Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 347 Removing Complexity and Simplifying

Chapter 347 Removing Complexity into Simplification

Chapter 350
"Your Highness is right." Ge Hong said embarrassingly: "The world is getting worse, and the poor Taoist knows it well. I can't blame fellow Taoists for this matter, but... Pindao really can't bear to watch Taoism disappear. With his hands gone, Hong may not have the face to face his ancestors in the future. Therefore, the poor Taoist knows that His Highness is talented, so I hope His Highness will give Taoism a way to survive!"

"This is a big problem..." Ran Ming also felt a headache, after all, he caused this problem.

But it is easy to cause it, a single thought caused this situation, but it is too difficult to solve it.

Ran Ming was just an ambassador of the State of Wei, and had no influence at all in the Eastern Jin court, although he could talk to Chu Suanzi.But Ran Ming didn't naively think that he could control Chu Suanzi's behavior and decision-making.

You can't just go and tell Chu Suanzi rashly like this, Taoist priests are good people, you should let them go and promote Taoism throughout the country.If Ran Ming really said that, Chu Suanzi would definitely think about Ran Ming's intentions.

Even greater blow to Taoism.

As for the state of Wei, Buddhism and Taoism each accounted for half of the country. Since Ran Min didn't care about longevity at all, he didn't like Buddhism or Taoism. Each according to their own ability.

So Ran Ming didn't want to break Wei's religious situation either.

"Gu also understands the words of the immortal." Ran Ming looked at Ge Hong and said seriously: "In the final analysis, this is not the reason for Gu, but Taoism has inherent deficiencies and defects in the concept. To develop Taoism, it must Reform at the root."

"These flaws and congenital deficiencies of Taoism can be seen even by me, an outsider. I think the fairy should have already realized it!" Ran Ming looked at Ge Hong and said with a smile.

Ge Hong nodded, but he didn't deny that Ge Hong knew more about Taoism than Ran Ming.Especially some heretics of Taoism. In fact, real Taoists rarely enter the world. They only practice in the deep mountains.Regardless of the cultivation school or the academic school, their pursuit is the way in their hearts.However, there are some "fake" Taoist priests who have learned a little bit of superficiality, and use their immature Taoism to bluff and cheat money and things.

Ran Ming continued, "Everyone is afraid of death, especially the more noble the person, the more afraid of death! Taoist believers, what will they become after death?"

Ge Hong said with some emotion: "In the world, all things will eventually return to dust and become immortals. I am afraid that there are only a few people who can escape from the world. Hehe, the fear of life and death. Even the poor are not immune."

Apart from having few gods, Christianity is easy to understand, and more importantly, it outlines a so-called kingdom of heaven.

Buddhism believes in as many gods as Taoism, not only miscellaneous, but even a believer in resources cannot fully understand the essence of Buddhism.However, they created an extremely long world that tempts people to yearn for, which is also the advantage of Buddhism.

But at this time, Christianity has not yet had a shadow in China, so Ran Ming cited Buddhism as an example.After death, people will enter the six realms of reincarnation, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. This is the biggest difference between Buddha and Tao!
Taoism pursues immortality, but in fact no one can live forever.

So this theory is not proven at all.But Buddhism's Six Realms of Reincarnation is different. Who knows what will happen after death?Ge Hong also knows that the road taught by Taoism is actually very difficult to walk through, and no one can live forever if he wants to live forever.The Buddhists drew a big earth cake. Although it cannot satisfy your hunger, you can at least see it.

After thinking about it for a while, Ge Hong said with a helpless wry smile, "I would also like to ask His Royal Highness King Jiaodong to give me some advice!"

Talking about Ge Hong holding a teacher's gift to Ran Ming, Ran Ming was flattered.Hurry up and help Ge Hong.

Ran Ming was also afraid, he was afraid that receiving Ge Hong's gift would shorten his life.

"It's not about pointing out the maze, but." Ran Ming pondered, "I feel that today's opportunity is an opportunity for Taoism."

"Opportunity?" Ge Hong was at a loss, and he muttered in his heart: "Is there still a chance? Taoism has been made dangerous by your few words, and it is an enemy on all sides. Is it a chance?"

Ran Ming got up and walked to the window, allowing the cold wind outside the window to mess up his hair.

Ran Ming said in a slightly hoarse voice: "There is a saying in the "Book of Changes". If you are poor, you will change. If you change, you will be successful. It can last for thousands of years, and maybe it can become the largest religion in the world."

"It's a good one that can't be broken or erected!" Ge Hong laughed loudly: "I don't know how His Highness thinks it should be broken and erected?"

Ran Ming said flatly: "The key is up to the immortal."

"Poverty?" Ge Hong pointed to his nose and said, "How can an old man be able to..."

Ran Mingdao: "Although Xianweng doesn't care about ordinary teaching affairs, his prestige is unmatched. Even Du Jiong of Wudoumi Cult, or Zhang Tianshi of Tianshi Dao, is more than 01:30 points worse than Xianweng. .So why don't Xianweng take this opportunity to reform and improve the Taoist theory?"

Flattering is a university question. Ge Hongming knew that Ran Ming was flattering him, but it was very comfortable for him to hear this sentence.

If Ran Ming hadn't appeared, Ge Hong would have perfected Taoist theory in history, but he was not too successful. He just created the Shangqing School and created Yuanshi Tianzun, the great Taoist god.The impact on Taoism is not small.Now that Ran Ming asked him to reform Taoism, Ge Hong was a little moved when he heard it.

"Reform?" Ge Hong knew the word reform, which meant slow change, innovation. (The reform was not invented by later generations) but was first proposed by King Wuling of Zhao in 300 BC. China not only avoided the dangerous situation of the five countries attacking, but also achieved great development.

Ran Ming showed his enthusiasm to confuse and confuse capital financing in later generations, and induced him to say: "Buddhism and Taoism both have the same very prominent advantages and disadvantages. Immortals can repair Taoist classics, improve the teachings, and make the Taoism teachings more simple. , closer to the common people in the world, starting from you, create a brand new sect with epoch-making significance!"

Hearing this, Ge Hong looked at Ran Ming dumbfounded.

His first impression of Ran Ming's words was shock, and his second impression was unbelievable.Ge Hong suddenly fell into painful thinking, and he carefully analyzed the pros and cons of this matter.

After a while, Ge Hong said with difficulty: "This matter is still inappropriate. If reforms are made indiscriminately, the teachings of Taoism will be changed beyond recognition. In this way, is Taoism still Taoism?"

Ran Ming smiled slightly. In future generations, he can make a young man of good deeds into a powerful leader of the underworld, and he can also train a good successor of socialism who was born under the red flag and grew up under the red flag to be the spokesperson of the China Youth Association. Behind the scenes umbrella.What he relies on is nothing else, but Ran Ming's insight into people's hearts. He knows that different people need different things.Give him what he needs, give him what he wants, and you can successfully change a person's mind.

Ran Ming looked at Ge Hong as a little retreating, and after thinking about it, he used his trump card, "Does the immortal want to see Taoism perish? If you want to see Taoism sink from now on, you just watch my Chinese ancestors pass it on." Can the teaching system that came down be defeated by foreign monks?!"

These words were like sharp arrows, which pierced Ge Hong's hands like numbness, his face was pale, and his eagle eyes flashed fiercely, especially Qingyun Xiaodaotong, who looked at Ran Ming differently, a little bit. Fiery worship, if Ran Ming tempts a few more words, Qingyun may really pick up the explosives and bomb the Buddhist temple to die in martyrdom.

Ge Hong's expression is very rich at this time, sometimes excited, sometimes hesitant, sometimes anxious, sometimes angry. I am afraid that the future Oscar winners will not have such a wonderful and rich expression of Ge Hong.

Finally, after the battle between heaven and man for nearly a quarter of an hour, Ge Hong came back to his senses.At this moment, Ge Hong finally made up his mind to save Taoism from its collapse.

Ge Hong said with emotion: "Reform is easy to say, but too difficult to implement."

"If the immortal is willing to die for the reform of Taoism, he can devote his whole life to helping the Taoist leader!" Ran Ming believes that he has more than 1000 years of knowledge, if he fools people, if he is not as good as those monks, he will Find a piece of tofu and hit the wall.

Ge Hong said excitedly: "Your Highness is really willing to help the old Taoist reform the doctrine?"

Ran Ming said complacently, "That's natural!"

"That's it, the old Taoist thank you, Your Highness!" Ge Hong held Ran Ming's hand tightly, as if he had been a prisoner for more than ten years and saw a beautiful woman who was crowned the world. "On behalf of the followers of the world, I would like to thank Your Highness for your selfless help."

"You're welcome. Uh," Ran Ming also came back to his senses at this time, and he cursed in his heart: "Nimma, I was cheated by this old man, and now I've been sold and I'll count the money for him!"

It turned out that Ran Ming finally came to his senses and realized that he had been tricked by Ge Hong. Even if he didn't want to reform, Ge Hong was an important figure who influenced later generations of oriental fantasy novels on the Internet. Almost all oriental fantasy novels would quote Taoism. Dongtian Fudi, this Ge Hong is not only the initiator of the theory of Dongtian Fudi, but also the founder of the Shangqing School.It's not that he doesn't want to reform. I'm afraid he has already planned to reform Taoism, but there is no specific method.

Ran Ming mulled over his words, and then said: "Actually, both Taoism and Buddhism have a serious flaw, that is, there are too many gods. There are Sun Moon Lantern Buddha, Famous Light Buddha, Great Flame Shoulder Buddha, and Sumeru Lantern in Buddhism." Buddha, Infinite Vigorous Buddha, and other messy Buddhas, let alone me, I am afraid that even those eminent monks can’t tell the truth. And what about our Taoists? There are also such chaotic scenes, the three emperors and five emperors, the land of mountain gods , There are a lot of things, not to mention asking people to believe, the system is too complicated. To change the teachings, you must first reform the system of gods you believe in. In a simple sentence, you need to simplify the complex."

PS: The grades are half-dead, and Lao Cheng doesn't care.Write your favorite stories by yourself, subscriptions, recommendation tickets, and collections are all floating clouds.Keep trying to code.

(End of this chapter)

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