Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 196 Benefits Come First

Chapter 196 Benefits Come First

Chapter 200 Benefits First

The three of them came to the imperial study with their own thoughts.

"Minister Liu Qun (Tiao You, Zhong Shen) see Your Majesty!"

"Aiqing is free from courtesy!" There was an unconcealable joy in Ran Min's face.

Liu Qun stood up and said, "Your Majesty, you seem to be in a good mood. I don't know where the joy comes from?"

Ran Min handed the secret letter sent by Zhang Ping to Liu Qun. Liu Qun looked thoughtful after reading it, and handed it to Zhong Shen casually.

Ran Min saw that the three had read all the secret letters, and asked with a smile, "How do the three lovers think I should respond?"

Taiwei Tiaoyou said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, I will not descend to Jin at this time! I object! Your Majesty is the Son of the Dragon, and the co-lord of a million troops in the Great Wei Dynasty. How can you be subservient!"

Zhong Shen said: "The minister seconded the proposal!"

Ran Min looked at the silent Liu Qun again, "Are you also against it?"

Liu Qun said: "If the Jin Dynasty allowed His Majesty to take the position three years ago, the minister would definitely agree. But after three years, Your Majesty has survived even the most difficult moment. At this time, our Wei army is strong and horses are strong, and the country of Yan in the north is in civil strife. Murong Ke Fighting with Murong Ping, there is no time to go south. Coincidentally, Qin is also in civil strife. At this time, it is my Great Wei who is recuperating and working hard to govern. When my Great Wei has gathered enough food and grass, His Majesty can lead the Great Wei army to sweep Yan, Qin, Liang, Dai Jin. Unify the world! I am willing to assist the Ming Lord to create the rule of the Han Dynasty, and the revival of the Han Dynasty is hopeful!"

Ran Min said: "What do Taiwei Tiao and Zhong Sikong think?"

"The veteran is willing to assist His Majesty to rule the world!"

Ran Min said: "But we and the Jin Dynasty are both Han Chinese, and the Han people have shed too much blood that shouldn't be shed!"

Tiaoyou said: "Your Majesty, once the general is successful, his bones will be ruined. A man has something to say, so don't do anything!"

Zhong Shen said: "Since ancient times, the world has been home to virtuous people. Since the Mao of the Eight Kings, 16 consecutive years of civil strife have exhausted the last bit of vitality of the Han nation. , Your Majesty. At this time, if it should be broken, it should be broken, and it will be cut quickly!"

Liu Qun said: "Long-term pain is like short-term pain. Once and for all, we will end the war and bring peace to the people of the world!"

Ran Min was still struggling in his heart, and said with a wry smile: "But the Jin envoy has already set off."

"This is really a golden opportunity, and our Great Wei has God's help!" Liu Qun said: "Your Majesty, you can use this opportunity to negotiate with the Jin Dynasty and force the Jin Dynasty to recognize that our Great Wei is the northern orthodox."

"That's right!" Zhong Shen said excitedly, "Huan Wen's threat to the Jin Dynasty is far greater than our Great Wei. His Majesty can agree to the Jin Dynasty's request to attack Huan Wen. But the premise is that all expenses during the war must be paid!"

Tiao You also said with a sinister smile: "Your Majesty, you can take this opportunity to deliver to the Jin Dynasty. Our Great Wei and the Jin Dynasty discussed the border issue between Jin and Wei. Now Yuzhou has few people and the fields are barren. It's like chicken ribs. It's tasteless to eat and discarded It's a pity. We can treat it as a favor and give it to the Jin Dynasty."

However, Liu Qun said in an unastonishing manner: "Your Majesty, the Jin Dynasty can also make it clear that with the combat power of our Great Wei soldiers, it is not impossible to eliminate Huan Wen. As long as the price is enough, we can help the Jin Dynasty completely eliminate Huan Wen, a powerful minister." !"

Ran Min looked at the three ministers who were in a daze, and asked, "How can the Jin court agree to this?"

"According to what His Royal Highness the King of Chu said, this is called asking for prices all over the sky. If you don't agree, they can talk slowly!" Tiao You said: "If the Jin Dynasty disagrees, we can unite with Huan Wen and send troops to attack the Jin Dynasty together. And divide the land with Huanwen to rule, the south of the Huaihe River belongs to Huanwen, and the north of the Huaihe River belongs to our Great Wei!"

Ran Min slapped his head and murmured, "Are you all crazy?"

Liu Qun said: "Your Majesty, I'm not crazy. The emperor of the Jin Dynasty was young and immoral, so there is nothing wrong with his actions. In this world, Liu Yuan, a barbarian thief, can do it, but Liu Can can do it. Why can't your Majesty do it? call?"

There was a tangled expression on Ran Min's face.

Ran Min's heart was extremely contradictory. In the past, he ascended the throne and claimed the title of emperor, but he did not enjoy the beauty of controlling power. Ran Min would definitely deny the opinions of the three and follow his own ideas to be a Jin minister.

At most, one will come to obey the imperial edict but not to declare it, to be a Jin minister in name, but actually a feudal town.

As the emperor of the Wei Kingdom, commanding thousands of troops and horses, with one wave of the banner, thousands of heads fall to the ground!After having tasted the taste of waking up to kill with a sword and lying drunk on a beautiful woman's lap, how could he be willing to bow down to others?

Among other things, as soon as the killing order came out, dozens of Jie people disappeared in a flash, what a sight it was.Think about yourself, but with a spear in your hand, a halberd in your palm, and a Zhulong war horse stepped down, running around the world, mentioning him, Ran Min, who would not give a thumbs up?

Besides, I am not a person who can swallow his anger and send him under the fence.

Just because I have been the emperor of Wei State for three years, the Jin Dynasty court will regard myself as a thorn in the side, a thorn in the flesh, and get rid of it quickly.

I have chosen a road that I can't turn back. Since ancient times, the emperor who surrendered did not end well.Where are Cao Cao's descendants now?Where are the descendants of the Ying family?I don't want Ran's family to be destroyed, so I have to go all the way to the dark!
Ran Min hesitated, did he really turn against Jin Chao?

Suddenly, Ran Min recalled Ran Ming's words in his mind:
"Father, you are an indomitable hero. But my child doesn't want you to be a hero, but a hero. Because a hero is given a hundred chances, and the hero still can't beat the hero. A man should be happy and enmity, either vigorously or silently No interest!"

Ran Min suddenly said: "Come here to draw up an order! General Zhang Wen of chariots and cavalry will send troops immediately after receiving the order, go out of Huguan, cross the Yellow River to the south, and join His Highness the King of Chu."

"Order General Dong Run, the territory of the Great Wei, whoever violates it will be punished. The Jin State is unrighteous. If you violate our Great Wei, the general will expel him!"

After Liu Qun was stunned for a while, he shouted: "My emperor is holy!"

Zhong Shen was obviously relieved.Da Wei now has hope.

Tiao You said: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Ran Min's face was as calm as water, he flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked away with his hands behind his back.

Wei's military system is different from that of the Jin Dynasty, adopting strong stems and weak branches.

The four large camps in the east, west, south, and north of Yecheng gathered more than half of Ran Min's army!Tunqi (heavy cavalry), Yueqi (light cavalry), Shesheng Battalion, and Infantry Battalion, a total of more than [-] troops, were stationed in Yecheng.

At this time, the most exciting thing for the Wei State was not the people who had been rewarded by Ran Min, but the soldiers of the Wei Army!

Ran Min accepted Ran Ming's suggestion to strengthen the material rewards for the soldiers.

Ran Min annihilated the independent Cui Tong, and brought Bingzhou Chudai County, Yunzhong County, all Jizhou, Youzhou Yuyang, and Youbeiping County into the rule of Wei State.

At this time, the territory of the State of Wei included most of Bingzhou, all of the three prefectures of Hebei, Yan, and Qing, a small part of Youzhou, and most of Luozhou.

The territory expanded, and Ran Min fulfilled his promise.

For the soldiers who have followed him in the past three years and sweated and shed blood, they have not hesitated to reward them.Among them, the rewards of property are second, and the most important thing is to distribute the fields.

At this time, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Wei army were allocated land ranging from hundreds to thousands of acres.Tens of thousands of Wei army officers and soldiers are the new landlords of hundreds of thousands of households.

Wei Guozhong produced 48 dukes and 370 seven marquises due to his military exploits (more than 4000 of them were Marquis of Guannei). 130 Seven Marquises.Regardless of civil or military, it has fulfilled the fiefdom of Shiyi.However, the Marquis of Guannei did not seal the country, it was just an honorary title and received an extra salary.

Now, they have all become the elite class of Wei Guoxin.

Liu Qun, Zhong Shen, and Tiao You disagreed with Ran Min's surrender to the Jin Dynasty, because as long as Ran Min surrendered to the Jin Dynasty, they would drop a rank in the title just like Ran Min.

They will be demoted from duke to marquis.It is still a trivial matter that the title is demoted. The key is the distribution of power. Zhong Shen is the Taiwei, in charge of the Wei army's troops.

Liu Qun is the Minister of Ministers and Minister of Duzhi, and the Duzhi is equivalent to the Minister of Finance of later generations.

And Tiaoyou is Sikong.

The three of them are the three princes of the Wei state, but if the Wei state descends to Jin, their power will only be smaller than it is now, not greater than it is now.There is a saying that it is better to be the head of a chicken than the queen of an ox.For their own personal interests, of course they would not agree to Ran Min's promotion.Besides, the ministers who surrendered were also for their own personal interests, and the ministers who surrendered to the enemy country often had dissatisfaction because of their unsatisfactory results.Just like Wang Jingwei, if Chiang Kai-shek hadn't betrayed the legacy of Wang Jingwei, the father of the country, and the military Chiang Kai-shek, and suppressed the traitor Wang to death, he would have finally embarked on the road of defecting to the enemy and treason!
Moreover, in parallel history, these three were all masters who would rather die than surrender, and were loyal to Ran Min. Even if there was no conflict of interest, they would not accept the high-ranking officials and generous salaries of the Jin Dynasty.

At this time, because of the appearance of Ran Ming and the turning point of the Battle of Liantai, the Wei State rose from the dead, not only did not have only one Ye city left as in history, but the territory was almost restored to its heyday.

Defeating the powerful enemy Yan State has doubled the confidence of the Wei army and the people. In this case, they will not choose to surrender.

Even if the three of them are willing to surrender, the tens of thousands of Wei soldiers will not agree.They are now the gentry class.If the Jin Dynasty is lowered, the property will definitely be deprived, and the life will also be precarious!
Besides, Ran Ming softened the government military system of the Tang Dynasty and the military household system of the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that it is the most advanced system in the world and maximizes the interests of the soldiers themselves and the country.The soldiers of Wei State all reaped the benefits of this system, so they were naturally unwilling to implement the backward garrison system of the Jin Dynasty.

Regarding the matter of demotion to Jin, it can be said that the entire Wei State, whether officials or common people, was surprisingly unanimous, and even the northern gentry did not agree to demotion to Jin.

Wu Huanhua, in order to preserve the power of the family.All the gentry moved south.Those who stayed in the north were some offshoots and unpopular children of the family. They were also afraid of surrendering to the Jin Dynasty. As long as they surrendered to Jin, the gentry who moved south would return.

At that time, their power to stay in the North Branch will be greatly weakened, which they do not want to see.

After the state of Wei passed through the most difficult period, the common people and gentry of the state of Wei had lost their minds about descending to the Jin Dynasty.From the perspective of practical interests, no one is willing to give the meat in one's own pot to others, and no one is willing to be demoted.

(End of this chapter)

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