were carried out. Weiguo mellow liquor is not so delicious.At the same time, Ran Ming began to arrange negotiations with the Americans.

The principle formulated by Ran Ming is that the country of Wei must be made the leader of the Americas, and exchanges between the two sides in the fields of economy, culture, science and technology, and military affairs must be strengthened.

Although Americans are generally ignorant, they can even be described as barbaric and uncivilized.Yet they, like the ancient Indians, had two extremes.Ordinary people are very stupid, poorly informed, and narrow-minded.However, their clergy are all part of the people who have knowledge and culture. Although these people are very few, they are all the best of the best.After repeated consultations with the American delegation, a series of agreements were finally reached, and these agreements were introduced one after another.

First, the 39 books in the Americas are descendants of the descendants of the Yin and Shang dynasties, and are authentic descendants of the Han family.Americans and Chinese people are free to marry. If conditions permit, they can marry freely. This kind of marriage is protected by the laws of Wei State.

Just from the first article, we can see how big Wei Guo's concession is.The Miao descendants of the Han family mean the true descendants of Yan and Huang.In the state of Wei, like a descendant of Han and Hu mixed blood, it is impossible to gain people's recognition within three generations.As for the freedom of intermarriage, there is no need to mention it.No matter how poor the Han women were in Wei, they would rather marry a poor man than a wealthy Hu businessman.It seems unbelievable, like the foreign-related marriages of the later generations who worship foreigners and fawn on foreigners, there is no such thing as a marriage in Wei.Han Hu marriage, there is only one possibility.Hu Nu is a concubine.

Second, the Americas are China's inherent territory, and the Americas are not allowed to trade with third parties in any form to sell America's interests.

Third, the defense of the Americas will be shared by both parties. Wei Guo will form an army of 3 horses, stationed in the Americas, and help the Americas resist foreign enemies.Once the war is unfavorable, Wei will unconditionally support the American war to the end until victory.At the same time, the State Council of Wei selected young men from the 39 ministries to train the army and organize an army of 5 people.Help defend the Americas.

Fourth, the Wei Congress will provide technical support to the American agricultural system.Help the Americas achieve a revolution across the ages in agriculture.

Fifth, Wei Guo established fifty Chinese schools in America to help Americans learn Chinese.Strive to make Chinese the official standard common language of the Americas within the next five to ten years.Secondly, all major schools in Wei State are fully open to Americans (39 departments). America can send international students to study in Wei State without restriction.

Sixth, the state of Wei will send a contingent of thousands of officials to help America establish a ruling system.In the next five years, Wei State will occupy the Americas, and will establish three vassal states: Xia State, Shang State, and Zhou State based on Aztec, Yinfubu, and Coratpan.

(End of this chapter)

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