Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 410 The Forgotten Ruthless Character

Chapter 410 The Forgotten Ruthless Character

Chapter 414 The Forgotten Ruthless Character
Jiankang Shogunate Hill, Qiming Academy.Ran Ming looked at the latest information sent by Tianyan, and was speechless for a long time.

"Xie Ai used the "Blue Eyes" spy and the loyal ministers left by Zhang Chonghua on the night when Zhang Zuo proclaimed himself emperor, and launched a sudden attack overnight. The palace of Liang Kingdom was in chaos. All missing.

Afterwards, Xie Ai contacted the prefects of Zhangye, Jiuquan, and Wuwei, and Zhang Guan, the governor of Hezhou.And with his own Dunhuang four counties, Zhang Yaoling was established as the emperor of the Liang Kingdom, with Dunhuang as his capital. "

If Wei State attacked Liang State at this time, it would be easy to wipe out Liang State, and at worst, Qinzhou and Liangzhou could be recovered.

Suddenly he saw the information from Tianyan again: "I yelled and made a mistake, how could I forget him."

It is gold that always shines, and some people are destined not to forget.

Some people will poke a hole in the sky if they are given a chance.Some people can be successful, but they can't stand failure, and some people are just like immortal Xiaoqiang.

For example, Liu Bei in the Three Kingdoms was almost homeless in the first half of his life, living under the fence of others. However, Jinlin is not a thing in a pool, it will turn into a dragon when encountering a storm.After all, Ran Ming has more than 1000 years of historical knowledge, no matter how ignorant he is, it is impossible for him to ignore Murong Chui who established Houyan.

In the Battle of Feishui, Fu Jian was defeated in the prelude, but Murong Chui's [-] cavalry was alone, and Murong Bao persuaded Murong Chui to kill Fu Jian.But Murong Chui said: "He surrendered his life with a pure heart, how can he harm him! Gou Tian abandons it, the plan is so convenient. And even if the North is returned, let it be provoked, since he will not lose his heart, he can take the world righteously."

Murong Chui protected Fu Jian back to Chang'an, Murong Chui looked like a loyal person no matter how he looked at it.

In fact, he is best at forbearance, he is not very sure, he will not attack easily, and when the time is ripe, Murong Chui restores the Yan Kingdom at the smallest cost.

Although in this time and space, there were some mistakes, because of his appearance, Wei State had a completely different fate from history.But when Ran Ming got the news that Murong Chui had led three thousand cavalry into Wei State, he broke out in a cold sweat.

The only reason why Wei State can maintain an advantage in front of Yan State is not because of Ran Min's unparalleled bravery, nor is it because Yan State is weak.It was because of Ran Ming, a time traveler, with golden fingers.

Looking at the entire history, I am afraid that the mutated horse trap has not been regarded as the main weapon of offense or defense.

Another important reason is that the Wei army is fighting abroad without any burden.During the battle of Lianpo, the Wei army had only one city of Ye left, and there was no rear supply. There was no need to divide troops for defense, nor to prevent the Yan army from cutting off the food roads.But the Yan army is different. Although the Yan army seems to have many soldiers and generals, due to the short rise time of the Yan army, there are many internal conflicts.

Now it's different, the situation is exactly the other way around.The state of Wei re-occupied most of the northern parts of Ji, Bing, Yan, Qing, Luo, Yu, Yong, etc. The territory has grown, and there are naturally many factions. The internal unity will never be as united as before, and there are too few talents in Ran Min's lineage. Regardless of the military and government, most of the officials in the Wei State are from noble families or powerful people. They have their own interests and values. As long as the Yan army breaks through any point in the Wei territory, the Wei State will fall into turmoil in an instant.

With regard to Wei Guo's appearance of being strong and middle-class, it may be possible to deceive some mediocre politicians, but for those politicians who have performed outstandingly in history, Ran Ming absolutely does not believe that they will not see this phenomenon in Wei Guo.

The strength of the Wei state depends on one thing, that is, the Wei army can only win continuously in foreign wars. Once the Wei army fails, once Ran Min dies, the Wei state will collapse like Fu Jian's defeat in the Feishui War, and the whole country will collapse in an instant.

Ran Ming understands that the current state of Wei is the same as the former Qin at that time. The forces of various local factions are only afraid of the military strength of the state of Wei. Once this deterrent force no longer exists, the state of Wei will no longer exist.Unless Ran Min can take the rule of Ran's Wei State into the hearts of the people for several or ten years.

However, this ideal is doomed to be difficult to realize.

Ran Min did not have this time, and the enemies of Wei State would not give them this time either.

Then Ran Ming saw Murong Ke gathering the tribes of the Yan State in Longcheng, Qing Zhuang, and confiscating all their weapons. It seemed that they had surrendered to the Wei State, but Ran Ming knew that in the war, the future generations would be strategically important. It can be said that the deceit is all-encompassing, even the destroyed weapons can be manufactured secretly, not to mention the temporary recovery?

If necessary, Murong Ke will mobilize a large army in a short period of time without mobilization.

A total of more than [-] cavalry may not have any advantage against the Wei army, but now Ran Min has transferred all the strategic mobile troops to Guanzhong, and the entire Jizhou and Bingzhou are almost empty. The number is too small, and it is impossible to resist the [-] Yan army cavalry forming a fist.Even if it is Lulongzhai, which has the most powerful defense force, the Yan army can directly submerge it with a sea of ​​people.

Ran Ming didn't believe that Yan would surrender at all, which is funny to say. In later generations, Ran Ming was most impressed by Murong Fu in "Tian Long Ba Bu". Perhaps the plot of the novel was fabricated, but for the Murong clan's determination to restore the country , Ran Ming is very understanding.Since Murong Hao established Qianyan, Murong Chui, Murong De, and Murong Chong all restored Yan State successively. This is the highest ideal of the Murong family.

Ran Ming also considered Xie Ai of Liang Kingdom, now Xie Ai Zun and Zhang Yaoling are the emperor, and the capital is Dunhuang.You must know that Dunhuang is about 3000 miles away from Chang'an, and there are a lot of deserts and Gobi deserts where supplies are difficult.After all, Wei State is separated from Dunhuang by Jincheng (Lanzhou), Zhangye, and Jiuquan. These cities are all strong cities, and none of them are easy to fight.What's more, Xie Ai is not easy to deal with.It can be imagined that once Wei State and Liang State go to war, it will be a long-term process, and it is not a war that can be resolved in a short time.

When Ran Ming thought of this, he was no longer indifferent. He immediately wrote a book, telling Ran Min to beware of Murong Ke and Yan Guo stabbing him in the back.

After the letter was written, Ran Ming took a deep breath, thought about it, and tore up the letter again.

Because Ran Ming has no evidence at this time to prove that Murong Ke is a fraudulent surrender.As the emperor of a country, it was impossible for Ran Min to close the door for Yan to surrender to Wei based on Ran Ming's speculation.

Ran Ming racked his brains, but he didn't think of a solution to the problem.Wang Meng is not by Ran Ming's side, and there is not even a single person around Ran Ming who asks advice.

Suddenly Ran Ming saw Du Cong at the side, and told him his doubts as if complaining.However, Du Cong thought for a while and moved out the sand table in Ran Ming's study. Ran Ming's sand table was about six feet long and four feet wide. It was made up of more than 200 small sand tables, which was second only to Ran Min's work sand table.

Du Cong pointed to a spot on the sand table, and Ran Ming's eyes lit up.

The place Du Cong was referring to was Zhan Chan.

Zhanchan is located in the west of Lelang County.The west is connected to the west Korean Gulf of later generations.There is a natural good port here, which is not frozen in all seasons, and ships can enter and exit freely.

Du Cong said: "There is a way to guard against others. Since the Lord is worried about the sudden change in Liaodong, it is better to arrange it as soon as possible, so as not to be in a hurry!"

Ran Ming was taken aback for a moment, showing a look of doubt. "How to arrange it? Gu now has no soldiers and horses in his hands, and no authority to deploy troops. It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!"

Du Cong pointed to the location of Buqicheng and said, "My lord still has an army in Jiaodong country. As the king of Jiaodong, my lord can be placed in upper, middle and lower according to the system of Jiaodong country, which is a big country (upper county is at the same level). With [-] soldiers and horses from the three armies, plus the Dinghai Navy, and the guards donated by the various companies of the Huaxia Business Alliance, they can recruit up to [-] troops. These troops are the ones that the Lord has the right to mobilize. If the Lord mobilizes these It is likely that His Majesty will be suspicious if soldiers and horses enter Ye, but the Lord only transfers them to Zhanchan, so there is no problem."

Then Ran Ming remembered that when Ran Ming left Jiaodong Kingdom, he had asked Wang Meng to secretly recruit refugees Qing Zhuang and Jing Zhan to secretly train the army. The seven armies of Xuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang.

According to Ran Ming's original prediction, the Seventh Army of the Northern Mansion will eventually have 7000 troops each, making a total of [-] troops.

However, due to the large-scale economic construction in Qingzhou, which has caused a shortage of manpower, this Beifu army is not full now. The four armies of Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, and Tianquan only have 2000 troops each, while Yuheng, Kaiyang, The three armies of Yaoguang only have between 800 and 1 people each, that is to say, the Beifu army is only one-fifth of Ran Ming's estimate, only a little over [-] people.

The consumption of this army depends entirely on Ran Ming's canned food. You must know that this canned food not only has a long storage time, but now there is no need to light a fire. It only needs quicklime and water to make the soldiers eat hot food.Although no country in the world is willing to use such extravagant military rations.Even so, the soldiers couldn't afford it, but that didn't mean the generals couldn't afford it. These generals purchased a lot of canned food in order to satisfy their hunger.

In ancient times, there were no means of keeping vegetables fresh, and there were no plastic greenhouses, so off-season vegetables were grown. The canned vegetables and fruits made by Ran Ming were loved by a large number of gentry children in spring and winter.

Now Ran Ming's can sales have exceeded 3000 million cans.Not to mention the benefits of forming an army of [-], it is more than enough to arm an army of [-].

Ran Ming thought about it, and finally decided to use his huge shipping capacity to send these troops to Zhanchan.

As long as Murong Ke dared to pour his troops southward, Ran Ming would directly follow his route from the Korean peninsula.

Ran Ming didn't know that his order had just arrived in Buqicheng, and Ran Min had just arrived in Luoyang, and Ran Min, who had settled down in the Luoyang Palace, put the manuscript of Ran Ming's order on his desk.

PS: Thank you very much for Tian Xiaoxue's rewards, nothing to say, continue to add more.

(End of this chapter)

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