Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 291 Wei Kingdom's Northern Expedition

Chapter 291 Wei Kingdom Northern Expedition
Chapter 296

October [-]st of the fourth year of Yongxing in the Great Wei Dynasty.The heavily armed army of the Wei State attacking Yan participated in the oath-taking meeting outside the city of Ye.

According to the usual practice, Ran Min first said some encouraging words and told the soldiers, "You fight hard, I will not treat you badly!"

This time to participate in the attack on Yan, the Wei army dispatched all the quick-reaction troops, and the infantry was only the Modao army and the infantry battalion. However, both the Modao army and Ran Min's infantry were heavy infantry. They are also infantry on horseback. The armor and weapons they are equipped with are too heavy. Depending on their own movement speed, they can only move about [-] miles a day on average.

But riding a war horse is different, they can easily move two hundred miles!

Taiwei Zhongshen read out the call to action against Yan, and then Ran Min announced, "Leave the three sacrifice flags!"

A team of soldiers pulled out live pigs and sheep, and then a team of swordsmen slammed down the swords in their hands. The heads of pigs and sheep rolled to the ground. !

Ran Min yelled: "God bless, Great Wei will surely win!"

"Great Wei will win!" The roar of more than [-] people resounded through the sky, straight into the sky!The common people and civil and military officials who sent off their loved ones at the scene, tens of thousands of people gathered together to say: "The great Wei will win!"

Ran Min stretched out his hand to stop the crowd, and said again: "Soldiers, I am here waiting for your victory return! Drink all the wine in the bowl, and don't turn back until you break the Dragon City!"

With [-] soldiers holding mellow liquor, Ran Min became emotional.Since Ran Ming sang the military songs of the Red Turban Army of later generations in the army, Ran Ming found that the military songs can greatly improve morale and can better unite the centripetal force of the army.

They are all passionate men, drinking the white wine in the bowl, and throwing the bowl to the ground viciously!
Ran Min shouted: "Dajun, come out!"

The generals of the various armies looked at each other and laughed, and they drank one after another: "The cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, fame and wealth, dust and soil. Looking at Shenzhou, the people are suffering, and the fertile land for thousands of miles is barren!"

Both common people and soldiers are very familiar with this song. This song has no accompaniment and is suitable for all sung songs.During the period of the Five Husbands, it was actually very similar to the uprising of the Red Turban Army, both of which were at the juncture of the life and death of the Han people.The Han people are a people who are good at enduring.If it weren't for the excessive oppression, it wouldn't have caused resistance everywhere!

Today, this song expresses the heartfelt voice of all Han people: "I am a majestic man, why are the Tartars like horses and cows?"

Today, the Han people have a country that can protect them and an army to protect them.More importantly, Wei Guo can protect their interests!
This song was played everywhere in Yecheng, and the resentment in this song was so high that it frightened the secret works of Qin, Yan, Dai, and even Liang and Jin!
Looking at these detailed works, the soldiers of the Wei army who went to the expedition were full of deep fear in their eyes!
Wei Guo's army went out, and the marching speed was not fast at the beginning, only more than 100 miles a day.At this time, spies from various countries discovered that Wei's army did not bring food and grass during this northern expedition.

In fact, this is also what Ran Min did on purpose. If he doesn't want the enemy to know the information, although it is impossible for more than [-] troops to enter the territory of Yan Kingdom without anyone noticing, at least these countries will work carefully, in the "deaf and dumb" In front of him, he was simply a vulnerable child!

When the news came out, the world was shocked.Soldiers and horses go first without moving food and grass. This is the most obvious principle of generals.But why did Wei Jun do the opposite?Don't they need to eat?
After investigation, these detailed operations found that every time the Wei army arrived at a place, the local government would send the food and grass as soon as possible. Obviously, it was calculated. The food and grass were not too much, and it was just enough for the Wei army to conquer the North Army until the next stop. !
After getting this situation, many secret agents quickly reported this situation to their masters.Soon, they came to a conclusion that this was a premeditated strategic move by Wei Guo!

Without the burden of food, Marshal Zhong Shen was not idle during the march.Because the army to conquer the north this time was pieced together by elite troops from various ministries.They are not affiliated with each other and know very little about each other.In order to allow the troops to be commanded like arms and orders to be unified, Zhong Shen conducted a marching drill!
The Wei army has high morale and is well-trained. The drills on the way to the march made the secret observation of the detailed operations even more surprising. The Wei army is so powerful!In particular, the crossbows and main parts of Wei Jun's equipment are made of fine steel, unlike the bows and arrows made by Tuomu, which are greatly affected by the weather environment.

The crossbows of the Wei army not only have a long range, great power, and fast speed, but more importantly, these Wei troops can complete the task in a very short time no matter whether they react or assemble late at night!When charging, the cavalry of the Wei army were like a fierce flood, leaving no blade of grass where they passed, standing still like a mountain, full of murderous aura!
"Sun Lin!" Zhong Shen shouted.

Sun Lin was the former Dubo of the national soldiers of Changshan County.During the Battle of Liantai, Su Yan, the prefect of Changshan, led more than a thousand soldiers from Changshan County to participate in the battle.Su Yan unfortunately died in battle, and more than [-] remnants of Changshan County soldiers were merged into the Wei State Battalion.Sun Lin was promoted to Lieutenant of the Commanding Army with his military exploits!In the infantry battalion (the collective name for the infantry of Wei State)
"The last general is here!" Sun Lin rode his horse out of the crowd, clasped his hands and shouted loudly!

"Ten miles ahead, the Baihui circle is intended to be the enemy's camp. There are camps in the camp, and there are trenches outside the camp. The horses are rejected. The commander ordered your troops to break the camp within a quarter of an hour!" Zhong Shen shouted loudly.

It is Ran Ming's credit for simulating military exercises!In order to strengthen the army during training, Ran Ming attaches great importance to the training of troops. He even specially manufactured a batch of weapons for exercises. The arrows of crossbow arrows use cork instead of steel blades. Almost all the weapons are made of cork. Both wooden knives and wooden guns have been soaked in red dye.

Although wooden spears can also stab people, but under the protection of ancient armor, wooden spears and wooden knives cannot cause fatal injuries at all!

As long as the arrows or swords in the exercise hit the opponent, a red mark will be left on the armor. The battlefield referee will judge whether the person is seriously injured or killed according to the position of the red mark!

"Humble position is ordered!" Sun Lin returned to the main formation and shouted loudly: "Brothers, perform well later, break the camp smoothly, and have extra meals in the evening! If you fail to attack the camp, you will wash up for the entire army just like this general!" A month of stinky socks! Do you want to wash your stinky socks?"

"No!" "No!"

"Very good!" Sun Lin said again: "The whole army is going!"

The elite of the [-]-step battalion rode their horses and galloped forward.After a while, we arrived at the designated exercise location.At this time, the drill "blue side" is densely arrayed!Armed with swords and guns, ready to go!

In the distance from the enemy camp, Sun Lin stretched out his hand to signal the troops to stop, and he shouted: "All dismount!"

The elite of the battalion of more than three thousand steps, like flowing clouds and flowing water, completed the assembly in ten breaths. This speed made Zhong Shen, who was watching the formation behind, nodded in satisfaction, "You are worthy of being the elite of the Great Wei!"

Sun Lin looked at the enemy camp, asked the scouts to observe the layout of the enemy camp, and then issued a battle order.At this time, about five or six hundred infantry remounted their horses, and more than a thousand people rushed out, forming a dense formation to attack the enemy camp!Another thousand or so people were divided into left and right teams to detour to the two wings!

Sun Lin shouted loudly: "Beat the drum, attack!"

"Attack. Great Wei Wansheng!" More than a thousand elite infantry, holding shields, carrying knives and guns, marched steadily!The two sides shot arrows back and forth for three rounds, and suddenly the infantry and cavalry behind them moved!
The captain of the "Blue Army" was in a hurry, "It turned out that they were attacking east and west, and quickly retreated to strengthen the guards of the rear battalion!"

No matter how well-trained the troops are, in an emergency, there will inevitably be a trace of panic.Just like two martial arts masters, any loophole may be the root cause of death!

The "Blue Army" panicked for a while, and Sun Lin seized the opportunity: "The whole army is on top, attack at all costs!"

At this moment, the infantry moved like a thunderbolt, piercing through the rear of the enemy camp. At this moment, the infantry in front began to separate, forming a group of three, under the cover of a shield, the other soldier turned his back to The water bag was untied, grabbed the belt and danced in the air, like a meteor pendant, the water bag flew to the "Ju Ma" and then, the rocket shot out, and the Ju Ma caught fire.At the same time, the infantry also reached the trench position.

The shield bearers of the infantry jumped into the trench without hesitation.According to the rules, knives and guns must be placed in the trench, so if you jump down, you will definitely die.However, when this soldier jumped down, he used a shield under his body, so naturally he could not be seriously injured or died. Then countless infantry moved forward as before, and every shieldman jumped into the trench consciously. They quickly laid out the "corpses" of their comrades. He paved a road, using the shield as a bridge deck, and paved a road!
It is this kind of death as home, it is this kind of selfless teamwork spirit that creates opportunities for comrades at the cost of their own sacrifices, and allows Ran Min to create an iron-blooded army in which the last soldier died and no one fell to the enemy. !

Sun Lin roared: "Attack, break the formation!"

Soon, under the lore of the infantry, the "enemy camp" was finally breached by Sun Lin's troops. After the camp was broken, the Sun Lin's infantry strangled them in units of five.The fierce oil carried on their bodies was thrown around at the enemy's tents, food and grass, and various important facilities. After the fierce oil carried by these soldiers ran out, they began to fight desperately with knives.

Either they don't make a move, and making a move is the simplest and most direct killing move, even if they are desperate to die, they must kill the enemy.On the battlefield, especially in the era of cold weapons, momentum is very important. Why are there thousands of enemies?It's not really about defeating 1 enemies, just standing still with [-] pigs, one person can't kill [-] people.But the enemy of ten thousand people has an aura, possessing the domineering aura of being the only one who is superior to me!

Under Sun Lin's rampage and slashing and killing without any scruples, the enemy was finally defeated.

Sun Lin won this exercise!
In the end, the results of the exercise were announced. More than a thousand of the three thousand guards were killed and more than eight hundred were seriously injured.More than [-] prisoners were captured, and the rest fled.

PS: very tired, heart tired.The overlord of the Wei Dynasty has been updated for 98 days, with 94 words updated, and is about to break a million words, but the subscription is getting worse and worse. I can't handle it anymore. I beg for comfort!
(End of this chapter)

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