Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 350 Preparing for a Big Wedding

Chapter 350 Preparing for a Big Wedding (Third Watch)
Chapter 353 Preparing for the Big Wedding

Although Ge Hong didn't agree with Ran Ming's theory, he was silent when he thought that the Buddhists used such a shameless slogan.

Ran Ming said again: "Buddhism's Taoism pursues the purity of the six senses, and has no desires or desires. This is a way to eliminate human desires and is absolutely not advisable. But our Taoism is the closest to life. Taoists can marry wives and If you have children, you can work, and you can also work, not like those monks who are just waiting to die."

"People are mortal, and they are heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather! Dying for the benefit of the people and the country is more important than Mount Tai; such people are the greatest embodiment of the value of life. Although their bodies are dead, But the soul can be immortal and last forever." Of course, Ran Ming used Taoism unceremoniously to realize his ideas. ,

In ancient China, there was actually no concept of country, what was talked about was family, country and world.

Putting family before the country is a very absurd view. How can there be a family without a country?

The new Taoist doctrine proposed by Ran Ming is to make Taoism, which has always been on the upper-level line, closer to the public, to life, to the whole society, and to the ruling class.

But Taoism, from the beginning, has always followed the upper-level route.This is true, but there is no grassroots foundation, and few people really go deep into the people to preach.

"Whoever opposes Taoism and disrespects Haotian is a blasphemy against Haotian, or violates Haotian's will, and does things that harm the country and the people, or works hard for the barbarians and oppresses our fellows, such people, It is doomed not to enter Haotian's arms, and will be punished by Yama of the Ten Temples of the Underworld, and will be reduced to a place of eternal doom."

Ran Ming described the so-called paradise as a place where there is no oppression, no hunger and cold, and flowers and happiness everywhere.Infinitely bright, there are tall buildings rising from the ground, and there are fairy sounds, endlessly.In a word, Dongtian Blessed Land is more perfect than the Datong society where the old and the old, the old and the young, and the young and the young are the same.

As for the Yin Division, it is like a horror movie, such as the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty, such as heart-piercing, deep-frying and burning, anyway, torture is something you can't enjoy endlessly.

"Our Taoism is not like Buddhism. We are not parasites who cling to the common people and wait to die. We want to make our lives more meaningful. A meaningful life is to perform their own duties and follow nature in their own way."

Ran Ming also proposed Taoist refinement of occupations, not only making alchemists a profession, but also making them researchers in the field of chemistry.You can make alchemy and invent new things, but these things must be useful to the society and the people. If they are useful, Taoism can spread these research results and give warlocks certain material rewards.So that warlocks don't have to rack their brains and cheat for a living, so that they can make alchemy and invent professionally.

The second is ordinary Taoist priests, especially those with a foundation in traditional Chinese medicine.First train them in medical knowledge, as well as in surgical operations and bruises, so that they can become military priests, not only holding pujas for dead soldiers, but also using their own medical skills to heal wounded soldiers. In normal times, he will resolve the psychological depression for the soldiers.

The second is the blessing at the wedding, so that Taoist priests, like Christian priests, can act as messengers of Haotian and bless the newlyweds.

In later generations, Ran Ming hardly saw the folk customs of the Han people.Other ethnic minorities still have some traditions of their own, but the Han people have nothing but Chinese characters.The traditional food of the Han people was gradually replaced by Western food, the costumes disappeared, and few people knew how to dance, and most of the music and ethnic skills were lost.Weddings and funerals are all overseen by foreign monks.What's even more sad is that the Han people now don't have their own traditional costumes. On a talent show, there was a Han man who used a mandarin jacket as the traditional costume of the Han people. This level of ignorance is really speechless.

Ran Ming decided to let the Taoist priests inherit the culture of the Han people. He proposed that Han clothing, Han etiquette, and Chinese customs should be carried out according to the classical system. Of course, it can keep pace with the times, and the traditional Han clothing that is not convenient for production can be simplified.

Ran Ming proposed that if he believed in Haotian and joined Taoism, he would be able to get a Taoist title card, which is divided into nine levels.The ninth level is the lowest level of title. Apart from being able to prove that you are a Taoist, you have no power.However, after practicing Taoism for three years without making any major mistakes, he passed the examination and was promoted to a higher rank.

Granting Zixiao Yantian scriptures, the only little treatment is the promise of redemption after death.The first level belongs to the professional level. The review and distribution are stricter. They must have special contributions, or they must be very familiar with Taoist scriptures and the like, and they can be promoted to Zhenxiao Zhutian Jinglu.

And reaching this level is just the beginning.

Such a person, once his lifespan is exhausted, will ascend to the Dao and enter the blessed land of the cave to enjoy forever.

As for the upper level, it is even more difficult.

Great contributions are required. After ascension, one can become a god in the Paradise of Paradise and enjoy the eternal incense.For example, Huo Qubing and Wei Qing, who exorcised demons and defended Taoism, and Zu Ti, who heard chickens dancing, although he was not a Taoist priest, he fulfilled Haotian's will in a mortal body, so they will all enter the fairy class.At this time, after Ran Ming spoke so much, Ge Hong no longer knew how to describe it in words. Originally, he only wanted to treat Ran Ming like a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

But now, under Ran Ming's description, Taoism can not only avoid extinction, but also radiate new vitality. Among other things, it will definitely not be suppressed by Buddhism.

What Ran Ming brings to Ge Hong now is definitely not a surprise, but a complete shock.

Ran Ming touched his face, and found that Ge Hong was looking at him like an old virgin looks at a beautiful woman, which shocked him a lot.

Ran Ming waved his hand and said: "Xiang, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask. If there is nothing else, go back and take a bath first, mother is too tired!"

What Ran Ming said at the end left Ge Hong completely speechless, and his image suddenly collapsed.Ge Hong said: "Your Highness, go slowly!"

Ran Ming told him too much today, and he needed to digest it carefully.Of course, the more important thing is to make up for Ran Ming's loopholes, try to avoid flaws, and let people catch the pigtails.

Ge Hong didn't even bother to eat, and began to revise the teachings.

Fortunately, Ge Hong recorded these things in classical Chinese, otherwise it would be strange if he could keep up with the speed of Mao Notes.

But the fact is that, although writing with a brush is slow, the compressed and encrypted recording of classical Chinese can make up for the problem of slow writing with a brush. Ge Hong basically recorded all of what Ran Ming said.After watching Ran Ming leave, Ge Hong said to Qingyun: "Qingyun, as a teacher, I need to practice in seclusion. From today on, I will not let anyone bother me."

"Yes, Master!"

With the help of future generations and knowledge, legends of the past and the Romance of the Gods, he finally managed to temporarily fool Ge Hong, a magic stick.

Ran Ming felt very tired.Looking up at the sky, it was already time to light the lamps, and before I knew it, this teaching had been talked about for almost a day.

Ran Ming was a little tired, so he went back to the backyard and took a hot bath.

Not taking a bath for more than a month, Ran Ming couldn't even mention how uncomfortable it was, but fortunately, the wound has basically healed, and there is almost no possibility of infection.

Ran Ming soaked in a hot bath beautifully, and after Ran Ming finished taking a bath, the dinner in Ran's mansion was ready.

At the gate of Ran Mansion, a tall and thin figure appeared at this moment. This tall and thin man was none other than Xie Yi.

Xie Yi is a proud person who always does his own thing.

King Langya said that if he offended him, he would scold him for a long time, even if he was a powerful minister Huan Wen, he would not bow his head.But when Xie Yi saw his eldest daughter Xie Daoyun was unhappy, he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

Xie Daoyun is a strong woman, although she does not have the body of a woman, but in spirit, Xie Daoyun is an out-and-out woman.

Xie Daoyun has hardly encountered any troubles since she was a child. It's not because of her good luck, but because she has an open personality, and she doesn't look happy with things or sad with herself.

Xie Yi knew that at this time, marrying a daughter was inevitable. As a father, he did not want Xie Daoyun to be caught between Ran Ming and him.

Since he is destined to become a husband and son-in-law, Xie Yi thought, the relationship between him and Ran Ming should not be too rigid.

Xie Yi came to the gate of Ran's Mansion, and he could see that there were tense arrangements going on inside.

There are high shelves set up, as if some necessary repairs are being made to the house, and some places are being painted, and there is a smell of paint in the air.Some are carved and renewed.

According to the etiquette system, Ran Ming is a vassal king, and the specifications of the mansion are completely different from ordinary nobles.This was the existence second only to the emperor in the feudal era. Although the Bell and Drum Tower Jiaodong Palace was just a temporary residence, no one questioned Ran Ming's overreach.

Ran's mansion was originally an ordinary mansion under the name of Xie, but it was slightly better than the mansion of ordinary ministers.

Now, the bricks and tiles that ordinary people can have are removed, and the bright yellow glazed tiles unique to the royal family are used.Although this mansion is not big, its exquisiteness is astounding.

In particular, the Tuanlong screen wall at the gate of the instrument shows the identity and dignity of the owner.And the bronze inlaid gate that was just replaced looks even more noble.

Seeing this scene, Xie Yi's heart warmed up. It seemed that Ran Ming still cared about his daughter.

However, he is a person who would rather bend than bend. It is too difficult for him to bow his head to Ran Ming.Xie Yi had made mental preparations at home, but when he came to Ran Ming's door, he called the door for lack of courage.

At this moment, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in Ran's residence.It was Xu Mancang, the steward under Xie's name.Now he is the chief housekeeper of Ran's house, except for the backyard which is not under his control, he is in charge of Ran's farm, newspaper office and more than a dozen shops.Youdao is a seventh-rank official under the prime minister's family.

Ran Ming is not a prime minister, so Xu Mancang is not necessarily inferior to a seventh-rank official.

(End of this chapter)

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