Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 372 Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents

Chapter 372 Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents (four more)

Chapter 375

The main house of Ran Mansion is a thirteen-room main house.

Ran Ming's third wife is the wife, so it's not good for them to have a side room, because the side room is the place where the side room is placed.Ran Ming saves trouble, and directly changed the main house into three sets, with four rooms for each person.Liu Wei, Xie Daoyun, and stripes are in order from west to east.

The bride enters the new house, while Ran Ming entertains the guests outside.

Ran's mansion must not be big enough to entertain so many guests. Fortunately, Ran Ming flattened the garden earlier and turned it into a martial arts arena.

In this way, dozens of tents are set up in the martial arts field, and guests can also be entertained.

Today is Ran Ming's big wedding, and Ran Ming's mellow liquor is open and bright.

Apart from Ran Ming's wedding, there were more important things, so Ran Ming didn't get too drunk, in order to prevent accidents caused by drinking and delay the crazy feast tonight.

Ran Ming asked Liu Laozhi and Hu Bin to hold two jugs of wine. The wine was specially made, but the original water jug ​​was filled with water.

It smelled of strong wine, but in fact, it was still water.

Ge Hong didn't know Ran Ming's plan, so he said: "The auspicious time is coming, let's prepare for the wedding!"

Ran Ming nodded, and then sent someone to invite the two brides.

Ge Hong put on a scarlet Taoist robe and held a whisk in his hand.He said to all the guests: "The auspicious time has come, the wedding will be held! All guests move to the wedding shed!"

In Western-style weddings, the bride wears a white dress. In Roman times, white symbolized festiveness and holiness.

But in China, white is filial piety. Under normal circumstances, there is nothing wrong with wearing white clothes, but in solemn places and solemn moments, white is absolutely taboo.

There is a red carpet at the entrance of the Xipeng, and on both sides of the carpet are 36 Taoist boys of about the same age and height.

Since there are no flowers in this season, they all hold colored balls made of red satin in their hands.

At Ran Ming's wedding, there was naturally no white extinction.

Even the guests are dressed in red and green, which is colorful.Ran Ming was preparing to take the two brides into the sacred wedding hall at the entrance of the wedding shed.

At this moment, Ge Hong came to Ran Ming angrily, and exposed a piece of red paper from his cuff, threw it on Ran Ming's head, and said angrily, "What a good thing you did?"

Ran Ming, however, was puzzled by Zhanger Monk, and asked puzzledly: "Immortal, when did you get angry? Today is a happy day for Gu, so don't get angry!"

"Thanks to Your Highness, the poor have not been mad at you yet." Ge Hongdao: "They are all married and established, how can marriage be such a trifle?"

Ran Ming didn't know why, so he had to open the red paper that Ge Hong threw on his head.After opening it, Ran Ming stopped talking.In order to save trouble, Ran Ming directly plagiarized the priest's lines from the later marriage witnesses in the church.

"Groom, are you willing, whether she is rich or poor in the future, or whether she is healthy or unwell in the future, are you willing to be with her forever and only love her in this life?"

In the Christian scriptures, it is monogamy, which advocates people's loyalty to love and marriage.

But that was not the case in ancient China, but the system of polygamy and concubines.Moreover, marriage is not based on feelings, but on the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers.What's more, Ran Ming's writing this is like slapping himself in the face.

He first took Li as his concubine, then Wang Zhilei, then Liu Wei, and now Xie Daoyun and stripes.

Ran Ming now has five wives and concubines.At the wedding, you have to swear that you only love the other party. This big mouth is absolutely loud enough.

It was only at this time that Ran Ming remembered the cultural differences between the East and the West. Western-style weddings became popular in China in later generations. In addition to the monogamous marriage system in New China, there is also a fairly solid foundation of Christian beliefs.It must be a bit ridiculous to do so at this time.Realizing that he had made a big oolong, Ran Ming blushed and said, "What should I do now?"

"What should we do? Stop!" Ge Hong imitated Ran Ming's tone.

Ran Ming said anxiously at this moment: "Xiang, think of a countermeasure quickly, I don't want to be the laughing stock of Jiankang and even the whole world."

Ge Hong looked at Ran Ming anxiously as if scratching his heart with claws.He also accepted the idea of ​​teasing him and said: "How can everything be done according to ancient rituals?"

"Isn't this all back to the original point?" Ran Ming said.

"How about otherwise?" Ge Hong said: "Does Your Highness want to be the laughing stock of the world?"

Like the weddings in this era, Ran Ming worshiped the heaven and earth first, and then the high hall. Ran Min and Queen Dong were not in Jiankang, because Ran Ming was a prince, and no one dared to be his high hall. Ran Ming, Xie Daoyun, and stripes bowed in the direction of Yecheng.

In the end, the husband and wife pay homage and are sent to the bridal chamber.

Ran Ming, the bridal chamber, is in a dilemma again. It is easy to marry a couple, but what about the bridal chamber? Could it be that they are sleeping together?If there is one first and then the other, the other will always be offended. If the family affairs are not peaceful, there will be fun in the future.

Ran Ming smiled, this is just the gossip plot in YY novels, traditional Chinese women would be called lascivious if they yell loudly, let alone such lewdness?Unless the women in the brothel can play tricks and go crazy.

Fortunately, Ran Ming still had important things to do, so he was not in a hurry to enter the bridal chamber.

Ran Ming slapped Du Cong, "Hand gesture."

Du Cong understood and sent a signal to the members of the sticky pole in the mansion to act.

At this time, bamboos were lit from Ran's mansion, and firecrackers were also set off not far from Ran's mansion.

The sound of firecrackers soon resounded in Jiankang City.


Compared with the beaming faces of Ran Mansion, Xiao Nuo, Lieutenant of Dongyang County, was full of bitterness.Xiao Nuo is from Huai'an, he was originally an ordinary bodyguard of the Imperial Forest Army of the Jin Dynasty, after more than ten years, he was released to become the governor of Dongyang County, and gradually promoted to Dongyang County Lieutenant. ,

Although Xiao Nuo is not considered a famous soldier, but at least he is a child of a good family.

Xiao Nuo was influenced by his parents, and the one who touched him the most was Zhongjun.

There is a bag of gold in front of him, about one hundred gold, equivalent to one million renminbi. As a county lieutenant, he commands more than 100 Dongyang soldiers, but his salary is limited, only [-] renminbi a month.

Ordinarily, 30 yuan is not too little, at least [-] or [-] shi of grain can be bought.After a year, the income from salary and other allowances is converted into money, but it is only [-] yuan.

But the gold in front of him is his salary for three years.

If he said he wasn't tempted, he was definitely lying.He is a clean and honest official, and he is not willing to deduct soldiers' food and salaries, and he will not extort by force.

In addition, he is usually generous, likes to make friends, and helps his subordinates in need. Although he has a salary of 30 yuan, he often can't open the pot.

Speaking of which, Xiao Nuo's burden is also small, he has a wife and a concubine, five sons and two daughters, seven children, and he also pays for the board and lodging of several soldiers.

It is sad enough to say that he is a dignified county lieutenant, but he is so shy from a fifth-rank military officer.Wives and concubines have not had new clothes for two years in a row,

Of course Xiao Nuo knew what was going on with this bag of gold, although he needed money urgently, he knew that this hundred gold was not so easy to get.

The internal officials in Dongyang, just because they didn't collect such a sum of money, suddenly ran into water at home last night. As a result, there were more than [-] servants in the family, and no one found out.Instead, he was knocked unconscious and dragged down in the Temple of the City God.

Xiao Nuo is not stupid, he is very clear that this is just a warning.

He didn't dare not accept this bribe, because he knew very well that if he returned the hundred gold, his family might not be as simple as running out of water. Seven children, one wife and one concubine, more than a dozen people , I am afraid that he will also be murdered.

He also wanted to use this hundred gold as an emergency, not only to add some clothes to his wife and children, but also to improve the food.

A few days ago, when the sons ate a rabbit brought by their subordinates, the way they devoured it made people feel sad.

But thinking of his father's teachings from childhood to adulthood, the idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor has long been deeply rooted in his heart.

He wavered a little again.

He hasn't made up his mind yet, whether to accept the money or return it.

As a man, if he cannot support his wife and children, it would be embarrassing to say so, but accepting bribes against his conscience and ignoring his father's teachings is unfilial, and as a courtier, willing to collude with traitors is disloyal.

People are selfish, he doesn't want to die, let alone let his wife and children die innocently along with him.

Immediately, he put his father's teachings behind him, being convenient to others is also convenient to himself. He is just an insignificant young general, as long as he does not rebel against the great Jin, it will not be regarded as revenge.

At this moment, a servant soldier came in and reported, "My lord, there is movement outside!"

"Are they going to rebel?" Xiao Nuo asked anxiously.

"No, no!" Ding Bing shook his head again and again and said, "Many people in the city packed their bags, as if they were going to move!"

Hearing this, Xiao Nuo felt better.As long as you don't oppose the Jin Dynasty and do something corrupt and perverted, let them go. Your own county general is not a thief.

Xiao Nuo asked suspiciously: "Moving? Is it just moving?"

These days, there is no one who has left their hometown.Now the gentry are racking their brains to annex the land. They lend money to the people in times of famine, and then press for debts.They tried their best to seize the insignificant fields of the owner farmers.As long as you borrow the debt from the King of Hades, it is not so easy to repay.

"That's right, just moving. The blacksmith shops in Dongcheng, as well as a dozen carpenters and stonemasons, and even Feng Ji's tailors and the most famous big textile households have all moved away. Almost in Dongyang City, this The lowly households with crafts have all moved away!"

"What?" Although Xiao Nuo is not a nobleman, years of experience in the officialdom is not free, after all he is considered a man of insight.He immediately realized that this matter was not simple.

Chapter 376

It is normal for one or two families of craftsmen in Dongyang to relocate, but the craftsmen in the whole city are moving as a whole. Don't think about it with your head, just think about it with your knees, and there are problems in it.

Xiao Nuo likes to think, and he thinks more about guessing the mind of his boss, otherwise he would not be able to be promoted from a Dubo to a county lieutenant. You must know that a Dubo is equivalent to a company-level officer in later generations, and a county lieutenant is equivalent to a division-level.From company-level cadres to division-level cadres, this can be regarded as a threshold, and I don't know how many people will be blocked from their careers.

(End of this chapter)

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