Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 362 The law does not blame the public

Chapter 362

Chapter 365

Xiao Rong is an elite member of Tianyan, and she made great contributions to hijacking Huan Wen's family.Ran Ming gave her a reward, abolished Xiao Rong's slave status, and made her a free body.

However, Xiao Rong voluntarily entered Ran's mansion as a slave.

Of course Ran Ming wouldn't really think that Xiao Rong was a servant who served tea and water. Now there is no one in charge in the inner courtyard of Ran Mansion. Du Cong is in charge of Tianyan, but Ran Mansion must have female relatives, so Ran Ming gave it to Xiao Rong. A job in charge.

Even Xu Mancang, the steward of the outer court, didn't dare to trust Xiao Rong when he saw Xiao Rong, but he respectfully said, "Miss Xiao Rong."

Xiao Rong helped Ran Ming put on his clothes and combed his hair.This is when we came to the restaurant.Stripes knew that Ran Ming didn't like extravagance, so he only prepared two meat and two vegetables for dinner, four side dishes, and a pot of millet porridge.

Just as Ran Ming was holding the chopsticks, before he took a bite of the food, he heard Ge Hong Shuanglang laughing and said, "Your Highness, it's inevitable that a bad guest will disturb you."

Ran Ming got up and cupped his hands and said: "The fairy came just in time, Gu hasn't eaten yet, if you don't mind, please eat together. Then tell the kitchen to add two more dishes."

"How to make it. How to make it." Ge Hong said how to make it, but he didn't mean to be polite. He cupped his hands as a return gift, and sat across from Ran Ming carelessly, holding chopsticks and said: "Yes, yes, It’s really good, I’ve heard that the sauced beef in Wangyuelou is very tasty, but Pindao has never had a chance to try it.”

Ran Ming doesn't have too many rules. It doesn't work for Ran Ming not to talk when he eats or when he sleeps.

Ran Ming said: "The fairy seems to be in a good mood?"

"Of course." Ge Hongxi said with a smile: "Originally, Pindao still had a lot of puzzles about the operation method, but after this observation, he almost understands all the puzzles."

Ran Ming and Ge Hong talked about the experience of the operation and some things about Taoism, and the dinner quickly ended.

Ran Ming didn't seem to do anything for the past few days, and he didn't even report the injury of Jin Nu and Tie Nu to Ran Min this time.Chu Suanzi still seemed worried, and sent someone to watch Ran's house closely.Even the handyman who came out to buy food from Ran's mansion was followed by someone.However, Ran Ming declared to the public that he was ill and it was inconvenient to see guests.

Chu Suanzi was nervous for a while, thinking that Ran Ming's revenge was about to start.

Chu Suanzi was a little suspicious, and began to suspect that Ran Ming had quietly left Jiankang City.

After thinking about it, he asked the little emperor to investigate Ran Ming's reality in the name of visiting his master.

Ran Ming let Lin Heishan stand in the way.Lin Heishan is good at fighting, but when it comes to lip service, he's really not good enough.Finally, in desperation, Lin Heishan said: "Your Majesty, Xiao Di will tell you a secret."

The little emperor felt curious: "What secret?"

"Our Royal Highness Jiaodong King has left Jiankang City."

The little emperor was dubious, but Lin Heishan said sincerely: "Your Majesty, if you don't believe me, you can go into the mansion to check. See if His Highness is here."

If Lin Heishan was squeaking, Sima Dan would definitely be suspicious.

As an emperor, there must be some bearing.It is impossible to search the house like a villain.It's not good for his reputation if it spreads out.Sima Dan had no choice but to go back to the palace in despair and report the truth to Chu Suanzi.

When Chu Suanzi got the news, his head was like a bucket.

With Chu Suanzi's head, there is no need to guess, and he knows that Ran Ming is definitely not in the mansion.

Chu Suanzi began to feel like an enemy.

As an envoy, leaving Jiankang without saying goodbye, it stands to reason that this is a disregard for the Jin Dynasty, and it is suspected of wantonly provoking disputes.

Similarly, Chu Suanzi also understood that Wei Guo and Jin Guo were just about to pierce the window paper, whether Ran Ming's evacuation of Jiankang would start a war.

Thinking of this, she panicked a little.

In fact, when it comes to Chu Suanzi's means, it is comparable to the Empress Dowager Cixi, that is, she is an expert in internal fighting and an amateur in external fighting. The Empress Dowager Cixi has a bad evaluation in history, but one thing is undeniable. Cleaned up obediently.The same is true for Chu Suanzi, neither Huan Wen nor the other ministers dared to make mistakes in front of Chu Suanzi.

But in terms of foreign relations, Chu Suanzi seemed very immature.

In history, she sat back and watched Wei Guo being destroyed by Yan Guo, and then allowed the former Qin to rise in Guanzhong, and then planted the root of disaster for the Jin Dynasty.The reason why the Jin Dynasty was established was not how wise the Sima emperors were, but that they could be the last reliance of the Han people.

Not to mention losing the city and land, it is considered insufficient strength, but Huan Wen took down Guanzhong, why didn't you defend it?Even if you can't keep it, you can move the people in Guanzhong away, and get the true heart of the Han people from the face.

As a result, repeated mistakes.

If it wasn't for her good luck, she met a loyal and capable Xie An, and also met a ambitious and ambitious Fu Jian.

Otherwise, once the battle of Feishui fails, the Jin Dynasty can perish without Liu Yu usurping the throne.

Originally, she intended to anger Ran Min and force Ran Min to start the war against Jin ahead of time without being prepared, relying on Huan Wenwen and her incongruity, she was going to count on Ran Min in this way.

Such blatant persecution of Ran Min is morally unreasonable for her, and emotionally a bit unreasonable.

Even if the ministers of the court did not dare to say it clearly, in fact they all felt that Chu Suanzi had fallen short in this matter.

To put it bluntly, her vision is always too small. If her vision is broad enough, she can secretly support Yan and Liang. What Yan lacks is only supplies, and the Jin Dynasty has nothing but supplies.

Learning from each other's strengths, if Yan Guo regains strength in a short time, she doesn't need to worry about being scared, and Ran Min won't be able to sleep.

"Hmph, do you think you'll be fine if you escape from Jiankang? The Ai family won't be able to deal with you?" Chu Suanzi secretly said in his heart, "If you fight against the Ai family, you should be tender."

On the surface, Chu Suan was very relaxed, but in fact, Chu Suanzi was in chaos.Losing his mind, Chu Suanzi made another move in a daze.She asked the little emperor to issue an imperial decree, appointing Lu Na, the minister of Wubing Shangshu, as the general of Fujun.

Use Wu Jun to recruit soldiers from Jiangdong.

When this imperial decree was issued, the entire Jin court was in an uproar.In the case that the northern and southern gentry seemed to be in harmony with each other, the first prime minister of the Eastern Jin Dynasty adopted a peaceful approach, that is, the southerners were in power and the northerners were in charge of military affairs.Civil and military have different paths, but they live in peace.

But Chu Suanzi has broken this unspoken rule since he did this. You let the Lu family, one of the four great lords in the south of the Yangtze River, take charge of the military affairs. Isn't this deliberately intensifying internal conflicts?

Although Lu Na used to be the general of the town army and the king of Wuling, and was a military strategist, this made the Wang family of Langya a little bit chilled.

Power comes from the barrel of a gun, which was first proposed by Taizu.Although Taizu first proposed that political power comes from the barrel of a gun, it does not mean that the ancients did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

There is a saying that a scholar rebelled, and if it fails to succeed in ten years, it means that without military power, you cannot launch a coup at all.The Lu family is rich, and they are related by marriage to the Zhang family and the Zhu family of the four major families in the south of the Yangtze River. If the Lu family gets the military power, their strength will increase greatly.

The cakes of the Jin Dynasty are only that big. If one family grows, the strength of other families will definitely suffer.

Chu Suanzi's move not only broke the balance of the Jin Dynasty, but also discouraged the nobles who moved from the north to the south.

Langya Wang Shu, Wang Xizhi, Wang Tanzhi, Cai Mo and others gathered in Wuyixiang Wangfu.

In addition to the important figures of the Wang family, there is also Yingchuan Yuxi, who is the son of Yu Bing, the former Zhongshu Supervisor, and an official to Beizhong Langjiang and Xuyan Erzhou Governor.It is also the feudal town with the most soldiers and horses in the Eastern Jin Dynasty besides Huanwen.

In addition to Yu Xi, there is also Xi Yin of the Xi family. Although the Xi family is not as good as Xi Jian when he was a Taiwei, they are also second-tier wealthy families with the same reputation as the four major families of Gu Lu, Zhang and Zhu.

Wang Shu explained the Queen Mother's imperial decree and the reactions of the four major families of Gu, Lu, Zhang and Zhu.He said: "After receiving the imperial decree from Lu Na, the children of Jiangdong joined the army enthusiastically. In just seven days, more than ten thousand young and strong people signed up to join the army."

Cai Mo said: "With the financial resources of the Lu family, I'm afraid they can't support a hundred thousand troops?"

What Cai Mo was referring to was of course that Ran Ming had blackmailed the Lu family a large sum of money. Although the Lu family did not have any serious damage to their vitality, their strength was also greatly damaged.

Xi Yin said: "Lu Na's wife (successor) is Zhang Mo's younger sister. Zhang Mo is the eldest son of the Zhang family in Wu County. It is not impossible to get Zhang's support."

Wang Xizhi sighed and said, "It seems that Gu Lu, Zhu and Zhang are determined to unite together, making things difficult for us northerners! I'm afraid it will be difficult to resolve this matter."

Yu Xi sneered, although he is a warrior, he also knows the power inside.

Southerners are extremely xenophobic. Even if they have moved to Jiangnan for hundreds of years, they still cannot fully integrate into Jiangnan.The people in the south of the Yangtze River are also full of hostility towards the northern gentry.The dispute between the North and the South has never subsided since Sima Rui, the emperor of Jin and Yuan Dynasties, established the country.

At this time, letting the Lu family take charge of the army, although it can strengthen the Jin Dynasty's military strength in a short period of time, no one can guarantee how much loyalty they have to the Jin Dynasty.

Without military power, they have always dared to bite the bullet and wrestle with the nobles who migrated from the north to the south. If they had military power, God knows what they would do.Although there is also competition between the northern gentry, but the north and the south are different, and the northern gentry are closer emotionally and blood.

The worst plan is that the southern gentry rely on military power and the people in the south of the Yangtze River to completely beat the northern gentry back to their original form and force them to withdraw from the political arena.After the northern gentry had no official background, their land, money, and shops might all be taken away by the southerners.

Mrs. Yu had already gone to the center of the imperial court, and now she didn't know the whole story of this matter, so she said: "Why don't you fight for the Queen Mother's decree?"

"Arguing with reason?" Cai Mo sneered, "Is it useful to argue? Is the Queen Mother a person who is easy to compromise? This is the case with arguing, and the same is true without arguing. Fighting suddenly increases resentment, but it can't change anything. What's the use of arguing?" "

Everyone was speechless, they had all experienced the methods of the Queen Mother.

Cai Mo is knowledgeable and talented. In the Jin Dynasty, his disciples and old officials were all over the government and the public. In history, he contradicted Chu Suanzi, but Chu Suanzi demoted him to a commoner when he was angry. In his 70s, the Queen Mother still issued an edict to beat him. To annoy him for relying on the old and selling the old.

However, Cai Mo did not dare to show any resistance. With Cai Mo's influence, he could cause turmoil in the Jin Dynasty with just one word at that time.But he was very honest in front of Chu Suanzi and didn't dare to make any changes.

Wang Xizhi said: "I don't know what ecstasy soup Lu Na poured into the queen mother, and even issued such a ridiculous edict. Isn't this self-defeating?"

Wang Shu's expression was gloomy, and he said helplessly: "The Xie family in Chenjun is also smart, they can get out of the business. I really envy them, Xie Wuyi gave birth to a good daughter, and he has established a line with Wei Guo. It is said that Anshi has already gone to Ye This is a rare high position in the Wei state. Even if the Xie family in Chen Jun abandons Jiangdong's foundation, it will not take long for Chen Jun to recover its strength."

All the faces were gloomy, and everyone realized that they had reached a desperate situation. In the struggle between the North and the South, only balance is the way to stability.Once out of balance, it will be turbulent.Will the southerners take power, will it make them feel better?You must know that everything they have today was taken from the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. Taking money from people is like killing their parents.

How can it be easy to resolve the hatred of killing parents.Similarly, asking them to let go of their wealth and status is like killing them.

They have no retreat, because everyone understands that if they retreat, they will die, and if they advance, they will live.

Life and death, advance and retreat, two choices, but it is difficult to choose.

Xi Yin is Wang Xizhi's wife and younger brother, and when he became emperor, he was the Duke of Nanchang County.Although their Xi clan and Langya Wang clan are related by marriage, since the death of his father Xi Jian, the Eastern Jin Taiwei, the Xi clan has lost its glory.I think that when Xi Jian was a Taiwei, the governor of Yanxu raised the military in the three states. For a while, Xi's high spirits were the same.

But now, from a wealthy family in its heyday, the Xi family has fallen into a second-rate noble family.Unlike the deeply rooted Langya Wang Clan, once the Lu Clan gains military power, especially the more than [-] new troops, they naturally need a place to guard.Since the Wang Dun Rebellion, the Wang family of Langya no longer holds military power, even if Wang Xizhi leads the position of General Right, it is actually a vain position.Apart from Huanwen, the Xi family is the most powerful family, followed by the Yu family.

Picking up persimmons softly, this is the nature of the Chinese people, and it is also human nature.If the Lu family has the military power, they will definitely first seek control of the three states of Yanxuyang.In the officialdom, Xi's family has no one who can hold hands now.Once this weak military power is taken away again, Xi's will definitely be worse.

At the same time, Xi Yin is a man who values ​​wealth more than life.Losing the wealth and interests in his hands made him feel more uncomfortable than killing him.

Xi Yin showed a miserable look on his face.It's Yu Xi who competes with his bitter face.Since Yu Liang and Yu Bing brothers passed away, without the care of Empress Dowager Yu in the harem, their Yu also went downhill, and their momentum was even more decadent than that of Xi Shi.After all, the Yu family is different from the Xi family. The Xi family relied on Xi Jian's military achievements to make a fortune. Xi Jian relied on the quelling of the Wangdun Rebellion and Zu Yue Su Jun's rebellion from Yanzhou Governor and General Long Xiang to Sikong and Taiwei Nanchang County Duke.

But what about Yu Shi?
They are relatives. Yu Liang's younger sister became the queen of Emperor Jin Ming, and the Yu family began to rise, but the relatives have always been honored and lost.Besides, Yu Liang is not a person with military achievements.In this way, the Xi family and the Yu family are both on the downhill road, and they are more worried that the Lu family is in charge of the military, and in fact the most likely to attack them.

The Lu family already had a strong influence in their area. If they were allowed to have military power, it goes without saying that it would not only damage the interests of the Xi and Yu families, but also the interests of all the northern gentry groups.

Everyone looked at Cai Mo unconsciously.

Cai Mo smiled and said: "The rabbit will bite people when it is anxious, and the pig will struggle before it dies. We are human, if we don't give us a way to survive, we will make trouble with him. You can just wait for death."

Wang Shudao: "Of course we don't want to."

Xi Yin said firmly: "Our Xi family will naturally not wait for death."

Cai Mo glanced again, and Yu Xi was actually a bit at odds with the Langya Wang family.He was also worried that with Langya Wang's involvement, Yu's would not step into this troubled water.Yu Xi said: "Don't Mrs. Cai understand Xi's character? His lips are dead and his teeth are cold. For this reason, our Yu family will not be slaughtered by others. It is a dead end anyway. The big deal is that if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent."

"Of course there is going to be trouble, but the key is how to make trouble?" Wang Xizhi said, "Although Queen Mother Chu is a womanizer, this means, ha ha. The most important thing is that the law does not blame the public!"

(End of this chapter)

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