Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 285 Yan Kingdom Seeking Peace

Chapter 285 Yan Kingdom Seeking Peace
Chapter 290

"I have another personal request, I hope Xi Shijun can agree!" Ran Ming was trying to use the celebrity effect to make the newspaper a hit.It's a pity that his reputation in the scholarly circle is still too low, and he can't invite a single person among the elites in the scholarly circle!

In terms of fame, Xi Chao and Wang Tanzhi are equally famous, and they are both leaders among young talents in Jiangdong!Now it just so happens that Xi Chao wants something from him and doesn't take advantage of it, that's a bastard!
"If it's something beyond my ability, I'll be happy to help!" Xi Chao's eyes flashed a gleam, and he looked at the mahogany Taishi chair made by Ran Ming with great interest.Let out a voice of admiration: "This grand master's chair is really a good thing!"

Ran Ming is not a fledgling who has just entered society.

Doesn't he understand what Xi Chao means!
Ran Ming said with a smile: "Three sets of Taishi chairs were transported a few days ago, one set is here, and the other set is intended to be presented to His Majesty. There is still one set left, if Mr. Xi does not dislike it, I will send it to Mr. Xi's residence!" "

"Chao is just talking casually, it's too polite!" After receiving Ran Ming's promise, Xi Chao showed an elusive expression on his face, and smiled: "I don't know what is the private matter of King Jiaodong? Wait, Chao will guess first." How about a guess?"

"Could it be because the King of Jiaodong got the Lu family of Wu County? Do you want Chao to make a deal?" Xi Chao said to himself, shaking his head again: "As your Highness, naturally you won't be afraid of revenge from the Lu family of Wu County!"

"Could it be that he fell in love with some young lady and made Chao an iceman?" Xi Chao also had a basis for saying this, mainly because he saw Xie Yi's daughter in Ran Ming's mansion.

When Ran Ming heard it, this Xi Chao was really not simple, and he knew a lot.

Ran Ming said: "Mr. Xi Shi, I want to start a newspaper tomorrow, and I want to ask Mr. Xi to write an article."

When Xi Chao heard this, he didn't judge Ran Ming. You must know that Ran Ming is not an ordinary prince. Jiankang is now a well-known thing.As a Qijue with outstanding talents, asking him for essays, from the side view, is also a recognition of Xi Chao's talents.

A pleasant smile appeared on Xi Chao's face, and he said, "I don't know what article Qijue Zichao wants to write?"

Ran Ming said: "It's an article about Liu Yueshi!"

Liu Kun is the father of Wei Guoshangshuling Liu Qun. He is also a famous person, a politician, a patriotic general, and one of the 24 friends of Jingu Garden. He is very famous.If he was still alive, Xie An would have to step aside!

Xi Chao said, "When do you need it?"

Ran Ming said: "Of course, the sooner the better!"

Xi Chao was known for his quick wit, he thought for a while, and then said: "Bring the pen and ink!"

Ran Mingrang fetched the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and Xi Chao immediately took the pen away, while Ran Ming watched from the side.Xichao's calligraphy has already achieved great success. It can be said that among the talents of the younger generation, his calligraphy is at least unique.

At this moment, a porter outside the door reported: "My lord, Wangyue Tower has delivered the dishes you ordered!"

Ran Ming was taken aback immediately, in order to avoid suspicion, he never even went to Wangyuelou, and Wangyuelou came uninvited, there must be urgent news.Ran Ming ordered someone to deliver the food box to the hall, and Ran Ming personally took it, and put the four delicate dishes inside on the table of the Eight Immortals!
The time is very fast, and Xi Chao has written an eloquent article with more than [-] characters!
Although there are only more than [-] words, it can be said that Liu Kun's life is fully summarized in it.

Ran Ming raised his glass again to thank Xi Chao, and Xi Chao was also in high spirits. The two drank for nearly half an hour before Xi Chao staggered away!

After Xi Chao left, Ran Ming looked at the food box and checked it carefully, but he didn't find anything like a hidden compartment, nor did he find the information he needed.

At this time, Ran Ming accidentally saw the inner lining of the food box. Usually, people would line the food box with red silk or crimson cloth for auspiciousness.But the food box sent by Wangyuelou has a white lining!Ran Ming's face showed joy, he tore off the white silk and left the banquet hall!
Back in the study, Ran Ming asked Du Cong to bring a basin of clean water, and then, Ran Ming put the white silk into the water.After a while, characters began to appear on the originally innocent Ayako!
Seeing this scene, Du Cong was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped!

Ran Ming read quickly.

This information shows that the civil strife in Yan has ended, and Murong Ke and Murong Chui finally won the victory. The emperor took the title of king, and changed the state of Jin to "Da Dao Yi Guo". Before the Qin Dynasty, Fu Jian also lost the title of emperor, and changed his name to Emperor Jingzhao of Yan State, who was renamed the King of Great Qin.

Now under house arrest by Murong Ke in Shanyutai!

In history, the former Emperor Yan Jingzhao was a bully to the extreme. Taking advantage of Ran Min's establishment of the country and the internal instability, the soldiers who poured out the country went south. He wants to gather an army of 150 million, destroy Jin and Qin, and unify the world.

However, at this time, he became Murong Ke's prisoner!

Murong Ke supported Murong Jun's eldest son, Murong Ye, to become emperor and change Yuan Jingxing.Dingdu Dragon City!
According to intelligence, the first thing Murong Ke did when he gained control of the Yan Kingdom was to stop the war. He put aside his past suspicions and allowed Murong Zang, Wang Hui, Han Chong and others to surrender!
The so-called surrender means surrender in name, but in fact it is a self-contained system, de facto military and political independence!With Murong Zang, Wang Hui, Han Chong and others, the overall civil strife in Yan State finally subsided.

At this time, Murong Ke proposed his second political measure after the regency, ordering Shangshu Zuo Servant She Yuewan to conduct a census of household registration, and to carry out political reforms centered on light corvee and weak taxes!
There are three fires for a new official to take office, and the third fire for Murong Ke is to improve the relationship with Wei Guo. In order to consolidate the relationship between Wei and Yan, Murong Ke sent envoys headed by Prime Minister Huang Fuzhen to cede Youzhou Youbeiping County and Yuyang County The four counties of Wei, Shanggu, and Liaoxi belonged to the territory of Wei State. They brought [-] cattle, [-] horses, and [-] sheep as a dowry gift for marrying Ran Ming's adopted daughter Ran Jingwen.

Murong Ke's move was also very helpless, Ran Min's only daughter was born to the Yin family, and now the eldest princess of the Wei Kingdom is only a little over half a year old.

There are a lot of sons.

Prince Ran Zhiru has no children today.The only one who is suitable for marriage is Ran Ming's adopted daughter!
In fact, Murong Ke's plan was very clever. He won hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land for nothing without spending a single soldier. Anyone would be tempted.

What Murong Ke needs is a time to recuperate and recover.After the civil strife ended, there were only less than 8 troops left under Murong Ke. Even with the addition of Murong Ping's army, the Yan army was still less than [-] horses.

These 8 horses sound like a lot, but they include all men between the ages of 15 and 50 in the Murong ministries of Yan State.Moreover, after nearly a year and a half of infighting, these soldiers were already exhausted.

Now it is Yan's greatest enemy, Wei, who decides the life and death of Yan.Even if Ran Min didn't attack with all his soldiers, he only let the generals, no matter Dong Run, Zhang Wen or Zhang Ai, or the Jiaodong Prime Minister Wang Meng who didn't make a statement.Enough to make Yan country unable to parry!

As a first-class politician and military strategist during the period of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, Murong Ke made his choice immediately.It is a shame for the Han people to cede land, but it is the most common thing for the Xianbei people.

Things are selected by nature, the strong are respected, and the fittest survive.Xianbei people believe in fist doctrine, whoever has a big fist has the right to speak!

Besides, these places were all Wei's territories two years ago.Due to Murong Jun's army marching westward, and Wang Meng's counterattack, Yan's civil strife has hardly stopped for more than two years.

Unfortunately, Murong Ke's opponent is Ran Min.In history, Ran Min led 14 Yan army iron cavalry against Murong Ke with a Wei army of less than 30 people. Although Ran Min was defeated in the end, Murong Ke was also disabled in this battle. Five thousand heavy-armored serial horses wiped out the entire army , more than [-] commanders (equivalent to the current regiment-level officers) died under the crazy counterattack of the Wei army.

Even Gao Kai, Murong Ke's confidant, died of his injuries.

No matter how the Murong family was touted in the history books and defeated Ran Min, Murong Ke's 14 troops had to retreat to Zhongshan for repairs, and they didn't even participate in the siege of Yecheng.This pair of fateful opponents, because of Ran Ming's sudden appearance, their positions were changed by the way. Now Ran Min is strong and Murong Ke is weak.

Ran Min is neither a political idiot, nor is he the kind of ambitious and conceited person. Faced with the Murong clan, Ran Min bowed his head and professed allegiance, but Ran Min was not knocked down by sugar-coated bullets!
Ran Min has suffered many criticisms in history. In fact, he is the first strategic master in Chinese history who advocates war to support war.If he hadn't been too pedantic in his heart, thinking that the Han people would not break the bottom line of the Han people's principles, he would never have failed in history.Ran Ming, who is a later generation, naturally knows that those traitors who betrayed their ancestors are actually far more hateful than Yihu.Ran Ming changed Ran Min's point of view after persuasion.So the only fatal flaw in Ran Min disappeared.Instead, there is a talented and bold emperor!

Ran Min's support of war through war not only brought enough benefits to the soldiers of the Wei army who participated in the war, but also allowed the people of Wei to get the means of production they dreamed of.Similarly, it also gave the gentry aristocrats a vast space for land annexation.Because of war, a large amount of armor, weapons, food and other things are consumed, which makes merchants profitable.

It can be said that Ran Min adopted war to support war, and through war, the soldiers, farmers, industry, and merchants of Wei State were closely linked.A country is a community of interests. They all understand that foreign wars can get enough benefits!
This time Murong Ke showed his favor to Wei Guo, but it didn't achieve the result Murong Ke wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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