Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 13 Hidden Murder

Chapter 13 Hidden Murder

Chapter 013

Ran Min didn't know about this matter. When he led the army to the north, the food he brought was not small. All together it was more than 4 shi. Each soldier needed three liters a day, and a horse needed a bucket. More than 1 soldiers It takes more than 100 stones a day, plus more than 1000 horses, that is more than 200 stones.

Forty thousand shi grains can be eaten for at least six months.However, Ran Liang left a large amount of food to the victims, and he only brought food for more than half a month. Jizhou, a fertile land thousands of miles away, has been poisoned by years of war. There is no human habitation, and there is no way to raise food on the spot.

Ran Min's face became gloomy,
Liu Qun looked at Ran Min's unkind expression, and said slowly: "Actually, as long as we have one more month of food, it will be much easier. Now Anxi can't keep any more. We still have some food in Liantai. If we save food and expenses, we should be able to return to Yecheng, as long as we persist until the autumn harvest in September, it will be much easier! In fact, if we had rescued those refugees back then, the situation of our army would have been much better!"

Ran Min sighed and said: "If they don't help them, they won't be able to survive, and the tragedy of everyone cannibalizing each other will happen again!" Ran Min stood up and looked at Liu Qun and said, "Gongdu (Liu Qun's name), what countermeasures do you have? "

Liu Qun thought for a while and said, "A group has three strategies!"

"The plan will come out?"

"The middle policy, stop helping the refugees from now on, cut down on food and clothing, and withdraw the troops immediately. Make plans later!"

Ran Min thought for a while and shook his head: "All the people don't have overnight food, and now they are running out of food. If they don't help them, they can only die. If I don't care about it, I'm afraid, Jizhou will be a thousand miles away, and bones will pile up. !"

Risking your own army to starve due to lack of food, or even mutiny, to help people who have nothing to do with you, this can really be called a hero or even a saint.

Liu Qun put himself in his shoes and thought about it. If it were him, he would definitely not be able to do this. It would be an honor to be able to follow such a benevolent and virtuous Lord!

Liu Qun actually knew that Ran Min would never agree to this strategy!Then he went on to say: "The best policy is that there are many Hanjiawu Forts in northern Hebei. Most of the forts are powerful. They have money and food, but they have few soldiers and weak forces, so they are easy to attack. If Your Majesty orders them to donate food, if not If you donate it, you will raise your troops to attack it, and you will definitely gain something, not only can you get enough food, but also solve the hidden danger of instability in the north!"

Ran Min said: "If you don't donate food, you will kill them all. How is this behavior different from bandits? How can I do such beastly things!"

Liu Qun was a little disappointed. Ran Minren was benevolent enough, but he was a bit of a woman.Although it is said that these docks belong to the Han people, these Han people are powerful and aristocratic, and there is no good bird. They only have interests in their eyes, and those who have milk are mothers. When their father Liu Kun guarded Jinyang, they did not stagger Liu Kun. !
Liu Qun sighed and said, "The worst strategy is to fight the Yan army quickly, capture the gains, and supplement our army's use!"

"However!" Liu Qun pondered: "The Yan army is coming in a mighty way. The enemy is strong and we are weak. I'm afraid this battle will not be easy!"

Ran Min thought about it for a long time, then said lightly: "Three days, we only fight for three days, if we can't defeat the Yan army, we will retreat immediately!"

At this moment, the soldiers reported: "Your Majesty, more than [-] people from the Yan army are coming to attack!"

At the same time, General Dong Run, Chariot General Zhang Wen, Shesheng Captain Zhang Ai, Changshan County Prefect Su Yan, General Shi Ning, Cao Fuju, and Sun Wei all came to Ran Min's tent!

The military situation was urgent, and Ran Min didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "Meet the enemy!"

The generals came out suddenly!

The Wei army led by Ran Min set up a camp in the northeast of Anxi City. Because the walls of Anxi City were not more than ten feet long, they were very dilapidated, and having walls would not be of much benefit to defense, so Ran Min deployed all his troops in the field.Although there is no city wall to block it, the Wei army can camp, but it is like a city at this time!As far as the eye could see, the camp was surrounded by half-human-high earthen walls.

Although these earth walls are not rammed with glutinous rice soup mixed with clay like building a city, but because the earth walls are filled with rectangular piles composed of thick wooden piles, in order to prevent the Yan army from using rockets to attack, especially the outer periphery is covered with thick A layer of soil!

The earth walls are not arranged in a circle, but there are many gaps between the earth walls. In front of the earth walls, many incoherent ditches have also been dug. small wall.

This is Ran Min's cleverness, which is similar to the circular fortifications of later generations.Compared with the continuous arrangement, if one point is broken through, there will be the danger of the entire line being defeated, and Ran Min's earthen wall is not a straight line at all, nor is it circular, but is arranged in irregular layers, leaving a passage for the Yan army. Not only is it narrow, but it is also long, which will make it impossible for the Yan army to take advantage of its large number of troops. At the same time, it will reduce the difficulty of defense for Ran Min's army!

At this moment, Ran Min's command chariot, the Yuan Rong Chariot, slowly rose up. With a platform several meters high and guardrails around the chariot, it was perfect for commanding operations.At this time, Ran Min was in the front of the Chinese army. There were six earthen walls in front of him, about 500 steps apart.

Standing in the command car, Ran Min could see clearly the Yan army who was saving horsepower three miles away!At this moment, a rush of horns sounded, and the Xianbei cavalry who had been sitting scattered on the ground, drinking water, eating dry food, and feeding horses began to gather quickly.
In a few breaths, five thousand cavalry were assembled!

The Xianbei army was born out of the tribe, and most of them were supervised by Yiluo Xiaoshuai, each with about a thousand soldiers.General He Xiaolou has five young commanders under his command. At this time, the opinionated He Xiaolou rode his horse and shouted in Xianbei dialect, "God bless the Xianbei!"

"Long live Tanshihuai Shanyu" sounded for several miles.Although Tan Shihuai died more than 200 years ago, he is still an insurmountable existence in the hearts of Xianbei people.

The earth trembled faintly, and finally trembled violently. It seemed that at the same time, banners like oceans protruded from the ends of the sky on all sides.Countless knights of the Yan army came running wildly, the darkness was endless, they let their horses run wildly, the sound of iron hoofs shook everyone's heart faintly.Looking at the sea of ​​fluttering flags and the boundless war horses, Ran Min took a long breath.Looking at this posture, the Yan army who came to the south should be concentrated here!
"Kill all the Han dogs!" He Xiaolou yelled loudly holding Ma Shuo!

The five thousand light cavalry behind him also roared shockingly: "Kill all the Han dogs!"

Ran Min, who was familiar with the fighting style of the Yan army, knew that this wave was just Murong Ke's tentative attack.Ran Min asked his subordinates to lower the platform, and he returned to the position of the central army!
At this time, Ran Min stepped on his "Zhulong" war horse. At this time, Ran Min was wearing a dazzling bright armor, a embroidered animal skin cape (tube sleeves) and a short-knee war skirt with Yunwen and Ming gold thread. Wearing a neck protector. "Zhu Long" snorted loudly, and couldn't wait.Beside Ran Min is Cheqi General Zhang Wen. He wears a battle robe embroidered with cranes, a lavender armor with a shallow top and a deep bottom, and a gilded waist knife with a gilded waist knife. Hanging a hard bow, riding a round-spotted gray horse with a carved saddle decorated with gold.

Zhang Wen pointed to the enemy general under the deep banner of the Xianbei army and said, "Your Majesty, that must be Murong Ke from the Murong family. This time all the tiger cubs from the Murong family are here."

"Hmph!" Ran Min mentioned Zhu Longma's eyes with a murderous look, "Huangkou boy, it's time to wipe the blade of our Han army!"

Facing the majestic Xianbei cavalry army, the overall momentum of the Wei army's army remained as usual, immovable like a mountain!
The generals of the Wei army had already dug trenches one after another in front of the army formation. These trenches were nearly ten feet deep and two feet wide, and galloping horses could easily jump over them empty-handed. However, the other trench was very close. After ten steps, the war horse has no time to accumulate horsepower!
Just when the old power of the war horse was gone and the new power was not born, dozens of cavalrymen from the Yan army's forward He Xiaolou fell into the second ditch with their horses!

At the bottom of the ten-foot-deep trench stood sharpened hardwood, as sharp as an iron spear, and the Xianbei horses that fell into the trench were either killed or injured!
In the blink of an eye, He Xiaolou lost dozens of elite cavalry.These cavalry are all young and strong in his tribe. Originally, the number of He Xiaolou's tribe was not large. Come out!Now even without seeing the face of the enemy, dozens of people have been lost. The Xianbei tribe is a slave system. Private property of slave owners.

These people are the foundation of his life, and He Xiaolou's eyes are red from the pain!
He Xiaolou stepped on a black horse, which was a very tall horse. The whole body of the horse was dark gray with white spots, and the hair was much and curly. The mane and tail were trimmed, and it was very handsome.The run-up of more than ten steps may be an insurmountable moat for other ordinary cavalry, but it is obviously not worth mentioning in front of He Xiaolou, a fine horse!
He Xiaolou easily crossed the second trench and turned his head to see the dense low walls. These low walls are not very high, but it is not easy for the horses to cross!What is even more irritating is that there are dozens of Wei soldiers standing behind the low wall. These tall spears are erected high. If the war horses want to leap over directly, they will definitely stab straight with their guns without hesitation!
At the beginning, He Xiaolou didn't pay attention to these low walls and ditches. He even laughed at Ran Min's incompetence in the art of war. How could anyone dig such a narrow ditches? If they just dug three or four feet wide, the horses would definitely not be able to jump. In the past, in order to attack the camp, they would make great efforts to fill up all the trenches, and at worst they had to fill in a smooth road!

But now, He Xiaolou has finally realized the viciousness of such narrow ditches and low walls. You can jump over the first ditch, but you may not be able to jump over the second one. Be sure to skip the third pass!
And those low walls, each one looks inconspicuous, but the actual attack will pay an unbearable loss!

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(End of this chapter)

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