Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 139 Inside Fighting Expert

Chapter 139 Inside Fighting Experts

Chapter 143

There were no more than three to 400 soldiers in the frontal battle, more than 100 folded shields defended, and more than 200 horizontal knives swung neatly.

Just a face-to-face meeting, the outcome will be debated.

Only a few unlucky ones of the Luozhou new army were injured, and none were killed.In contrast to the bandits, at least more than 100 people were directly hacked to death with a horizontal knife!

As soon as they fought against each other, Nan Batian felt that he was wrong, the opponent was a hard bone, not easy to chew on!Nan Batian was very frightened, and his little capital could not bear the toss.

He hastily shouted: "The wind is tight, blah!"

In fact, his mistake is that he shouldn't be self-righteous, this is not the county soldier he thought he was fighting.It was a professional soldier trained by Ran Ming.At this moment, if he wanted to run again, it would not be so easy.

The morale of the new army in Luozhou was greatly boosted by the victory in the first battle. Those soldiers lost their sense of fear, and their heads were full of meritorious deeds. They sent their children to school to study, and killed the enemy to earn more land for their families!

"Kill all the bandits, protect the environment and the people." Luozhou soldiers shouted fiercely with red eyes!

On the other hand, those bandits were demoralized and everyone was full of fear. They killed more than 100 people in one fight. Who are they? Hu people are not so powerful!The filthy crowd is just the mob, and if they win, they will fight bravely and swarm up.

If you lose, the whole army will be defeated and morale will be lost.

Ran Ming shouted loudly: "Put down your weapons and surrender, let Er wait for your life, if you resist in the corner, you will die!"

The soldiers of the Luoyang New Army also shouted, thousands of people roared together, the momentum was terrifying.


In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Xianyang Palace, the imperial palace of the Kangjin Dynasty, was built.

Kneeling on the imperial seat in the middle of the palace is a boy in his teens wearing a dragon robe. He is Sima Dan, Emperor Jinmu. The light is shining, the dragon spirit is compelling!

The Jiankang Imperial Palace in the Eastern Jin Dynasty was far less large than Luoyang, and the harem, imperial gardens, and artificial lakes were only [-] mu.And this Xianyang Hall is the place where the ministers of the Jin Dynasty usually participated in the early dynasty and discussed politics.

Sima Dan is nine years old this year. According to the calculation method of this year, he should be 11 years old this year!Although it is not like two years ago when his mother, the Empress Dowager Zhu (Zhu Suanzi), carried him to court, in fact he is still not in power at this time.

Nine-year-old Sima Dan felt at a loss.

At this time, the Jin Dynasty was governed by Situ Caimo and Kuaiji King Sima Yu.Two years later, Emperor Shihu of Zhao died.In order to compete for the throne, the later Zhao Shi's clan killed each other, and then Ran Min seized the power of Later Zhao, and the Central Plains were in chaos.

Shi Sanqi's regular servant Yin remonstrated: "When Naran Min's surrender, the old Jin Taiping will be restored!"

However, Cai Mo retorted: "Hu Mie, sincerity and Daqing, will worry the royal family."

Cai Mo also put forward his point of view: "The Hu people are powerful, although they are temporarily eliminated, they should be avoided."

Then Cai Mo put forward the argument that Han Gaozu Liu Bang relied on Guanzhong to avoid the war in the Central Plains, and did not compete with the overlord for a while.

Although he was bound to lose every battle with the Overlord, he finally won the next battle, aspired to the Central Plains, and unified the world!He also cited the example of King Wen's body collapsed in Yuli, so his way of life was prosperous in Muye; Gou Jian saw the example of Qu in Kuaiji, which convinced the courtiers of the Jin Dynasty.

In the end, just sit back and watch Ran Min be wiped out by the Yan Kingdom!
Every time Sima Dan, Emperor Mudi of Jin Dynasty, recalled Cai Mo's words, he always felt that there was something untrue in them.Isn't taking advantage of the vacancy the way to victory advocated by military strategists?

At this time, looking at the mansion newspaper sent by Cai Mo, the nine-year-old Sima Dan was even more confused, somewhat helpless that "the homeland is too bad to look back on"!

When Sima Dan was in a daze, suddenly the eunuch Zhang Hong came in and said, "Your Majesty, Situ, King Kuaiji, General of the Chinese Army, Da Sima, please see me!"

The four were Cai Mo, King Sima Yu of Kuaiji, General Yin Hao of the Chinese Army, Grand Sima, and Prince Consort Wei Huanwen.Everyone is a character who stomped their feet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and shook the world.

Sima Dan straightened his clothes and said, "Please!"

"Your Majesty, I will see you!" After entering the Xianyang Palace, the four ministers of the Jin Dynasty greeted the emperor.

Sima Dan nodded and said: "My dear friends, you don't need to be formal, someone will give you a seat!"

There are no stools and chairs in this era. The so-called sitting and kneeling actually mean the same thing.Sitting on the ground, spreading a mat is called sitting, and nothing is called kneeling!

After entering the hall, none of the four ministers spoke, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Sima Dan must be young and has no city, so he couldn't help but said: "I don't know what the ministers want to do?"

Yin Hao coughed and said, "Your Majesty, General Zhenxi Zhang Yu has turned against him (I need to explain, here is a bit of a conflict with Jin Shu. Xie Shangde's official position as General Zhenxi was after the rebellion of Zhang Yu was quelled) Zhang Yu sent his generals to Shangguan En and Lehong attacked Cangyuan (note!) and supervised and protected Dai Shi."

Zhang Yu was originally a general of the Later Zhao Dynasty, because Fu Jian forcibly took his young mother Han's family.

Since then, he has formed an indissoluble hatred with Fu Jian.Zhang Yu had no choice but to follow Ran Min to rebel against Zhao.Later, seeing the Qin army marching eastward, Xie Renzu and Xie Shang fled without a fight.Let Zhang Yu have no hope of revenge, so angry that he had to surrender to Wei again!After Zhang Yu surrendered to Wei, Zhang Yu chose to be Qi County Duke of Wei State.His confidant, Shangguan En, was also made a Marquis of Guoyang by Ran Min!
As for Zhang Yu's attack on Dai Shi, it was purely self-inflicted.

Le Hong saw that Ran Min had easily solved the enemies of Dongping County and Zhao Zhao.But Wang Meng is even more poisonous.He firmly grasped the national issue of Yan State. Yan State was dominated by the Murong tribe and other tribes were vassals.The relationship between ethnic groups is full of contradictions.Wang Meng took advantage of the conflict between the Murong tribe and other tribes to drive a wedge between the Yan State.

Those who have contradictions will expand them infinitely, and those who have no contradictions will create contradictions and divide the country of Yan.In this way, the strength of Yan State has been greatly damaged.The main reason is that the expansion of the Yan Kingdom is too fast and there is no ruling background.What's more, Huangfuzhen and Murongke, who are best at handling ethnic relations, are not in power at this time.

In this way, let Wang Meng separate the other vassal nations of Yan State from Yan State as a whole in the simplest way, like peeling flesh.

The strength of Yan State has been greatly reduced, while the strength of Wei State has been greatly enhanced!
The more sinister Wang Meng adopted the same competitive mechanism.According to the different times when each ethnic group took refuge, the ethnic groups in Wei State were divided into three levels: Han nationality, naturalized nationality, and barbarian nationality.There is no need to explain the Han nationality, it is the Han nationality.In the state of Wei, the nation has the highest power and the best treatment.The second is naturalization.It is a tribe that voluntarily surrenders.Ethnic groups at this level are slightly worse than the Han in terms of welfare and treatment.

But he also has the power to be an official.As for the Yihua nationality, it is different. These are all classified as ethnic groups defeated militarily.They are slaves.Or all the young and strong will be disrupted and classified, and become slave labor in various villages in Qingzhou, miners in mines, and slave labor in major workshops!Because the personnel were disrupted, there was no unified force, and they were not afraid of their rebellion.

The remaining old and weak have no ability to resist and can only be bullied by other tribes.

In this way, Wei State received a large amount of free labor from Yan State.As for their naturalized tribes, because they benefited far more from Wei State than from Yan State, more and more tribes naturally surrendered to Wei State.

As for the military, Wang Meng relied on the advantage that all of them were cavalry, and adopted the steppe cavalry guerrilla warfare.Coupled with Ran Ming's two-dimensional refusal and trapping, Murong Ping has no temper at all.

At this time, Yan Guo eliminated 14 elites because of Ran Ming, and Ran Min took advantage of Yan Guo's unreserved trust in the Li family of Zhao County to eat up 5 Yan troops.

However, Murong Ping's [-] elites were dragged to death by Wang Meng. The harder they chased, the heavier the losses. In the end, they had to adopt a strategy of avoiding and not fighting, and retreated to the fortified city.In this way, although Wang Meng had no way to conquer the city defended by the Yan army, he dragged the main force of the Yan army to death, preventing them from supporting the Bingzhou battlefield!

And when Dai Guo saw that the flag of Yan State had died down, they had no choice but to provoke Ran Min on their own!

Since then, Wei State's situation on the northern front has been very good, and Wang Meng has fully recovered Jizhou Qinghe, Herun and other counties.And Ran Min occupied most of Bingzhou's territory.

Le Hong used to be General Pingnan of Wei State, and followed Lu Kuo to rebel against Wei State.Now I see that Ran Min is like a broken bamboo.Feeling very nervous, he and Shangguan En encouraged Zhang Yu to concentrate his forces to attack Dai Shi.

Dai Shi, the Jin army stationed in Cangyuan, is actually a wine bag and rice bag.Zhang Yu's troops can be called elite, but there are only more than 6000 infantry, and the other 3 are auxiliary soldiers.As a result, Dai Shi's 1 horses could not beat Zhang Yu's [-] horses.After three days of fierce fighting, Dai Shi retreated from Cangyuan to Qiaocheng.Cangyuan is [-] miles southeast of Chenliu in Kaifeng, and the north of Qiaocheng is more than [-] miles away in a straight line.

The governor of the East Road of the Jin Dynasty lost three hundred miles in one fell swoop.General Yin Hao of the Chinese Army can't sit still anymore!He had to ask Cai Mo and Sima Xianhuan to see Sima Dan.

Although Sima Dan was young, he still understood the reason for losing the city and land after losing the battle.However, he is not a child prodigy after all, as the grand master usually explained, he said lightly with a look of thought: "Let me think about this matter carefully!"

Regarding the war situation in the north, Huan Wen had first-hand military intelligence, he sighed: "Is it true that the Jin family and the country can't be kept?"

Sima Xian was like an old monk in meditation. Cai Mo asked him to come, and he came, and he didn't say a word when he came, as if he didn't lose the land of the Jin Dynasty!
After a while, Cai Mo said, "How does the Taiwei look at this matter?"

Since Huan Wen's prestige among the government and the public was unparalleled for a while after he eliminated the Di people and became the Han Kingdom, Sima Xian, Cai Mo and others were deeply jealous of him.For some reason, Sima Xian also specially promoted some generals such as Yin Hao, Xie Shang, Dai Shi, and Xi Chao to share the military power of Run Huanwen!

Regarding Sima Xian's intentions, Huan Wen is not a fool, of course he understands.

Dai Shi was defeated, Xie Shang was intimidated by the enemy, and Yin Hao had no way to deal with it. Regarding such a matter, Huan Wen was still happy to agree.

Huan Wen said calmly: "As for Zhang Yu's rebellion against Jin, I think it should be dealt with rationally and properly, otherwise it will cause adverse reactions."

Huan Wen's meaning was obvious, he wished that Ran Min could make the momentum bigger and better in the north, and the best thing would be that all the generals in the court and the central government would be defeated, and it would be his turn to clean up the mess in the end!

PS: I originally planned to stay in the archives, so I can celebrate the New Year at home, but I don’t care about it now, I hope the tickets will come more violently!

(End of this chapter)

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