Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 179 Not getting along well

Chapter 179 Not getting along well (please subscribe for more updates)

Chapter 183

Ran Ming knew in his heart that the so-called loyalty was actually not enough bargaining chips for betrayal.

Zhang Yu first betrayed Ran Min, and then betrayed the Jin Dynasty. He dealt with such a duplicitous villain like a dog.

Of course, let him always feel the price of betrayal.

Ran Ming was not Ran Min, and Ran Ming used this military exercise to warn Zhang Yu that if he dared to have any disagreements.What awaits him will be a catastrophe, after all, the truth is right in front of his eyes.

It was too easy for Ran Ming's army to deal with Zhang Yu.

At this time, Ran Ming walked towards his own carriage, which was also an idea that Ran Ming brought over from later generations. The four-wheeled carriage, the front two wheels can bear weight, and can also steer, and more importantly, it is big enough, one foot wide, three Zhang long.

Don't talk about sitting, even sleeping is enough.

In order to reduce the vibration, Ran Ming also made a bridge-type shock absorber. In order to increase the lightness of the vehicle, he also made a bearing. It's just that the metallurgical technology of this era cannot extract the bearing steel of later generations, and instead produced high-carbon steel. as a substitute.

Ran Ming, Yang Hui, and Wang Zhi got into the carriage. In the middle of the carriage was a main seat, on the left and right were two chairs with backrests, and in the middle was a low table with a charcoal stove for making tea. It was warm in the carriage. And comfortable.

However, due to the difficulty of making bearings, this kind of carriage has not yet entered the market, and it has been sold in large quantities. It can be imagined that this kind of carriage will definitely not go wrong in the Jin Dynasty and the market prospect!

Yang Hui watched Wang Zhi follow Ran Ming all the time, especially in the carriage, where he was in the same row as Ran Ming, which made him very dissatisfied.

The status of women is low, and the status of concubines is only slightly higher than that of slaves, which makes Yang Hui very uncomfortable.Just when Yang Hui wanted to persuade Ran Ming, Ran Ming understood what Yang Hui meant, and said to Wang Zhi, "The bathroom on the carriage here is good, go and try it first!"

Wang Zhi got up obediently.

Although this four-wheeled carriage is not small, can you really take a bath on it?
With a skeptical attitude, Wang Zhi walked towards the so-called bathroom.

The bathroom was placed at the rear of the carriage, in the same cubicle as the toilet.Although this bathroom is less than one square meter, although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.There are not only toilets, but also showers and sinks.

Looking at these unfamiliar objects, fortunately Ran Ming was prepared early and gave Wang Zhi an instruction manual, which recorded how to operate the shower, how to use the toilet and so on.

After Wang Zhi left, Yang Hui pondered: "Your Highness, according to the report from the frontline scouts, there are signs that the Jin Dynasty has sent troops in the near future. May I ask your Highness, what should we do?"

"It seems that Huan Wen can't hold back anymore!" Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "We are still proceeding according to the plan, using space instead of troops, and continue to create the posture that we are going to attack Xie Shang's troops. Huan Wen's carelessness, pay the price!"

Yang Hui couldn't help but think of the victorious chapter written by Ran Ming in the Thirty or Sixty Strategies, which is to hide the truth.Now Ran Ming has implemented a large-scale transfer of people and materials in Luozhou, and more than 14 Luozhou people have been forcibly relocated to the north of the Yellow River.If it wasn't for the core members of Ran Ming's camp, I'm afraid he would have been deceived by Ran Ming's generosity.

First, he used a trick to deceive the sky and cross the sea, then he attacked the east from the west, then surrounded Wei to save Zhao, and finally drew his salary from the bottom of the pot.Counting out the chain, he really deserves to be a master of soldiers.

"Ten tens of thousands of shi grains were transported for thousands of miles, and tens of thousands of people left their homes. This time, our loss is not small!" Yang Hui didn't understand Ran Ming's intentions. Normally, the troops retreated. However, Ran Ming forcibly moved more than 14 people from dozens of counties in Luozhou to Wei County.

"Your Highness, the common people are no more than the army. They only migrate twenty or thirty miles a day. In addition to the severe cold, we not only provided a lot of warm clothes, but also consumed more high-quality charcoal. Even if we can solve the battle within a month, the common people If I come back again, I'm afraid I will miss the spring plowing in Luozhou!"

Ran Ming asked back: "Why do you want to move back?"

"Your Highness means to keep these 14 people in Wei County?"

Ran Ming nodded and said: "Although the army can mobilize more than 6 horses alone, the Huxiao Camp and Beiwei Army have fought bloody battles with the Yan Army in Jizhou and Youzhou for half a year, and the troops are already exhausted. Unbearable. The Huxiao and Beiwei armies need to rest for a long time to recover their energy. War horses tend to lose weight in winter. If they participate in fierce battles again, then the lonely affairs will be affected. So now, Huxiaoying and Beiwei The army can only stand still, conduct appropriate recovery training, further replenish the battle-damaged troops, repair armor, and change outfits!"

"Change clothes?"

Ran Ming pointed to the Qilin guard cavalry outside the carriage, and Yang Hui suddenly realized that most of the Huxiao Battalion and Beiwei Army cavalry were primitive cavalry at this time, not equipped with Takahashi saddles, stirrups on both sides, and horseshoes.

Bilateral stirrups are easy to make, and Takahashi saddles are not too difficult. The difficulty lies in the iron nails on the horseshoe. Regardless of the small iron nails, it is more complicated to build than an arrow.

Besides, Luoyang does not have enough skilled craftsmen at this time, but Qingzhou has enough stocks, but it takes time to dispatch.

When Yang Hui saw that Ran Ming was asking about business, he straightened his thoughts and said, "Your Highness, Princess Nankang of the Jin Dynasty and her party have been discovered by the navy of the Jin Dynasty. Our people, according to His Highness's order, hung up the banner of Huan Wen and joined forces with the Jin Dynasty. Fight against the navy!"

Ran Ming said: "What's the result of the battle!"

Yang Hui said: "A total of seven five-tooth warships from our side participated in the battle. For the first time, they used the return cannon to fire fierce fire cans. Later, they were chased and intercepted by the navy of the Jin Dynasty. More than forty warships of the Jin Dynasty caught fire and sank, and the casualties of the Jin Dynasty should have been close to a thousand. But our personnel met the support of the Qingzhou Navy and successfully broke through!"

"That's good!" Ran Ming said with a smile, "Now Huan Wen won't be able to clean himself up even if he jumps into the Yellow River!"

Yang Hui asked: "Your Highness, what should we do?"

Ran Ming said: "It's time to meet Huan Wen."

Yang Hui said anxiously: "Your Highness, absolutely not, you can't go to Chang'an alone like before. There is a saying that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall, so no matter what, Your Highness must not risk himself this time!"

Ran Ming said: "Then what should I do?"

Yang Hui said: "If His Highness can trust Hui, let Hui go this time!"

Yang Hui continued: "In terms of family background, I am a direct descendant of Hongnong Yang's family, and in terms of official position, I am a member of the Chu Palace and joined the army, which is enough to replace Your Highness!"

Ran Ming said: "Promise Gu, you will come back safely no matter what. So this time we must take all 300 Qilin Guards with us!"

When Yang Hui heard this, he was very grateful. All the members of the Qilin Guard, even if there were only 300 people, were all assigned to him as bodyguards. How important this is.Ran Ming's actions gave Yang Hui the urge to die for his confidant!

Zhang Yu was also disgraced during this martial arts performance, and was beaten fatly by the cavalry of the Modao Army, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.Zhang Yu returned to his temporary residence in Luoyang City with scars all over his body, without saying a word!

At this moment, Shangguan En, Zhang Yu's henchman, also walked into the big tent angrily with dark circles under his eyes and arms hanging.

"General, you have to decide for the last general!" Before Shangguan En could speak, he heard a burst of crying from outside the tent.

Zhang Yu and Shangguan En looked out of the tent at the same time, only to see Le Hong was limping outside the tent, with his head wrapped like a third.Seeing Le Hong's horrible appearance, Zhang Yu's pro-army commander Long Zhen said with a smile: "Oh, General Le, what kind of mourning are you doing!"

Le Hong looked at Zhang Yu and Shangguan En's appearance, and he was embarrassed to pretend that everyone is indistinguishable from each other now, big brother, don't laugh at second brother!

In fact, there was nothing serious about Zhang Yu's generals. These soldiers of the Modao army also had a sense of proportion in their actions. The generals of the Yuzhou army suffered from skin trauma. The soldiers, especially those soldiers, were not so lucky, especially Zhang Among the [-] confidantes I met, most of them suffered broken bones, and even dozens of them were killed.

Shangguan En looked at Zhang Yu and said, "General, there is a saying that when beating a dog, it depends on the owner. Look at how our brothers have been beaten. We can't suffer for nothing!"

Le Hong also said: "Yes, I can't swallow this breath!"

"Hmph!" Zhang Yu slapped his desk and roared, "I can't swallow it. What did you say? We have more than 4000 people, and the new army has more than [-] people who have been training for two months, more than three times Is it anyone else's fault? Before the fight, I didn't hear any objections from any of you, and now I'm at a disadvantage, who is to blame?"

At this time, Zhang Yu was still a little scared, especially Mo Dao Shou, which was simply a huge meat grinder. Fortunately, this time it was just a martial arts performance, not a real confrontation, otherwise it would definitely be a river of blood.With real knives and real guns, people don't dodge or dodge at all, they fight hard, and then fight back.They are all monsters!

Long Zhen said: "General, the guy in the hands of the brothers is not a fire stick, how could it be possible that Mo Dao didn't cause any casualties?"

Le Hong said: "How come Commander Long forgot, don't you find that the equipment of these Modao Army looks familiar?"

Long Zhen said blankly: "I really don't know!"

"Have you forgotten the trump card army of the Yan army? It has always been an invincible trump card!" Shangguan En said: "This army of the Yan State has defeated the Goguryeo people, destroyed Fuyu, and defeated Shihu's [-] troops. Escape alone!"

"An armored cavalry?"

"That's right!"

Shangguan En explained: "The [-] sets of horse armor in the Yan Kingdom were wiped out in the Battle of Liantai, and the [-] sets of fine armor were all captured by His Royal Highness Chu, and now only [-] sets are exposed. !"

Zhang Yu calmed down at this moment, Ran Ming was not a character to get along with.

(End of this chapter)

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