Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 273 Reversing Black and White

Chapter 273 Reversing black and white (six more)

Chapter 278 Reversing Black and White

Diao Yi has no final decision-making power, he is just a messenger.

He wasn't too worried about the conditions, as long as Lu could accept them, he would accept them, but he couldn't accept them.Let alone an unacceptable method!

Diao Yi said: "Your Highness, please show me!"

Ran Ming pondered and said: "First, all the tributes of Gu were burned. Although the gold and silver can be recast, but the cloth, rice paper, and those high-quality furs and medicinal materials are all destroyed, so Gu asked Lu to pay for everything. Loss! All the tributes are worth 15 gold, and the Lu family must compensate Gu [-] gold!"

This was estimated by Ran Ming.

The Lu family is the top tycoon in the south of the Yangtze River. For one Liu Yuan, all the family properties are worth tens of thousands of gold, but the Lu family is different. The Lu family's wealth, especially real estate, can be combined to outshine Liu Yuan nine streets.

Although 15 gold won't make the Lu family bankrupt, it will still hurt the muscles and bones, and it will hurt!

Based on the estimate of 15 gold, Ran Ming can buy good rice this time, which is nearly 200 million shi.

Wei's 20 troops, one year's military rations came out!
Ran Ming said again: "The second point is, I want the Lu family to provide Gu with [-] skilled boatmen and craftsmen."

Ran Ming knew that the rise of the Lu family started with Lu Xun during the Three Kingdoms period. As the son-in-law of Sun Quan, Lu Xun, the general, the prime minister of the right guard, and the posthumous Zhaohou managed the Eastern Wu Navy as Lu's private soldiers, with great power.

Even when the Jin unified the Three Kingdoms, the Lu family still retained a strong shipbuilding technology and production capacity.The number of ship craftsmen households under the sheltered Lu family could reach more than [-] households at the peak.

However, with the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Lu family had no outstanding support for decades, so it gradually declined.But at this time, Tianyan still found out that there are still more than 8000 craftsmen under the Lu family!There are 4000 people, including more than [-] young craftsmen!
Ran Ming doesn't want too much, if it is too much, it will arouse the fear of Dong Jin or Ran Min!
Five hundred households of craftsmen happened to be the maximum number that Dinghai County could accommodate.At the same time, it can also build a large number of new five-tooth warships for Ran Ming in a very short period of time!

Ran Ming looked at the embarrassed look on Diao Yi's face, and said empathetically: "Of course, 15 gold is not a small amount, and the Lu family may not have that much cash in cash. They can be replaced by food, cloth and other things. Population! There are very few people in Gu's fief now, so Gu intends to use people instead of money to make a deal with the Lu family! Young children under the age of 12, regardless of gender, can be credited with [-] yuan each, and adults and men can be exchanged for [-] yuan. The old and the weak are worth a thousand dollars!"

Diao Yi's forehead is covered with black lines, what is this? Could it be that he is a famous and talented son of Qijue in the officialdom?How to look like a vulgar businessman.

"I'm not in charge of this matter." Diao Yi cupped his hands and said, "Yi will truthfully convey His Highness's conditions to Patriarch Lu!"

Ran Ming nodded!
Inside the Lu's ancestral hall, among the [-] members of the Presbyterian Church, everyone's faces were gloomy, as if the end was coming!
At this time, Lu Qin and Lu Na were brought into the ancestral hall!
Eighteen elders sat high on both sides at the top, and below were nearly a hundred direct descendants of the Lu family!

The elder with the highest seniority in the contemporary Lu family is named Lu Yi.The old man's name is Lu Yi.

Very high seniority, the same generation as Lu Ji and Lu Yun, the son of Lu Kai.Lu Xun's grandson.The great-uncle of Lu Na and Lu Shi.

Lu Yi is so old that he can't even speak clearly, the main purpose of inviting him out today is to show off the scene!
After some prayers about the blessings of the ancestors, and then enter the formal topic!

As the current patriarch, Lu Shi shouted loudly: "Lu Qin, you should be convicted!"

Lu Qin, who had a ghost in his heart, looked at his father's scolding, and didn't dare to look up!For a long time, it made a sound like a mosquito, "The child does not know what wrong he has done!"

"Good job, Lu Qin!" Lu Na was angry, pointing at his forehead and said, "Today, in front of all the uncles and seniors, I'll invite you truthfully!"

In fact, Lu Qin was also very wronged. As the son of the head of the Lu family, he just fell in love with a singing girl, so what if he robbed him? In Wu County, it is not just a singing girl, but some daughters from low-level noble families. , people can only make a smile!

Seeing that Lu Na was angry, Lu Shi felt that he must have the majesty of the patriarch in front of the tribe, and he shouted: "Come here, please ask the family law!"

The Lu family entered the world with martial arts. Before Lu Xun, they were just Jiangdong tyrants, and the Lu family's family law also had a strong military color!Two young men rushed into the ancestral hall, each holding an eyebrow-level cudgel, which was different from the army's military cudgels and had no barbs on it, fully reflecting Lu's humane care!

Seeing these two sticks that were dark red all over and really purple in color, his face turned pale all of a sudden!

"I don't dare, my son, if I don't dare next time, will I just let it go this time?" Lu Qin blinked and made a pitiful look!

Lu Qin is very good at being a man. Although he is arrogant and domineering in front of outsiders, he has always played the glorious image of a good baby in front of his father, brother and elders. So at this time, most people in the ancestral hall, even a few elders, begged for mercy!

Originally, Lu Shi was just putting on a show and didn't want to beat his son!You must know that the Lu family's family law is extremely strict, even if the lightest stick is twenty, it will take half a month to not get out of bed!

Lu Na said, "Lu Qin, do you know your mistake?"

Lu Qin was pitiful, and said with a mournful face: "The child is dishonest!"

"Wrong!" Lu Na said bitterly, "It's not a big deal if you do something wrong. Let alone you, even if it's me, or someone else, who can say that he didn't do something wrong?"

Lu Qin thought in his heart: "This matter is indeed wrong, Liu Junjie is an idiot, he can't even grab a woman! What a waste!"

If Lu Na knew what Lu Qin was thinking, he would definitely vomit blood with anger!

Lu Nayu said earnestly: "There is a saying in "Zuo Zhuan": no one has faults, and the faults can be corrected. There is nothing good about it. If you make a mistake, you must dare to take responsibility, but you should find a way to make up for it, and you must not think of a way. To cover up, this is what a gentleman does. After doing something, you should have the courage to recognize where your mistakes are and find out your own shortcomings. Sincerity is the end of things, and insincerity is nothing. That is why a gentleman is sincere. Sincerity , is the principle of nature, everything is inseparable from the beginning to the end, without "sincerity", there will be no everything. Therefore, the gentleman regards "sincerity" as particularly precious."

Lu Na continued: "Our Lu family is a scholarly family. As Lu's children, our words and deeds represent the Lu family's style. We must not insult the honor of our ancestors in a moment of our hearts! Wrong is wrong, wrong is not wrong. Shame, as long as you correct it, you are still a gentleman! We Lu's children should act like a gentleman. Be honest with others, and people will not deceive me; Put faith first, be fair and aboveboard!"

Lu Qin played the role of a good baby, bowed and said, "I know I was wrong!"

Lu Nadao: "King Jiaodong and even a virtuous gentleman, the first-rank royal family of Wei, if you sincerely ask him for a singing girl, he will definitely not disagree! This is the beauty of a gentleman!"

What Lu Na didn't know was that Ran Ming was not a gentleman at all.

If Lu Na flattered Ran Ming to please his daughter, Ran Ming might not care about it and readily agreed, but talking about important people, especially women, would be the greatest insult to a man in future generations!Let alone a geisha, even an old woman who sweeps the floor, Ran Ming can't give it to him!

Lu Shi said angrily: "You all, tell me, what should we do now?"

Originally, the conditions proposed by Ran Ming can be regarded as strangling the Lu family's family, five hundred shipwrights, and property worth 15 gold. Although it would not make the Lu family bankrupt, it would also seriously hurt their vitality.

Within the Lu family, there were two completely different factions regarding this matter, one was willing to compromise and agreed to Ran Ming's conditions.

The other faction wants to use the Lu family's influence to put pressure on the imperial court and force Ran Ming to admit defeat!
Lu Shi was not reconciled to giving away such a large amount of wealth. Although he knew that putting pressure on the Jin court was a way to solve the problem, he made it self-defeating and caused the Lu family to suffer even more losses!

When the Lu family was arguing and arguing endlessly over this matter, Ran Ming wanted to invite Zhu Yingtai and Liu Mo to go boating on the West Lake.

Because Ran Ming knows that if the matter in Qiantang City is over, he must arrive in Jiankang as soon as possible, and there will be no chance to play again!

After lunch, Ran Ming told Zhu Yingtai and Liu Mo of this idea, and they readily agreed.

However, Liu Mo wanted to go back and dress up.

As a result, after waiting for nearly an hour, Ran Ming collapsed.Just when Ran Ming's patience was about to disappear, Zhu Yingtai came out, and at this moment his face was a little solemn.

Ran Ming said: "Brother Yingtai, are you feeling unwell? Or, let's go boating another day!"

Zhu Yingtai said angrily: "Brother Ziyang, what time is it, you still have the mood to play!"

Speaking of which, she gave Ran Ming a piece of rice paper in her hand, and Ran Ming opened it to see that it was the article written by Lu Qin and scolding Ran Ming!

Ran Ming didn't take this article to heart, and said lightly: "The literary talent is not bad! It's a pity that the writing is all bullshit!"

Zhu Yingtai blushed, and explained: "This article is so sharp, touching brother Hei Ziyang directly, starting from character, personal morality, and behavior, is simply a slap in the face! Brother Ziyang read this again, the signature is Lu Qin, Lu's influence in Wu County is not weaker than that of Xie's,
His articles will definitely be copied by others, and sooner or later there will be an uproar, brother Ziyang, you should come up with a solution immediately, if you don't do anything, I'm afraid... when the time comes, it will make brother Ziyang..."

Ran Ming didn't know that news in ancient times was passed on by word of mouth, and the gentry controlled the mouthpieces of the masses. With their sharp mouths and pens, they could tell the dead to life, write blacks into whites, and whites into blacks.

Just like Wu Dalang and Chen Shimei, both of them were honest officials in history, because they offended the gentry, they were slandered!

Ran Ming said: "Brother Yingtai sees it, do I still have to write and scold and go back?"

(End of this chapter)

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