Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 270 Life Is Like a Play

Chapter 270
Chapter 275

In Song Jie's mansion in Ziyang Mountain, the confrontation between Ran Ming and Song Jie was on the verge of breaking out!

When the flames of the West Lake Bieyuan shot up into the sky, Ran Ming was also nervous for a while. The key point in setting up this situation was that Wu Jun's soldiers and horses could arrive at the scene in time, otherwise the success would be in vain.

Ran Ming did not dare to place too much hope on the soldiers of the Jin Dynasty.

But now Ran Ming is not given too much time to think about it. When Song Jie saw that Ran Ming's West Lake Courtyard was on fire, Song Jie knew that Liu Junjie had already made a move. He never thought that Liu Junjie might fail. One of his subordinates is in the other courtyard, but no matter how powerful the 20 people are, they can't resist the siege of 400 people!

Song Jie reckoned that at this time, Liu Junjie had already caught that singing girl named Su Xiaoxiao!

He thought in his heart: "The person who killed Ran Ming and arrested that singing prostitute, this is a complete tear with Ran Ming."

Song Jie didn't worry about Tofu Xishi's mother and son, because he knew that it would be useless to worry any more at this time!

Song Jiechong ran Ming said: "everyone has weaknesses. You can force me to submit by grasping my weaknesses. It's a pity that I, Song, have thousands of brothers, and I don't live for their mother and child. The meaning of my life is to make a living for these hundreds of poor brothers with Song. There is no turning back when you open the bow, Mr. Qijue, I don’t care what your hole card is, anyway, I just want to make us 1000 Many brothers live!"

Ran Ming laughed "hehe", looked at Song Jie and said lightly: "Everyone has only one chance. You miss me and work hard, and you are not qualified. I have my ideals, I have my dreams. Maybe someone will die, but he will definitely not die in the hands of a small character like you."

Song Xie said: "Courage is great. Do you think the eight of you can break through?"

"That depends on whether you have the ability to keep someone!" Ran Ming smiled confidently: "No matter how many Mianyang there are, they are destined to be food for meat eaters."

Song Jiefang laughed wantonly: "You are only eight people. I have more than 400 people here. If one person punches you, you will still be flat after you are cured!"

"That's a try!" Ran Ming sighed, "Try if I can get out!"

"Try" Song Xie said, "See if I can keep you! Don't worry, I won't kill you. Master Qijue is a celebrity, and a celebrity has a celebrity's home. I won't kill you, but ruin your reputation. My feet are shaking!"

"When did you mess up my morale!" Ran Ming laughed and said, "I changed my mind, you scumbags will all die today!"

At this moment, Ran Ming threw a teapot in front of him on the desk, the teapot shattered, and the tea soaked the tablecloth on the desk.At the same time, Qilin Wei also smashed the teapot according to the plan explained in advance!

Ran Ming moved very quickly. Before the men in black rushed up, he lifted the tablecloth violently, and then pulled it hard, tearing the tablecloth into three pieces. The soaked tablecloth was handed to Zhu Yingtai and Liu Mo respectively. He enjoined: "Follow me, don't get lost!"

At this moment, when Song Jie's fourth apprentice, Lu Yingjie, was less than three feet away from Ran Ming with the heavy sword in his hand.

There were more than a dozen muffled sounds of "dong dong", and more than a dozen poisonous smoke balls flew from nowhere. The dozen or so poisonous smoke balls were mixed with sulfur, nitrate, aconitum, chamaejasma, arsenic, tung oil, etc. The beads are wrapped in sackcloth soaked in kerosene. Sulfur, nitrate, tung oil and kerosene are all flammable. Or in the case of good ventilation, the effect is not great.

But now, this is indoors, where the Wolf's Poison Smoke Ball is at its fullest!

If not, Ran Ming didn't want to get the black powder out in this time and space, and didn't want to open Pandora's box, maybe at this time, Ran Ming would still want to make dozens or hundreds of catties of black powder!

There was no other way, Ran Ming had no choice but to take the next step and made this kind of poisonous smoke ball to save his life!
At this time, Jin Hulin, the head of the Tianyan Wu County Intelligence Station, held a ring-shoulder knife, and led a dozen members of the sticky pole, and entered the main entrance from outside the door.

In a short moment, thick smoke billowed in the hall immediately, and the line of sight was less than one foot.What's more, this kind of poisonous smoke is very powerful, inhaling it will make people feel weak in limbs, dizzy, and cough continuously.

When this happened in the hall, those people in black who had not experienced this kind of scene suddenly became confused, and some people ran out the door yelling, but Lu Yingjie didn't care, and stabbed Ran Ming straight with the epee!

At this moment, Jin Nu and Tie Nu who had been hiding in the dark finally made their move.

The two of them were dressed in heavy armor, so they could ignore the attacks of swords and hidden weapons, but the two of them attacked together, only attacking but not defending. The halberd and spear at the same time set off a bloody storm among Song Jie's disciples.

In front of Jin Nu and Tie Nu, none of Song Jie's disciples could block a move.Even Lu Yingjie, who was the best in martial arts, was hit by Jin Nu's halberd. Although the Xiliang epee in his hand was heavy, it was knocked flying by Jin Nu's halberd.

At this moment, Lin Heishan grabbed a piece of agarwood wood case with one hand, and threw it on the head of a disciple of Song Jie, directly smashing the disciple to the ground.

Fatty Chen Ying picked up a desk and used it as a shield to block Ran Ming.Lin Heishan picked up his big hammer and cleared the way ahead.His sledgehammer weighed 79 jin. A sledgehammer so heavy would kill him if he touched it, and he would die if he touched it. The four Qilin guards formed a semicircular battle formation, protecting Ran Ming in the middle.

The Qilin Guard is Ran Ming's elite bodyguard. Everyone is a warrior who can stand against ten on the battlefield. In this environment where the eyes cannot see and the poisonous smoke is billowing, the fewer people, the better. You don't have to To worry about killing one's own people.

Ran Ming and the others had no qualms about killing wantonly, while Song Jie's subordinates were just punks, commonly known as Jianghu people.Fighting alone, they may be more effective than sergeants, but fighting in a team like this is a bit chaotic!
At the time of the fierce battle, Ran Ming and others rushed out of the hall!Just when countless men in black were about to rush out of the hall to follow and chase, Jin Hulin and a dozen members of Sky Eye threw their water bags at the door and in front of the window.

These water bladders are filled not with water, but with fire oil.Just when Jin Hulin was blowing the fire and was about to start the fire, an unlucky guy appeared. He tripped over the corpse under his feet, lost his balance, and the lantern in his hand naturally fell to the ground. Fortunately, the fire burst into flames Woke up.

Jin Hulin was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "It's easy now, don't order it!"

The small banquet building with wood and bamboo as the main building materials was instantly engulfed by the fire.

A shrill scream resounded through the night sky.At this moment, Zhu Yingtai, whose eyes were no longer tearful, felt her feet soften, especially because her body was stained with blood. She reached out and touched a person who was crushed to death by Lin Heishan.

This person's head was like a smashed watermelon, Zhu Yingtai yelled and passed out!

Ran Ming supported Zhu Yingtai, and Ran Ming's expression became gloomy.

At this moment, Lin Heishan pointed to the fire dragon at the foot of the mountain and said, "Your Highness, someone is here again!"

Ran Ming raised his eyes and knew that it must be the soldiers from Wujun County who had come to get the news. He said to Liu Wei lightly: "Let's go back and have a good rest, recharge our spirits, and prepare to blackmail a sum of money tomorrow!"

When Chen Ying heard the word "Qiancai", his small eyes shone brightly, and suddenly he cried out: "Your Highness, the counting chips of the lowly position are gone, this is gold!"

Ran Ming smiled and said, "It's okay, we'll make them pay a hundred!"

Song Jie saw that there were officers and soldiers all over the mountains and plains. At this time, if he killed Ran Ming again, the best chance would have been lost.However, Song Jie has won the essence of Ran Ming's "36 Strategies".Under the protection of his fourth disciple Lu Yingjie, Song Jie disappeared in two or three strokes.

"Put down your weapons, surrender!" As soon as the backbone was gone, these men in black no longer had the will to resist.Crackling, swords and sticks were thrown all over the ground.

At this moment, a heart-piercing scream came: "Your Highness, the foreign ministers did not protect well and disturbed the king, it is a death penalty."

The howling sound almost scared Ran Ming to the ground.Fortunately, Ran Ming was also a person who went through the scene.

Following the sound, I saw a man about 30 years old, with a handsome white face, a slender figure, red flowers slanted on his temples, and a man in a crimson official uniform.This person's facial expression is very wonderful, listening to that cry makes people cry unconsciously!

This is a senior handsome guy. In terms of appearance, there is absolutely nothing to say, at least those movie stars who rely on their looks for food in the future will not have the slightest advantage compared with this one!
Ran Ming was not moved, and put on a calm look. He didn't know that Ran Ming had no demeanor at this time, his face was blackened by wolf's poison, and his eyes were also red.Ran Ming didn't care about his embarrassment at home, with a playful expression on his face.I thought to myself: "The Lord has finally come!"

Ran Ming raised his eyes and said, "Who are you?"

The senior handsome guy stopped crying, cupped his hands and said, "The foreign minister Wu Jun Neishi Diaoyi, whose name is Dalun!"

"Diao Nei Shi, you should give me an explanation for this matter!" Ran Ming said without a trace of expression on his face, "I'm tired of being lonely, don't bother Mr. Diao Shijun!"

Then, he said to the guards beside him, "Go back to the other courtyard!"

At this moment, a more exaggerated cry came from behind Diao Yi. Looking around, an official with a face like the bottom of a pot and blood stains on his body knelt on the ground, moved on his knees, came to Ran Ming, and hugged him. Looking at Ran Ming's thigh and howling loudly.

"Your Highness, we can't go back! The other courtyards have been burned down, and there is nothing left. All the tributes we brought this time were destroyed by the thieves! One hundred thousand gold, one hundred thousand gold tribute..."

At this time, the official from the Ministry of Rituals rolled his eyes... fainted!
Zhu Yingtai also woke up leisurely, she stared blankly at the messy scene around her, but she hadn't had time to speak.

Ran Ming pretended to hold his chest, and murmured with a painful expression: "A tribute!"

As soon as the words fell, Ran Ming fell limply on the ground, and his head happened to rest on the soft place on Zhu Yingtai's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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