Chapter 428
Chapter 432

In the third year of Yongxing's Yongxing period, the Battle of Youbeiping, Yanwei, and Yanwei was circulated in the army, but it was the battle in which Ran Ming commanded him by remote control. All guerrilla tactics, horse traps, and horse refusal guns were all invented by Ran Ming.

At that time, Wang Meng was also afraid of showing his sharpness, so he gave the credit to Ran Ming.

Ran Zhi is absolutely unwilling to give Wang Meng the credit for making Ran Ming famous.

The generals in the army present asked for the battle one after another, such as Ji Wei, Ran Feng, and Wang Ning, the prefect of Weijun, came out to ask for the battle.

"How can we use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken?" Linghu Lei stood up and cupped his fists and said, "The last general is not talented, and I would like to lead three thousand troops to Luoyang to quell the rebellion. If Zhang Yu cannot be eliminated within ten days, the last general is willing to come and see him! "

"Pick up the soft persimmons!" Linghu Lei naturally knew that Ran Ming used the Modao Army he had just formed to teach Zhang Yu's troops a good lesson. In Linghu Lei's impression, Zhang Yu's troops were also newly formed. Even the Wei Jun who has been defeated is an ideal target for him to test.

Linghu Lei's words did not arouse the objection of Wei's ministers, because what he said was the truth.

Wei State is a very special country.He is different from previous dynasties. First of all, this country has never emphasized culture over military, nor has it suppressed military with literature.

Even Liu Qun, the head of civil servants, often went out with Ran Min as a quartermaster.

The second is that Wei Guo has been through the war. For Wei Guo, war is like eating and drinking water.

As soon as Ran Zhi heard Linghu Lei's call for battle, he stood up and said, "It's very good. Let Donggong lead the guards and command Linghu Lei as the general of the bandits, and lead [-] troops to wipe out Zhang Yu's bandits."

Ran Zhi acted like this, and the officials on the spot were not fools, and after thinking about it, it was a sign that Ran Zhi was going to seize military power at this time, and the life and death of the emperor was uncertain, so it was understandable for Ran Zhi to do so.

Although Liu Qun did not object to Linghu Lei leading the army to attack Zhang Yu, he made an additional opinion: "For Zhang Yu and other rebels, we should treat them differently. Zhang Yu has a crooked heart. It doesn't matter if he fights, but he must fight hard. But for those rebels Ordinary soldiers who don’t know the truth and are deceived by Zhang Yu not only cannot fight, but must be appeased. If they fight back before the battle, not only will their crimes be pardoned, but they will also be rewarded!”

When Ran Zhi heard this, he showed an attitude of accepting it humbly, and flattered Liu Qun without any trace: "No wonder I heard what my father said before. An old man in a family is like a treasure. Old Linggong is far-sighted. Since then, not only It can disintegrate the fighting spirit of the rebels and reduce the slaughter, killing two birds with one stone!"

Liu Qunfu laughed and said, "It's not about far-sightedness, but there must be a priority. Your Majesty planned to attack the Liang country, but at this time, this plan must be shelved. Not only that, even the Yan country has to temporarily delay the strategy. The Liang Kingdom has now split into two countries. Although Zhang Zuo and Zhang Yaoling are blood relatives, they are enemies like enemies, and the conflict can no longer be eased. It just gives Wei the opportunity to take advantage of it. The old minister thinks that we should oppose the Er Liang Follow the path, attack close friends and far away."

Ran Zhi sat on the main seat of Yin'an Hall in the Eastern Palace, looked down at the officials, and looked at the respectful faces of the officials, he felt very comfortable in his heart.As the successor that Ran Min trained since he was a child, Ran Zhi basically has no major shortcomings except for being narrow-minded.Hearing Liu Qun's words, Ran Zhi said: "What does Old Ling mean, we make friends with Zhang Zuo and attack Zhang Yaoling?"

Immediately, Ran Zhiyou turned around. Of course, Liu Qun's intention was not to let Wei Guozhen beat Zhang Yaoling, but to use Zhang Zuo to fight against Zhang Yaoling, so that Liangguo would fall into endless internal strife, which not only consumed Liangguo's vitality, but also Wei Guo wiped out the rebels in the territory to win precious time.

Liu Qun showed a teachable expression, nodded and said: "Your Highness is wise. The old minister thinks that Yan Guo should also focus on appeasement."

"Pacify?" Ran Zhi said angrily: "I wish I could lead the army to attack Longcheng immediately and wipe out the Murong clan. How can I let go of this hatred? There is no pacification!"

Liu Qun couldn't help groaning secretly, he was really afraid that Ran Zhi would make a mess, and he would directly order Wei Guo to go to war with Yan Guo.You must know that the strength of Yan State is not as strong as before, and Wei State is also sure to defeat Yan State.

But even if the Yan State can't beat the Wei State, all the people in the Yan State are soldiers, and most of them are cavalry.

The cavalry has an inherent advantage, that is, they can run if they cannot be beaten.Unless you have an absolute advantage in troops, you can wipe them all out in the vast grassland.Otherwise, the decisive battle against Yan will definitely turn into a long and painful pursuit.

Liu Qun believed that if Wei's elite troops were held back by Yan, Xie Ai and Huan Wen would definitely not miss this opportunity to weaken Wei.

"This is not to let the murderer of Yan Guo assassinate His Majesty be spared, but..." Liu Qun sighed and said, "We must first settle down when fighting against the outside world. We Wei Guo must prevent Zhang Yugou from jumping over the wall in a hurry. Fleeing around in the territory of Wei State may cause serious losses. Therefore, our current priority is to eliminate Zhang Yu and all the rebels."

Another point, Liu Qun did not explain clearly.That is to beware of all the gentry family members of the Wei state. These gentry family members are simply more slippery than loach. As long as the momentum is not right, they will rebel against each other.Just like in the second year of Yongxing, when Ran Min and Liu Xian fought, the first battle was unfavorable. The places controlled by the gentry clan surrendered to the Eastern Jin Dynasty one after another, and the Wei State almost perished as a result.Now the situation is the same as before, once something happens to Ran Min, these fools will sell Wei Guo.

"My lord! Zhi understands!" Ran Zhi even shed crocodile tears.

Ran Zhi stood up and said loudly, "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years. Zhi is swearing that if he doesn't destroy the Murong tribe of Yan State in the future, Zhi swears that he will not be human!"

As he spoke, Ran Ming cut off a strand of hair with his saber.

The Han people have attached great importance to clothing since ancient times.

There is a saying in the "Book of Filial Piety": "The body, hair and skin are taken care of by the parents, and dare not damage them. This is the beginning of filial piety." Ran Zhi ruined his hair in public, and swore by it. This is a very serious oath.

With this action, Ran Zhi won the support of all the officials.

Ran Zhi even gave an order hypocritically: "Wei people must do their best to rescue the father and arrest Murong Chui with all their strength."

"With the power of the world in your hand, lie drunk on the lap of a beauty!" Ran Zhi said with emotion after the officials left.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, congratulations, Your Highness!" At some point behind Ran Zhi, a man in a cloak appeared behind him.

The man's face is white and beardless, but his face is full of wrinkles.That hoarse voice, like an old duck, was extremely harsh, "Gege, no, this old servant should change his name to Your Majesty!"

Ran Zhi said: "Liu Yi, you old man, what good news did you bring to Gu?"

Liu Yi said: "Old Nut came to announce the good news to His Majesty!"

Ran Zhi said: "Liu Yi, you old man, what good news did you bring to Gu?"

Liu Yi said: "Old Nut came to announce the good news to His Majesty!"

"Hi!" Ran Zhi said, "Why do you like it?"

Liu Yi burst into tears with a smile and said, "The first emperor... the first emperor passed away, isn't it a great joy?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ran Zhi said angrily: "Gudu received the news that the father has been rescued from Luoyang City by Dong Run, Zhang Wen and others, and he should be treated somewhere!"

Liu Yi shook his head and said, "It's useless, even the Immortal Da Luo is hard to save!"

Ran Zhi is actually very smart, but it's just that smart people tend to get into a dead end.

He felt that Ran Min was treating him more and more unfairly.He and Ran Ming are brothers of the same father and mother, brothers and sisters.However, Ran Ming doesn't like Ran Zhi's gloomyness, but Ran Zhi always regards Ran Ming as the target of suppression and potential opponent.

For that chair, Ran Zhi went astray further and further.

Ordinarily, Ran Ming had been assigned to Jiankang by Ran Min as a proton, so Ran Zhi should feel at ease as his prince.But he was worried, Ran Zhi wanted to be recognized by the soldiers in the army in the future.

Of course, Ran Zhi is not trying to grab military power, but he needs to show himself in front of the soldiers.Therefore, Ran Zhi planned the Ayang tragedy and blamed Liang Guo.

It's just that Ran Zhi obviously underestimated Ran Min's "deaf and dumb" strength, and soon Ran Min discovered Ran Zhi's shadow behind the scenes.Therefore, Ran Min punished Ran Zhi slightly.

But this kind of minor punishment, in Ran Zhi's view, was because Ran Min had resentment.Ran Zhi didn't think there was anything wrong with the "Ayang incident" he created, on the contrary Ran Zhi thought that Ran Min was making a fuss out of a molehill.All the things in this world, the throne of military power, and the supreme power, in Ran Zhi's opinion, these things are what he deserves.The fact that he created the conflict between Liang State and Wei State was to increase his influence in the army. Even if the means were a little extreme, Ran Min shouldn't give Chen Xun, his most steadfast arm, to the end.

In addition, since Ran Ming's rebirth, he has shined so brilliantly that he has taken away Ran Zhi's brilliance.Ran Zhi gradually turned to Ran Min.Ran Ming felt dissatisfied and resentful.

Over time, the resentment that had been dissatisfied at the beginning turned into a monstrous hatred.

The idea of ​​patricide actually has a lot to do with Ran Zhi's narrow-mindedness.

Facing Ran Min's suppression, Ran Zhi had the desire to resist.

In order to rebel against Ran Min, Ran Zhi began to buy Liu Yi, the eunuch in charge of the imperial kitchen.

On the surface, Liu Yiming was just an ordinary food eunuch in the imperial palace of Wei State, no one knew his true identity.He is actually the younger brother of Mrs. Liu, one of the four wives of Shihu, and the uncle of Shi Shi, the crown prince of the later Zhao Dynasty.The biological son of former Emperor Zhao Liu Yao.At that time, Ran Min, the general who conquered the captives, provoked the relationship between Shi Zun and Shi Shi.

Ran Min coaxed him and said: "Your Highness is old and has both ability and political integrity. The late emperor also intended to make His Highness his successor. It was because he was bewildered and confused in his later years that he was deceived by Zhang Jackal. Now the female lord is in power, and the treacherous ministers monopolize the government. In Shangbai, the two sides are at loggerheads, and the guards in the capital are weak, if His Highness denounces Zhang Jackal's crimes and beats the drums to attack him, who wouldn't open the city gates, turn their weapons and welcome His Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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