Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 258 Talented Woman Escaping Marriage

Chapter 258
Chapter 263
Zhu Gongyuan is just a member of the lower court of the Xie family, and his wife is also the cook of Xie Daoyun's uncle Xie Shang's family. Neither of them has read any books.

Zhu Gongyuan only has a rough knowledge of arithmetic and can do some simple calculations, so naturally he can't get the name of Yingtai. "Ying refers to blooming flowers, and it can also express joy." The meaning of Yingtai, together, is the blooming flowers of joy.

This is such a poetic name, if you are not a well-educated person, I am afraid that you will not be able to come up with such a name!
Xie Daoyun waved his hand, and Yanniang exited the house.

At this time, Xie Daoyun found that the words he wrote just now were messy, as if they were children's graffiti. Even the words he wrote when he was three years old were better than what he wrote now.

Writing requires a calm mind, and now that my mind is in a mess, I can't write at my own level naturally.

Xie Daoyun was embarrassed, but fortunately Xiaoru didn't find out, otherwise she would be ashamed.She quickly closed the rice paper, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it into the waste paper.

Xie Daoyun said: "Forget it, I won't write today!"

Xiao Ru said: "San Niang, what book do you want to read, I will get it from my maidservant!"

Xie Daoyun said: "No need, I don't read books today, go and get Ji Qin!"

Xie Daoyun is proficient in poetry, calligraphy, painting, qin, and scriptures. She took Ji Qin, searched for the music score in her memory, and slowly played it.

After all, Xie Daoyun is not good at Erhu, what she is good at is Guzheng.Although it is said that music is connected in one pulse, the pulse is connected.If you ask Lang Lang to play the violin, he may not be so good.

In the hands of Xie Daoyun, the erhu seemed like a baby who just learned to babble, as if it popped out one note after another.

Of course, you can basically memorize the score of "The Butterfly Lovers" just by listening to it once. Xie Daoyun is worthy of being a talented woman.

Hearing Xie Daoyun play "The Butterfly Lovers" for the first time, I felt extremely tangled.

The second time it felt a little more harmonious.The third time makes people feel that there is a bleak and beautiful picture scroll in front of them!

On the side, Xie An, Xie Xuan, Xie Yi, Xie Lang, Xie Wan and others were drinking!
Xie An suddenly said: "Wearing Ling Jiang's song, it makes people cry."

Xie Lang said: "Although the fingering is unfamiliar, the tune is also novel."

Xie Yi stroked his beard and smiled, "I feel like I've heard this song somewhere before!"

Xie Xuan immediately reacted: "I know."

"Know what?" Xie An asked curiously.

Xie Xuandao: "The piece played by Sanniang is exactly the one that Ran Ziyang played on the banks of the Cao'e River that day. I also asked the old man, and the old man said that Ran Ziyang called this piece "Hua Die"!"

Xie An listened to it for a while and said, "This piece of music seems to be telling a story. It's a sad story. It begins beautifully, but ends unreasonably. It's a pity to think about it!"

After finishing speaking, Xie An was shocked.

Could it be that Ling Jiang is interested in Ran Ziyang?In terms of family status, although Ran Ming is a member of the royal family of the Wei Kingdom, he lacks background.Xie An really doesn't like Ran Ming's background, but the Ran family is not an ordinary aristocratic family. Now that Ran Min is in power, the Ran family is a first-rank royal family, and Xie's marriage with a first-rank royal family is considered a good match!
It's a pity that Ran Ziyang is from the northern royal family, not a child from Jiangnan!
After several generations of management, the Xie family in Chenjun has become a first-class wealthy family. The era when Wang Sima ruled the world no longer exists. Now the Xie family is faintly surpassing the Langya Wang family. All the foundations are in Jiangdong. If The marriage between the Xie family and the Ran family will definitely be suspected by the court, and will be suppressed afterwards.

In this way, it will be extremely unfavorable for the development of the Xie family in the future.

When Xie An thought of this, his heart moved, "We must stop thinking about Ling Jiang!"

Xie An said: "Second brother, Ling Jiang is not young this year!"

Xie Yi didn't think too much, but replied: "Yes, Ling Jiang was born in Xiankang five years ago, and now he is the same age as Ran Ziyang!"

Xie An said again: "I don't know if the second brother has a gentleman who can catch your eye?"

Xie Yi now understands what Xie An means. According to Hu people's tradition, girls can marry at the age of 12.But the gentry is different. The gentry still abides by the ancient rituals. Although the age of marriage is still younger than that of later generations, women must be 16 years old, that is to say, after the age of [-].

Now Xie Daoyun has reached the age to get married, and she will be 16 years old in the next year.Xie Yidao: "Young brother Yi once intended to marry the Xie family. It seems that he wanted to choose one of his sons to marry Ling Jiang. I don't know what Anshi thinks, which son is better?"

Xie Xuan rolled his eyes, and escaped from the banquet by urinating!

He ran to the backyard in a hurry, panicked and bumped into the pillar of the Tingfeng Pavilion outside the door.

There was a painful groan outside the door, Xie Daoyun left Ji Qin and went outside.

"Youdu, what's wrong with you? You are so reckless, and now you are 12 years old, you should know that etiquette can be discarded!"

"My good sister, the fire is imminent, and you are still like this."

Xie Daoyun said: "What happened?"

"The thing is like this." Xie Xuan told Xie Daoyun about Xie An and Xie Yi discussing Xie Daoyun's marriage.

When Xie Daoyun heard this, she felt even more anxious. If Ran Ming hadn't appeared, there was nothing wrong with it. She would have been determined by Xie An to marry Wang Ningzhi, the second son of Wang Xizhi, according to the original track in history.

In fact, Xie Daoyun in history was not happy. She was a famous talented woman in history, but Wang Ningzhi was mediocre in everything.

Just like in later generations, you let a woman with a Ph. D. marry a high school student. The huge cultural differences make them have no common language at all, and it is difficult for them to live harmoniously.

Historically, Xie Daoyun compared her husband with Xie Lang, Xie Xuan, Xie Yuan, and Xie Chuan. Of course, Wang Ningzhi was a complete nerd with no interest. How could such a life satisfy the high-minded Xie Daoyun?

Now there is Ran Ming in her world, and Xie Daoyun admires Ran Ming's profound knowledge, and Ran Ming has a kind of temperament that ordinary gentry children don't have, that is masculinity.

Ran Ming is a general who has survived the bloody storm. He has always held high positions in previous lives and later generations, and has already cultivated an aura of power without anger. What's more, Ran Ming's humorous conversation makes Xie Daoyun feel excited .

Xie Daoyun was very upset, she lay on the bed and couldn't sleep anymore.Wang Xizhi's reputation is very great, his son is the most famous than Wang Xianzhi, and now Wang Xianzhi is still a kid, which makes Xie Daoyun even more disappointed.She also understands that the marriage between Xie and Wang is the need of the family.

I understand Xie An's approach, but it doesn't mean I support it.She Xie Daoyun is not Wang Zhaojun.And she doesn't want to be the appointed Wang Zhaojun!
After a sleepless night, Xie Daoyun finally made up his mind when it was almost dawn.

Xiaoru took advantage of the night to pack her bags, and then, Xie Daoyun, Xiaoru, Gu Yanniang, master and servant, took advantage of the darkness before dawn, and left Dongshan Bieyuan!
Xie Daoyun was lost, and she didn't want to be a puppet of fate. Like the little sisters of later generations, she didn't want to be arranged by her parents, so she just lost her family!

Xie An looked in front of him, "Let Jiang go out for a trip, I hope my father and brother will miss me!"

Xie An's face was frosty, and he smiled wryly in his heart.

"Xiao Niang...not my lord, where are we going?" Xiao Ru asked Xie Daoyun, who was dressed in men's clothes and held a folding fan.

Xie Daoyun thought for a while and said: "There is no other place to go. Let's go sightseeing all the way, go back to Wuyi Lane, and find my aunt to make the decision!"

Shangyu is Xie Daoyun's second hometown. No matter how beautiful the mountains and rivers are, in her eyes, it is like eating tired food all year round, and she has no interest at all.

The three masters and servants bought a bullock cart at random in Shangyu City, and took a ferry across the Cao'e River to Haiyan City in the north.

At the same time, after searching hard, although Ran Ming found Zhu Gongyuan, he failed to find the legendary Zhu Yingtai. Ran Ming was very disappointed. He also found out that Sun Tai had left Shangyu to preach in Jurong County.

Ran Ming finally gave up, and left Shangyu City with endless disappointment!

After leaving Shangyu, Ran Ming ordered someone to send a letter to the Eastern Jin court, saying that he had already arrived!
At this time, Du Cong's injuries had stabilized. Although he couldn't walk, he didn't have to worry about lying on the carriage.

Along the way, Ran Ming was open-minded, and unlike Liu Mo who was busy opening shops, buying shops and buying properties, Ran Ming was completely obsessed with traveling in the mountains and rivers.After leaving Shangyu City, Ran Ming went to Qiantang County to watch the tide.

Come with satisfaction and return with full enjoyment.

Ran Ming was about to leave Qiantang County, but Du Cong said in sign language: "My lord, besides the tide, there is also a mountain in Qiantang County, named Qiyun Mountain. There are no other peaks, only it stands alone, so it looks abrupt and strange, like the pillar supporting the sky in Qiantang County, why not go and see it!"

Ran Ming thought, anyway, if you have nothing to do, why don't you go and have a look!
After the rain, the road is soft and the carriage is difficult to move.Therefore, Ran Ming did not bring a carriage, and even the woman Liu Mo was good at riding horses, so traveling was not a problem.However, it is a pity that Du Cong was unable to go and was a little disappointed.

This question did not bother Ran Ming.

Ran Ming has seen a scene in "The Great Emperor of Han Wu" in later generations, which is still fresh in his memory. The famous general Li Guang was captured by the Huns. They used a big net to wrap Li Guang up, so that he could move forward easily.Just like before, Ran Ming made a simple single frame, with two Qilin guards, one on the left and one on the right, supporting the frame, using the weight of two horses to carry the frame, sharing an average of [-] catties, which is not bad. Delay speed!

The golden wind blows cool, the sky is high and clear, and the leaves of the mountains and forests fall off, making the mountains look thinner, but there is also a bright and solemn air, showing the solemnity of autumn which is different from spring and summer.

At the foot of Qiyun Mountain, Ran Ming and his entourage found an ox cart stuck in a muddy ground, no matter how much the whip beat the ox, the ox cart did not move at all.A luxuriously dressed young man was so angry that he yelled at the maidservant and the coachman.

Ran Ming smiled and said, "Black Mountain..."

(End of this chapter)

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